Links to hundreds of Star Trek fan films. Founded by Barb Reader.

Major Fan Series

Significant fan-film series (including animation but not audio). Ordered by era, then alphabetically.

Star Trek: The Romulan Wars
Series Title

Pre-Stone Age Film; Series (Drama) — Fort Smith, Arkansas

Starting off where Star Trek: Enterprise left off, this series tells the story of the Earth-Romulan War through the eyes of the USS Yorktown and the USS Discovery.

Stone Trek

Pre-Stone Age Film; Series (Drama)

Star Trek: Outpost

Pre-Stone Age Film; Series (Drama)

Raumschiff Highlander

Pre-Stone Age Film; Series (Drama) — Germany

Starship Farragut

Pre-Stone Age Film; Series (Drama)


Pre-Stone Age Film; Series (Drama) — Garden Grove, Ca, USA

A fan-project based on the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Duet" and the stage play "The Man in the Glass Booth," this fourteen-episode series follows Kristina Bischoff -- a Jewish woman and former resistance soldier from World War II -- whose visit to a friend's medical clinic sparks a quagmire of unexpected and traumatic events.

DUET was shot entirely with green screens and virtually no budget, using a borrowed DV camera and edited with consumer-level equipment. Adapted by award-winning author Christopher Andrews, and starring Kristin Elliott, Christopher Andrews, Michael J. Searing, Kathryn Brayton, Carl Wawrina, and Marcus Alexander Hart. IMDB.

First Contact: The Iron Horse
Production poster

Pre-Stone Age Animation; Series (Drama) — Ukiah, CA

FIRST CONTACT: The Iron Horse is a story about America's chapter of the world-wide Post-Atomic Recovery, following decades of post-war collapse and ruin. First contact, diplomacy and inter-galactic trade with the off-world Vulcan species has started an epoch of radical change and progress that will touch the lives of everyone on the planet Earth.  

The Iron Horse APC is at the forefront of this change, voyaging into an American frontier of post-war civilizations and exploring strange, isolated worlds. Her crew distributes the building blocks of recovery into these areas, encouraging the world-wide restoration effort. 

The Iron Horse carries a deputized Vulcan ambassador to establish First Contact with isolated populations in the field. Most people have never seen a Vulcan in person, xenophobia is common, and first impressions often incite a range of colorful reactions. Ambassador Steel is 20 standard years old and has lived on Earth most of that time.

Series Title

Stone Age Film; Series (Drama)

Axanar, prior to Nov. 17, 2014 titled 'Star Trek Axanar', is an ambitious project, written to star Kate VernonTony ToddRichard HatchGary Graham, and J. G. Hertzler. The film tells the story of the Battle of Axanar, mentioned in the original series episode Whom Gods Destroy.

Star Trek: Daedalians

Stone Age Film; Series (Drama) — Chester Co. Pennsylvania

What of the early days of the Federation? When the first "work horse" of Starfleet, the Daedalus Class Starship, was at its prime? How did they chart new territories, discover new worlds, meet new peoples, and boldly go where none before them had gone? How well did this new alliance of worlds get along? What of this new threat - the Romulans? How did the Romulan War start? Join Captain Sam Cooke and the crew of the Daedalus Class Starship Enterprise as they chart that course into their "Undiscovered Country."

Ticket Productions

Stone Age Film; Series (Drama) — Seatle, WA, USA

Ticket Productions is an amateur film group that has created and participated in local film production in Seattle helmed by Thomas K. Tierney.

Pacific 201

Stone Age Film; Series (Drama) — Harrisberg, Pa. USA

The year is 2200. Four decades have passed since the devastating ROMULAN WAR, and mankind is eager to resume peaceful exploration of the stars. Hopes and dreams ride with the launch of Earth's newest starship. But the final frontier is full of untold dangers, and it will take a crew of incredible bravery and fortitude to boldly go into the unknown.

One of the prime movers behind the project has been EC Henry, who wrote, sirected and was the production designer. Focusing 'below decks', this film follows enlisted crew members rather than telling the story from the bridge.

Star Trek: Deep Space 20

Bronze Age Film; Series (Drama) — Russia

Russian teenagers, "SpaceWorld", making their own no-budget fan film

Constar Concludes

Bronze Age Film; Series (Drama) — Junction City, KS, USA

Started as  The Constar Chronicles, continued as Constar Completed, this is the final season of the Constar fan film universe as made by Vance Major Owen under the production banner of No Budget Productions - FilkFerret Productions.

Prodigy Reckoning

Bronze Age Film; Series (Drama)

Star Trek: Episodic Series

Bronze Age Animation; Series (Drama) — USA

In an attempt to make 'new Star Trek content' the Youtube Channel "Spock’s Friday Nights" has created machinima of "the in-game missions/episodes from Star Trek Online by Perfect World Entertainment, directed cinematically, hopefully to give the impression of a potential tv series. All of the character's backgrounds and personalities have been created by me, but the dialogue mostly consists of the writing by the story team at Cryptic Studios."

Steam Trek

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Star Trek imagined as if it were done in the early days of silent motion pictures.

Excalibur Logs

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier
Series Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Pasadena, Southern California

Project Runabout
Series Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

A spinoff from the long-running Dreadnought Dominion series of fan films, this was produced by Dominion Media and it's prime movers, Gary Davis, David R. Wrenn and Allen Anderson.

Tales from The Neutral Zone

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Kingsland, GA

Follow the adventure of Jane Tobin, the first female Captain of a Constitution class starship, and her crew.

USS Atlas
Episode Screen Capture

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Niederdieten, Germany

Die Abenteuer eines Langstrecken-Forschungsschiffs der Luna-Klasse, der USS Atlas, sind eine Live-Action-Rollenspielgruppe, die sich aufmacht, ihre eigenen Filme zu drehen.


Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Germany

A series of short videos by Jens Dombek, a German fan who has played in a few fan films because of his amazing resemblance to Lonard Nimoy as Spock! His own series of live action films are mostly set to iconic music with Michael O'Connor Kelly playing Kirk. His Youtube channel, originally called 'Spock oclock' is mostly in English, some items in his native German.

The Multiverse Crisis

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Franklin Square, New York, NY

Project Defiant Films
Production Logo

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Project Defiant is a series of Star Trek fan films and audio dramas that explore the untold story of the USS Defiant as seen in the Original Series episode, "The Tholian Web," and the Star Trek Enterprise episodes, "In a Mirror Darkly" part 1 and 2. The series started with fan films listed here and continues with an audio drama series shown on this page...

The Lexington Adventures
Series Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Taking place in the Star Trek: The Motion Picture era, after Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (2286-2287), the series follows the crew of the USS Lexington (NCC-1709-A), a semi-canon Odysseus-class starship, designed by Todd Gunther and James Snaith. Her predecessor is the Constitution-class Lexington (NCC-1709) which can be seen in the Starfleet Museum. In this series, the Lexington survived her five year mission, was refitted and decommissioned along with Enterprise in 2286.

Raumschiff Starlight

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Captain Starlight travels through space together with Commander Mickey and Max and always finds new actions that are easy to imitate at home ....


Star Trek Fan film: Khan

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Porters Lake, NS, Canada

Khan is planning his escape from planet Ceiti Alpha V! A mini short film to help recreate the Star Trek fun and excitement from Canadian Indie film maker Adam Conrod.

FSFilm Standalone Films
Series Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

FSFilm je kreativní skupina věnovaná natáčení fanoušků Star Treku a sci-fi filmů a seriálů. Počínaje sérií „Star Trek: Diplomacie“ a nedávno „Jasně, kapitáne!“ také vytvářejí jednorázové filmy fanoušků Star Treku v souladu s pravidly vlastníků autorských práv, které trvají až 15 minut. Jejich tvorba kombinuje prvky vesmírné opery a politické satiry.

Constar Completed
Production poster

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Junction City, KS

Continuing the extended fan film universe that he built with The Constar Chronicles, Vance Major has gone on to produce more of the same with a range of talented actors and film makers.

The Early Frontier

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Las Vegas, NV

Originally "Star Trek: The Early Frontier", this production is the first extensive series, set in an all-deaf alternative universe with most of the same attributes of canon Star Trek, most notably Klingons, where the actors 'speak' their dialogue in American Sign Language. This series has been completed and the producers say that it is to be followed soon by their next production, "The Silent Frontier"

Warbird Valdore

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

A spin-off from Dreadnought Dominion.

Star Trek: Unity
Series Title by ST reviewed

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Nature's Hunger

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Atlanta, Ga

Formerly Star Trek: Nature's Hunger, this production is written, directed and produced by Joe Cepeda.

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Star Trek Diplomacy
Series Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Czech Republic

ST:Diplomacy je projekt fanouškovského seriálu z prostředí světa Star Trek. Příběh se odehrává na počátku 70. let 24. století, kdy Spojená Federace Planet, jejíž součástí je v této budoucnosti i planeta Země, je ve válce s mocným uskupením Dominion. Zde vyplouvá naše diplomatická loď U.S.S. Masaryk, aby všemi prostředky dosahovala potřebných dohod a kompromisů, nutných k přečkání této nelehké doby.

Koncept je pojatý jako konverzační politická satira, vzdávající hold bristkým sitcomům, jako například „Jistě, pane ministře“. Délka jednotlivých epizod je v souladu s rozsahem výchozích děl do 20 minut.

Seriál má čtyři epizody a byl natáčen v letech 2015 - 2017

The Bacons

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Young film-makers, Joseph & Jack Bacon and Jack Carrell and their "zero budget" films.

My Childhood Star Trek Fan Film

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)


Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Through Poetry of Melchizedek

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Dreadnought Dominion
Series Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Charlotte, NC, Columbus, Oh

The Dreadnought Dominion Project was created in 2013 by FilkFerret Productions in association with Farragut Films, dedicated to the original flavor and philosophy of Star Trek the original series and takes place at the end of the 3rd season of Star Trek the original series (TOS) produced from 1966-70. Dominion introduces a Federation Class Starship which has a tri nacelle configuration that was first introduced in the “Star Trek Starfleet Technical Manual” by Franz Joseph Designs © 1975 (used with permission). In 2021 Frank Parker Jr pooled resources with Vance Major to make No Budget Productions - FilkFerret Productions.

Dr. Demento radio show Star Trek Skit

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Assignment: Earth: Boredom

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Vic's Vintage Voyages

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Paragon's Paragon
Episode Screen Capture

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Utica, Michigan, USA

In a loose adaptation of the James Blish novel "Spock Must Die", the Federation, Klingons and Organians come face to face again! Filmed in 1974 on super 8mm, over the years it has been transferred first to BETA, then to VHS, then DVD and digital format. Originally a one hour and 20 minute production with bloopers and a making of it video, it has been edited down to two, 15 minute parts. 

Star Flik
Episode Screen Capture

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Highland Park, IL

John Fuller, who uploaded this video, says, "This is a comedy parody of the original Star Trek series with a theatrical coming attractions trailer. The film was made circa 1975 and shot on Super 8 film. The crew and actors were almost all students at Highland Park High School in Highland Park, IL. There was an original script but sound was not recorded on site. The film was later striped for sound and many hours were spent trying to lay in the sound afterwards using a borrowed friend's sound projector. The limitation of the format and the difficulty of getting everyone together again made finishing the soundtrack unfeasible.

I kept the original film canisters and 40 plus years later converted the films to digital format. Voices were laid in using a text to speech conversion program. Most of the dialogue is true to the original script but there have been some changes made as the film was re-edited for clean up and narrative purposes. The music is that which was originally chosen for the film, Gustav Holst's the Planets and particularly the track for Jupiter which I still feel was a likely inspiration for the soundtrack to the original Star Trek series. We've tried to contact original cast members to share this resurrection and were able to reach a few. Some, I'm sad to say, are no longer with us. But to them, I dedicate this re-christening of the wacky voyages of the Star Ship(t) Cheap Surprise. And I would particularly like to dedicate this premier to one of the cast members who is no longer with us, Dana Thompson or our Lt. O'Hurrah. And here is part of her touching and inspiring story:

Please enjoy Star Flik."

Bruchorama's Star Trek

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Minneapolis, MN, USA

This is one of those sad tombstones that mark the spot on the internet where a fan film once was. Barb Reader listed the first two videos on Blog 204 of the old Blogsite. She lists them as 8mm home movies from 1976 which were only posted on Youtube on 2017 and 2020 respectively from bruchorama but they are currently (Jly 01,2021) showing as unavailable.

Short Films

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

This Youtube creator has uploaded some short films done in 1981-83 on a Super 8 film camera

Starship Yorktown

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — USA

The release of "Yorktown: A Time to Heal" in 2022 represents the culmination of professional and fan efforts to bring a 38 year journey from a teenager's first fan film to a close. A tragic terrorist attack on the USS Yorktown has remifications long after that allow a young man to come to terms with personal loss.


Sleeping Lion Archives
Production poster

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

"Very cool little skits my friends and I shot years ago... shot for fun by friends and was never intended to be seen by a large audience. Thanks to Youtube and Facebook, however, I'm able to share my cheesy little productions with my online friends and I think that will be a lot of fun. Please keep in mind, we're not classically trained actors, writers, directors, or editors, but sure had a heck of a lot of fun back then with our clunky VHS camera and production budget of 2.5 dollars. ...this was made by a non-profit organization for fun. Enjoy!"

Forever Con

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

A young man is preparing to ask his girlfriend to marry him when a highway accident lands him in a strange place that he may not want to leave. Made by DramaTREK Productions, a subsidiary of USS Thagard and produced by Matt Black and Philip Giunta on VHS cassettes in 1997.

Starship Exeter
Starship Exeter image

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Austin, TX, USA

The show NBC probably wished they were buying when they bought TOS. Two complete episodes ready for viewing.

Captain John Quincy Garrovick serves on the Exeter, a starship the same class as the Enterprise in TOS. His crew are fresh recruits out of the academy. His bridge crew includes an Andorian, Lt. B'Fuselek, security officer Cutty, and his science officer and No. 1, Jo Harris.

Star Trek New Voyages: Phase II

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Ticonderoga, NY, USA

James Cawley is a professional Elvis Presley imitator and his hobby has always been Star Trek. He was given the original blueprints to the Desilu sets and started to build them. After building the bridge, sickbay and several other sets, he teamed up with the director Jack Marshall and a number of fans whose aim it was to create the missing two years of the original five year mission under James T. Kirk. 


The Star Trek New Voyages team started to create new episodes, based on the original series, to continue where Kirk and his crew had left off when their series was cancelled. They are even numbering their episodes as the fourth season and have so far managed to release 11 new episodes (including the Pilot from 2003). 


The series was made as a fan film project under the direction of James Cawley, who also played James T. Kirk in the New Voyages/Phase II incarnation until mid-2012. Starting with “Bread and Savagery”, Cawley passed on the iconic role of Captain Kirk to the professional actor Brian Gross. James continued to helm the show as Executive Producer, making costumes etc.

Tales of the Seventh Fleet
Tales of the Seventh Fleet banner

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — New Jersey, USA

Star Wars vs Star Trek: The Last Bastion
Episode Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)


Created by Mr Poe in the games 'The Movies' and 'Bridge Commander'


Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

A long-established Youtube channel that started with short parody videos.

Starship: Eagle

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Dassel, Minnesota

Originally known as "Star Trek Eagle", this started out as a teen production with sets and uniforms, with good production values for a teen production. Golden Age, set in 2269.

Project: Potemkin
Potemkin Bridge Shot

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Adult fans working with college students, sets, costumes, make-up, CGI. (The time of The Undiscovered Country.)

Raymar3d Fan Films
Production poster

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

These are the adventures of the Starship Saladin (and related tales) created by Kenneth Thomson Jr.

Star Trek Continues
Vic Mignogna as Captain Kirk

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Kingsland, GA, USA

A series dedicated to recreating TOS, Continues is one of the best-known fan film projects. Featuring Vic Mignogna as Captain Kirk.

Temporal Anomaly
Production poster

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Starship Antyllus
Production poster

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Franklin Square, New York

Formerly Star Trek: Antyllus, name changed 7/11/2016. For film maker George Kayanian's first star Trek fan film trilogy, The Multiverse Crisis, see Quality Trek made in the tradition of the original series on no budget!

Starship Valiant

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Oklahoma City

Starship Valiant created by Michael L. King is a web series made at Starbase Studios, inspired by the classic original series created by Gene Roddenberry. The show is set after the 3rd season of Star Trek and follows the exploits of the Federation Starship USS Valiant NCC-1707, a Constitution-Class ship captained by Jackson K. Bishop, a stellar man at the helm but riddled with personal challenges. His second in command is Leeza S. Kennedy, an officer who excels in all that she does.

The missions of the Valiant are not those of direct exploration, she is more of a “police-ship,” in that she goes where she is needed and most of time this means hostile territory. Their goal has been to create a series that focusses on the human condition: human beings at their best but not always triumphant in their missions, with personality clashes and deeply developed characters that people can relate to.

Star Trek: Voyager, the Lost Episodes
Series Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Battlecruiser Kupok

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Battlecruiser Kupok is a series set aboard the I.K.C. Kupok, a K’t’inga-class battlecruiser conducting military operations near Federation space. This series features an entire cast of Klingons and is told from the perspective of that crew and their captain, HoD Kesh. There are plenty of stories, adventures and conflicts in the Alpha Quadrant that don’t involve the Federation!

Starship Melbourne

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

A new ship, the USS Melbourne NCC-2167, a non-canon, Charam class starship, is taken off it's shakedown manoeuvres to investigate a lost ship. What they find sends them off in search of lost property that no one even knew existed, let alone that it was missing!

Starring Michael Sylvester, Ron Seipel, John Snow, Reshelle Warren, Allex Illion, Carly Shibby, Brittany Wilson, Shaun Stillwell, Larry Fleming. Directed By Jeremy Minard. Written and Produced By Jeremy Minard, Vance Major

Starship Tristan
Episode 1 image

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Birmingham, Alabama, USA

The adventures of a colony support ship on the outreaches of Federation territory.

It is 2299. The 43 colonies on the outer reaches of Federation space in Quadrant 9, Sector 72 (often referred to as 'The Back Forty-ish') need continued support. The planets are basically agrarian, with a few scientific and medical outposts present. Vessels like the Starship Tristan provide defense, scientific and medical support, diplomacy, shipping and transport, search and rescue, from the extreme to the mundane. Tristan has been assigned to provide support for those 43 colonies in Sector 72 which is adjacent to a section of the Romulan Neutral Zone, colonies of the Orion Barrier Alliance and seed worlds of the Tholian Assembly. It isn't going to be easy... 

Starship Deimos

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Birmingham, Alabama, USA

"Starship Deimos" (NCC-2787) is a creative team with productions set on the U.S.S. Deimos, NCC-2787, a Phobos-class starship, a border patrol ship on the outreaches of Federation territory, near the Romulan, Tholian and Orion border. 

This production is more action-oriented than Potemkin Pictures previous efforts. 2299, when thee adventures are set, finds the United Federation of Planets on a precipice from which they may fall. Quadrant 9, Sector 72 is adjacent to a section of the Romulan Neutral Zone, colonies of the Orion Barrier Alliance, and seed worlds of the Tholian Assembly. There are 43 Federation colonies in this region known as 'The Back Forty-ish.' The planets are basically agrarian, with a few scientific and medical outposts present. A tempting target for pirates, an easy 'back door' into the Federation for smugglers, and rich, tempting worlds for those wanting to expand their territory. 

Deimos has been assigned to the sector to protect the Federation border. The vigilance and dedication of its crew are the only thing between those colonies and those who would do them harm.

The Federation Files
Series Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Iowa, USA

Starfleet Studios' GoAnimate series makes the leap to live-action in a new series following Captain Charles McCann and the crew of the Starship Constitution. Originally Star Trek Federation Files, the series name was changed to The Federation Files in late 2017.

Starship Endeavour
Winner, 2019 Bjo Award for Guest Actor or Act

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Birmingham, Alabama, USA

The adventures of the Starship Endeavour and the eyepatch-wearing Captain Zachariah Houston, in another series set in the same time and universe as Project: Potemkin.

Starship Triton

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Oklahoma City

It is often said that “Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.” The crew of the Starship Triton strive to bring peace to Sector 72 and its variety of sentient life-forms while also maintaining Federation justice in the outlying reaches of its sphere of influence.

To her surprise, Commander Janice Rand, late of the U.S.S. Excelsior, has found herself stationed aboard the Triton to serve as the executive officer and chief adjutant to Commodore Eugene Alwine, the senior officer in Sector 72.

For Janice Rand, navigating such a sea of tangled politics, justice and outright conflict betwen worlds is challenging enough without having a by-the-book commodore watching her every move.

Has she the right stuff for the job?

Avalon Universe
Production poster

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

A Star Trek alternate universe based on the original series but with subtle differences to give the makers, Victoria Fox & Josh Irwin, creative freedom.

Kid Courageous

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

An off-shoot of Sarai Trek. Live action, costumes, props and cgi featuring short skits starring Sarai Duenas.

To Have Boldly Gone

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Marietta, USA

Larry Fleming plays a Star Trek fan who get's to fulfill his dreams in real life, which is actually true for someon who as been involved in various fan films since Star Trek Farragut. What would you do if you found yourself on an empty star ship?

Star Trek Fan Productions International
Series Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

This is an anthology style series, basically a series of "bottle episodes", started to extend on the success of 'The Human Adventure'.

Starship Webster
Series Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Lexington, Kentucky

The Starship Webster, NCC-4104, is a newly-commissioned Centaur-class starship in 2304. This production will features the adventures of a starship on the outreaches of Federation territory, near the Romulan, Tholian and Orion border.

In 2304, the United Federation of Planets still is precariously perched upon a precipice from which they may fall. Quadrant 9, Sector 72 is adjacent to a section of the Romulan Neutral Zone, colonies of the Orion Barrier Alliance, and seed worlds of the Tholian Assembly. There are 43 Federation colonies in this region known as 'The Back Forty-ish.' The planets are basically agrarian, with a few scientific and medical outposts present. In addition, there are hundreds of unexplored, brave new worlds, filled with new lifeforms and new civilizations.

Following the ship's motto, In Omnia Paratus, the crew of the Starship Webster is ready for anything.

Starship Alexander
Production poster

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

A research team from the Starship Alexander becomes stranded planet side while studying micro dilithium crystals. Unbeknownst to the team, they are being stalked by a Gorn crew in dire need of dilithium crystals to power their ship!

Star Trek Projet Orlan

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — France

Une websérie Star Trek en français immédiatement sous-titrée en anglais pour permettre à nos amis, au-delà de nos frontières, d'en profiter aussi ! Pas d'inquiétudes sur la qualité d'image, l'ensemble a été volontairement abaissé en 720p pour un meilleur chargement sur les différents écrans : tout le monde n'a pas une connexion parfaite ;-)
Soutenez-nos projets ici :

Trek Life

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

A series of short videos by 'Starfleet Quartermaster', focusing on two Starfleet Officers who share a unique but loving relationship.

Star Trek: USS Rex
Production poster

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — France

Fanfilm en live-action, créé par une équipe d'adolescents. 


Rémi Baudin Films
Episode Screen Capture

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — France

Un fan français a créé une série de courts métrages en solo qui suivent l'histoire de "Who Mourns for Adonais", le deuxième épisode de la saison de la série originale Star Trek.

Cross Trek
Episode Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Wa, USA

It's 2267 and the Starship Aerostar is rushed into service with an inexperienced crew including a chaplain who is looking for answers of his own. 

Ink World

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — USA

What do you do with the Star Trek action figures and toys when you have to close down your 'brick-and-morter' shop due to the pandemic? You make a Star Trek fan film, of course!

Spacegate Station
Series Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Jacksonville, FL

Spacegate Station is a free real life STEM educational program for Elementary, Middle and select High School students. Their video series takes the form of 'astronaut/teachers' working on a future NASA space laboratory orbiting the moon. As the finale of each season so far they have created a spinoff Star Trek fan film.

Crossroads - Project Gemini
Series Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Gastonia, NC, USA

Frank Parker Jr reprises his role as Commodore Samuel T. Grissom, with and new cast and crew slated to be filmed in Gastonia, NC. The series starts after a 6-year hiatus of now Admiral Sam Grissom who left the U.S.S. Dominion, a Federation Dreadnought Class starship, after accepting a ground assignment and promotion to Admiral and instructor at Starfleet Academy, leaving the crew of the Dominion questioning why he left so suddenly. After these long years of being desk bound, he is called back to take the reins of the U.S.S. Harrison, a Gemini Class experimental four nacelle vessel with some unique characteristics, and to reconcile with his past.

Snow Wolves Productions
Episode Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Kingsland, Ga

The adventures of the USS Yorktown, NCC-1717. Brothers Chris & Richard Snowden caught the fan film-making bug at an open house at Neutral Zone Studios in Kingsland, Ga. "They have a great studio with the layout of major parts of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek.  We were able to shoot a 'run and gun', gorilla type shoot while there. We are gearing up for a full fan film, so keep watching."

Sternenflotten Legenden - Starfleet Legends

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Germany

Drei legendäre Sternenflottenkapitäne, Pike, Garth und April, verschwinden unter mysteriösen Umständen von ihren Schiffen und Posten. Ihre Besatzungen machen sich auf die Suche nach ihren Kommandanten, müssen sich aber ganz unterschiedlichen Gefahren stellen. Aber zu welchem Zweck? Deutsche Sprache mit englischen Untertiteln.

Loreley Productions
Series Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Germany

Wir sind eine Gruppe von Star Trek-Fans und Filmenthusiasten aus Norddeutschland, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, einen eigenen Film zu drehen und diesen so gut es irgendwie geht, umzusetzen. Doch was motiviert uns, an ein solches Projekt zu gehen? Es ist unsere Liebe zu Star Trek, dessen Themen, Abenteuern und Charakteren sowie dem riesigen Spaß am Medium Film. Wir möchten über einen eigenen Film so tief in das Star Trek Universum eintauchen, wie es nur geht, uns aufmachen ein Teil dieses Universums zu werden und dorthin zu gehen, wo kaum ein Fan zuvor gewesen ist.

Farragut Forward

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

In conjunction with Kaotica Studios.


Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Bournemouth, UK

Set just after the events portrayed in "Balance of Terror", the original series episode. By focusing on a single away mission to rescue a captured Commander, "Ambush" will shed some light on how the Federation dealt with the Romulans, after the initial incident involving Kirk and The Enterprise. As you'll discover in the film, the crew of the "Ambush" are a very unique and specialised group of people, who would always be the first choice to deal with a delicate matter such as the Romulans. Although the crew's existence is well known to the Federation, they're not keen on their existence being bragged about. The name of their ship is not the only thing controversial about this crew.

Star Trek Dell'Amore e dell'Onore - Love And Honour
Series Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Italy

Il primo fan film italiano di Star Trek con sottotitoli in inglese! Per maggiori informazioni sulla nave e sull'equipaggio, consultare la pagina web (in italiano e in inglese). Per contribuire, consultare la loro pagina web o la pagina Gofundme.

Starship Caliborn
Series Title

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Lexington, KY

A Star Trek fan production in Lexington, Kentucky. The U.S.S. Caliborn, NCC-5306, is a Photon Torpedo Destroyer, launched in 2306. Operating as a combat vessel out of Starbase 211, the Caliborn is called in when diplomacy fails and lives are at risk. It's a grave responsibility, but one that its crew accepts. The ship's motto: Might in the Service of Right.

Stuck on an Unknown Planet
Episode Screen Capture

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Join Karl and Katie as they bring you their first fan film. Originally released by No Budget Productions - FilkFerret Productions, it is now on their own channel, Karl and Katie.

I.K.S. Qab'elth

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Lexington, KY

The Imperial Klingon Scoutship Qab'elth is following a Federation Battlecruiser deep in the Carinae region. Their mission is to thwart Starfleet missions whenever practical.

Fecto Studios/HarrisFilm Productions

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — USA

Fecto Studios/HarrisFilm Productions is dedicated to creating quality original amateur films/videos. Their passion is Sci-Fi, and they're currently working on several stories that would bridge a gap between Star Trek TOS, TAS, and what would have been the Phase II TV series.

Daddy Star Trek
Episode Screen Capture

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

The 'Daddy Star Trek' Youtube channel is a kid-safe venue for family friendly content. "The channel’s primary focus is content and advocacy for kids, kind of like Star Trek meets Mister Rogers! Please have fun with this channel." Listed here is what fits within the definition of a fan production, bottle episodes and short mini-series of audio books, action ficure puppetry and AI generated content.


Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Animation from YouTube creator, Azeottaff. Caution: adult themes.

Starship Sagittarius

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Lexington, KY, USA

USS Sagitarrius (NCC-3506) was a Zodiac (II)-class perimeter action ship on active duty in Starfleet during the early 24th century, first introduced in the Starship Webster episode "Periphery".

Hospital Ship Marie Curie

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

The experimental Naucrate-class “Hospital Ship Marie Curie,” NCC-2179, is on a mission: to aid and give hope to all who are suffering. Operating in Quadrant 9, this vessel is tasked with rendering help to planets, starbases and ships suffering from disasters, plagues, and war.

Its operations have not been limited to just Federation citizens. Indeed, the Marie Curie has rendered aid to alien life forms, ambassadors from warring civilizations, even the Klingons!

The ship faces its mission with one unique challenge: It is completely unarmed. No weapons of any kind (phasers or photon torpedoes) have been equiped in the ship. Further, its security forces are completely unarmed as well, without any hand-held weapons.

The crew certainly has its work cut out for them...

Blood of Tiberius
Series Title

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

Based on the events from the original series episode, "Bread and Circuses". This animated series takes place in the year 2319 and follows Livia Avitus, the granddaughter of the Captain James Kirk, as a Special Agent for the Federation of Planets. 

Klingon PSA: Warrior's Lessons
Episode Screen Capture

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

In the same vein as his Star Trek Public Service Announcements, Curt Danhauser has also made short vignettes based on NBC's Public Service Announcements. 

Star Trek Vixen

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

Star Trek Vixen has a long backstory, originally starting development in 2003 with a trailer and single episode released in January, 2005 which was animated in Milkshape 3D and edited in Windows Movie Maker! A second episode, titled 'Tall Ship' was in development for roughly a year but when Enterprise was cancelled and that first episode taken down from Youtube when the team lost morale thinking that the franchise was finished. 

Fast forward nearly twenty years and OpenMawProductions have re-released their work!

Star Trek: Aurora
Kara and T

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama) — Boston, Massachusetts, USA

A fully animated show set just after TOS which follows a non-Starfleet merchant ship


Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

This Youtube channel has been around since 2006 and over that time has created many mash-up, animated and cgi films

Curt Danhauser's Guide to Animated Star Trek
Series Title

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama) — Ridgecrest, Ca, USA

In addition to definitive information about Filmation's 1973-75 Animated STAR TREK series, Curt's website offers completed animated fan films and shorts based on it.

In May 2009 Curt started creating short vignettes based on NBC's Public Service Announcements, these were shorts made to deliver a civic lesson of some sort to their young audience. Star Trek, TAS was the ONLY Saturday Morning TV show on Network TV which was exempted from REAL Public Service Announcements thanks to it's wholesome content. After completing PSA's for the canon released episodes, he has created PSA's for the two fan-made episodes that he has created himself.

The three PSA series he has created arelisted on Star Trek Reviewed seperately...
Star Trek Public Service Announcements -
Star Trek Logical Thinking -
Klingon PSA: Warrior's Lessons -

He also has a section on the TOS professional audio dramas, sometimes illustrated with professional comic books, which he has uploaded as video comics to YouTube. These are listed on Star Trek Reviewed here...
Curt Danhauser's Guide To The Star Trek Story Records -

...and to top it all off, he also curates a Guide to the Gold Key STAR TREK comics, here -

Star Trek: Shadows and Demons

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

Originally created in 2009-2010 on the now defunct GoAnimate platform this series is made up of 11 episodes telling a story set between the end of the original five year mission (TOS) and Star Trek: The Motion Picture. 
"Since the series is no longer accessible there, I have decided to re-upload it where it can be viewed again. My GoAnimate username was "NCC-1701" (later I used "NCC-1701 Pictures") and I am the original creator of this Star Trek Story. While I wish I could go back and correct a few spelling errors and update some graphics, the original editing source studio no longer exists and I only have access to the episodes as you see them presented here. I had planned to continue the series further but life got in the way and the Star Trek license was sadly not renewed before I could continue work. Although that leaves the work incomplete in my view, I do consider the completed episodes to be a complete season and hopefully you will agree with me that they tell a satisfying story. I was new to animation at the beginning so you will see my skills progress as the show continues."

Star Trek Public Service Announcements
Episode Screen Capture

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama) — Ridgecrest, CA, USA

In May 2009 Curt started creating short vignettes similar to NBC's Public Service Announcements in the style of Filmation's 1973-75 Animated STAR TREK series. After completeing PSA's for the canon released episodes, he has created PSA's for the two fan-made episodes that he has created himself.

Inerestingly, Star Trek, The Animated Series was the ONLY Saturday Morning TV show on Network TV which was exempted from REAL Public Service Announcements thanks to it's wholesome content.

Star Trek: Peacekeeper

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

Peacekeeper is a classic Star Trek story drawn in the style of the 2009 movie. Animated in Flash and Anime Studio. Adobe Premiere and After Effects were also used.

Oswald Pottlowski Animations

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama) — Germany

Star Trek Logical Thinking
Series Title

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama) — Ridgecrest, CA, USA

In October of 2013 Curt Danhauser started putting out “Star Trek Logical Thinking” in the style of the Public Service Announcements which might have been used on Filmation's 1973-75 Animated STAR TREK series on NBC, where the logical Mr Spock corrects crew members who he overhears employing a logical fallacy in their discussions.

As Curt says, “using the Vulcan science officer to educate them in proper reasoning is ‘Only Logical’."

Starship Mojave
Episode Title

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama) — Mojave, California, USA

Starship Mojave is a Star Trek fan film that describes the adventures of the USS Mojave, a Kremlin-Class Federation starship. The Mojave, under the command of Captain Tom Morgan, is to explore uncharted space, seek out new life and new civilizations, and expand the boundaries of Federation space. However, there are many obstacles present! In future episodes expect to see Klingons, Romulans, and species never before seen. Originally envisioned as a live-action film series that cast small children as Starfleet Officers, Mojave has evolved into an animated series -- and removed their single live-action episode from the Web.

Beyond Antares

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

A ground-breaking, fan-made animation in 3DS Max by "Woody", Robert England,  a disabled artist and expert CGI Artist and Sofware Developer specializing in VR / Character Animation / Visual F-X / Spatial Sound Specialist/ Unreal Engine, Metahumans, 3DS Max expert. Three parts were made, actually two videos, but he never received any financial help to be able to continue making the nineteen episodes he had planned.

Beyond Antares x

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

Duplicate of

Star Trek: Outlaws

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

It was just another day for the 'Refuse' salvaging space junk and selling it for scrap but on this particular day they would make the find of a lifetime, an alien vessel unlike anything they had ever seen. However, instead of reaping the rewards for their find, they and their entire village must make this ship their home as they struggle to survive and stay one step ahead of evil forces who would stop at nothing to take their ship and their lives. From now on there can be no rest for the crew and passengers who call the Liberty their home.

From now on, they are outlaws.

RPG Storytime: Star Trek Adventures

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

Bandwagon Games

Curt Danhauser's Guide To The Star Trek Story Records
Series Title

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

CJ Danhauser, better known in Star Trek fan circles for his excellent animations in the Filmation style of TAS, The Animates Series, has also taken an interest in the eleven 'story records' created by Peter Pan Ind. As described on his exhaustive website...

"In 1975, Peter Pan Industries, long-time maker of records for children since the late 1940's, produced eight STAR TREK Story Records which included 7 different stories. These took the form of packages which included a phonograph record (either a 7 inch 45 rpm, a 12 inch 33-1/3 LP or a 7 inch 33-1/3 mini LP) and often a read along comic book typically 20 pages long. These were produced under the Power Records label, Power Records being a division of Peter Pan Industries. With the successful sales of these first offerings, Peter Pan Ind. would eventually produce four more stories, for a total of eleven."

Richard Chapman's Star Trek Animations

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama) — Rochester, NY, USA

Richard Chapman, who lives south of Rochester, in the State of New York in the USA has created a number of machinima in the virtual reality platform, Second Life with voices based on Microsoft David and Microsoft Zira for fun and love of the Star Trek Series. His animations have previously been listed on Star Trek Reviewed under his Youtube channel name, "Artifactsofmars"

Planet of Hats

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

Best described as a 'video comic' (Captions on 2D graphics), this showcases the web comic Planet of Hats drawn by David Morgan-Mar since 2014, a retelling and recap of a Star Trek series. Each episode has a twelve panel comic and each panel has been rendered by the director Fred Dixon separately for the video and scored with original theme music from the show.

Starship Eagle Animations
Episode Screen Capture

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama) — Dassel, Minnesota

Michael Stütelberg has been the writer and director of the fan film series, Star Trek: Eagle since their first epsode which was released on Youtube in December, 2009. In the years since, they have released a substantial body of work covering a range of media from live action fan films to 2D and motion comics based on the Star Trek Eagle fanverse. Previously listed as Star Trek Eagle Animations.

Star Trek: Adventure (Animations)

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

The tales of the USS Adventure are largely 'log entry' style narrations over CGI with some highly creative non-canon aliens from Bob Fischer.

Boldly Going
Episode Title

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

A fan-created episode made in the Filmation style of Star Trek, The Animated Series, this brings to life the first part of an episode featuring the misadventures of Dr McCoy and Scotty on the way to shore leave.

Deep Space Dreams

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

Animated monologue - AI driven?

K-70: Star Trek Defiant Animation

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama) — UK

Using the audio from K-70's previous audio drama, Canadian animator Patrick Berube has created an animation with which they are going to move the story forward.

Hyperbolic films

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

Elvis Deane under the banner of Hyperbolic films creates video in AI, Midjourney, Photoshop, Kling, Runway, Minimax.

TAS Continues

Golden Age Mashup / Recut; Series (Drama)

Combines artwork from Star Trek: The Animated Series (TAS) with voices from the 1991 video game, Star Trek: 25th Anniversary to create a new animation based on the video game's story. 

Space Channel

Golden Age Film; Series (Advertisement) — Canada

When Star Trek: Enterprise was announced to start in fall 2001, it was promoted on Space Channel, a Canadian TV channel, with four parody commercials.

Voyages of the USS Angeles (S1 Video)

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama)

Voyages of the USS Angeles was a Star Trek fan series made in 1999 and 2000 that ran for one season with five episodes. It was made by members of the Los Angeles based Star Trek Club, USS Angeles. The story and some characters eventually turned into the long-running Hidden Frontier series of shows.

The series was resurrected in 2011 as an audio drama which unfortunately only lasted one episode. For the details of that second season, see Voyages of the USS Angeles (S2 Audio).

Star Trek: Federation One (S1 Video)
Series Title

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama)

Star Trek: Federation One focuses on the President of the United Federation of Planets and their entourage aboard the Federation’s diplomatic flagship, Federation One. The previous film, "Operation Beta Shield" served as a prelude episode to this series setting up some of the cast and situations that follow. Season 1 consisted of two filmed episodes and was followed by Audio drama episodes.

Star Trek Kids

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama)

Live action video against green screen backgrounds made by a young girl, Aisha Akbar.

Star Trek: A New Beginning

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Wallingford, Connecticut.

A series of Star Trek fan films made by teenagers at Choate Rosemary Hall, a private, co-educational, college-preparatory boarding school founded in 1890 in Wallingford, Connecticut, "with a 5.0 megapixel digital stills camera, Windows Movie Maker 2.0, Microsoft Paint, Micro Machines, and a shoestring budget."

The school seems not to have been impressed with it though. "Two students were placed on restriction for six weeks while another three were assigned to Hill House 'trash duty' for three nights pertaining to the production of this motion picture"


Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Berlin, Germany

Star Trek Générations Belges

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Belgium

Une série par "Oui tout est possible!", une chaîne Youtube, co présentée par Fred Hal, Alain Schram et José Gauthier.

Borg War (1994-8)

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Germany

An unauthorised trilogy of live action German films - not to be confused with the seminal Star Trek machinima movie Borg War (2006) - based closely on Star Trek which was shown in German theaters and secretly handed around on videotape for many years. 
In April, 2019, British Star Trek fan Danny Lavery uploaded the second & third parts from a copy gifted to him by the late Bernd Felsberger, the composer of Borg War III.

Starship Parasol
Series Title

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama)

From the producer of Spencer Videoclip Channel, Sven, "This is a little video project using only my android tablet and free apps. For the first 2 episodes I used to call SOLO to make some greenscreen-like clips, but it does not work anymore. I had to find a new one and settled on KINEMASTER. where you have the possibility to work with green, blue and other colored screens...and I had a blue bed-sheet!"

Retail Trek

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Nottingham, UK

Formerly known as "Star Trek Roddenberry".

Star Trek: Dark Armada

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Netherlands.

Starship Intrepid

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — UK Scotland

The Intrepid is the same class/type as Voyager, but it's not on the other side of the galaxy, it's on the edge of Federation Space trying to protect a collection of colonists who don't want Starfleet there at all, and who have crazy conspiracy theories ready to accuse the Federation of multiple crimes.

Star Trek: Osiris

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Michigan, USA

Euderion Infinity
Original cast

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Berlin, Germany

A German Star Trek fan club effort, including a number of shorts and crossover stories. Originating as Star Trek: Euderion in Jan 2009 and renamed Euderion Infinity with 'The Intruder' in May 2019.

Links to their social media presence on Twitter, Instagram, DeviantArt and a monthly podcast in German language only. 


Silver Age Film; Series (Drama)

These are the fan films of the production group led by Matthew Blackburn. The first three form a loose trilogy with 'bottle episodes' from the fourth, although they use a similar setting. Since then they have most often been bottle episodes, sharing a loose cannon

Star Trek: Requirius

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Charlotte, NC

Star Trek Requirius is a fan show, following four children running the starship Requirius. Three are escaped prisoners of Klingon Pirates, and the other, a survivor of a massacre. They have been separated from their parents and anyone who can help them. The children must fend for themselves and survive in enemy territory with few allies. They cannot go back to Federation space for their mother is wanted for treason.

Star Trek: Chyb?jící p?íb?hy - Between The Lines
Series Title

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Czech Republic

Tato série, v češtině s anglickými titulky, volně navazuje na první český film pro fanoušky Star Treku „The Metrén Incident“ z roku 2007. Od incidentu na planetě Metrén uběhlo jen několik měsíců a rok je stále 2372. Federace je ve válce s Klingony a hledá nové spojence. Zatímco kapitán jede na zaslouženou dovolenou, posádka hvězdné lodi USS Avatar pomáhá připravit se na diplomatickou konferenci, které se zúčastní mimo jiné i nepředvídatelní Romulané.

Star Trek Deception
Series Title

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Northwich, Cheshire, UK

Set during the relatively peaceful times of the The Next Generation era, this focuses on two Starfleet officers of the USS Longshanks, a Federation Excelsior class starship.

Live action, Adult fans, sets, costumes, green screens, CGI has English and Spanish subtitles.

ASMR Star Trek

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — USA

Youtube channel with weekly ASMR videos focusing on role play experiences that sometimes feature Star Trek.

U.S.S. Danubia

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Regensburg, Germany

The Regensburg Star Trek Fan Club created this fan film which incorporates elements from Star Wars.  Though produced in Germany, it is filmed in the English language.

Star Trek: Venture (Fan Film)

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama)

Fan film series from ManAtDesk Productions who have a wide background in Dr Who audio dramas. This was introduced with an audio drama series that they started in 2023, to see the start of the adventures, follow them HERE.

Miss Chloe ASMR

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama)

Miss Chloe, a young woman who has a large YouTube channel dedicated to ASMR videos has done many role-playing videos, some of which have been of Star Trek characters. ASMR are a specific style of video that has been said to create physical responses. THIS LINK is to the Wikipedia article on it.

Cerbasi Trek

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama)

Made by Wayne Cerbasi and his children.

Star Trek: The Return of Kirk

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama)

Produced by Jason Lee Scott aka Reginald Jackson. Costumes but no sets, CGI or post production.

The Constar Chronicles

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama)

 From No Budget Productions.

Starship Armitage

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama)

In what appears to be a co-production between No Budget Production and Genre Experience Productions, this series of bottle episodes follows the experiences of Captain Donovan Mitchell and the Starship Armitage. These take place within the same ficional continuity as The Constar Chronicles and Constar Concluded where Donovan Mitchell has appeared in many Constar episodes such as Phantom, Smoke & Mirrors, 1000 Dirty Tricks, Stuff of Legend, and Too Long A Sacrifice.

Star Trek Westhoughton

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Westhoughton, Greater Manchester, UK

A British fan-made Star Trek short film.

Feegle Films Star Trek Adventures

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — UK

This production group usually creates videos of online RPG games with the occassional short fan film thrown in


Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Ateliery Berunice, Czech Republic

At the height of the Dominion War, a Starfleet captain is unexpectedly promoted to rear admiral and given the command of four Norway-class starships. This rear admiral and his squadron are sent to patrol a remote sector to deal with a possible Dominion incursion. Of course, the Dominion forces are exactly what our heroes encounter. And where you find the Dominion, you find trouble.

Trek Shorts - For Fans By Fans
Series Title

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama)

Springing from the success of his first Star Trek fan film, "Temporal Anomaly", Samuel Cockings started an IndieGogo campaign for a series of six short, 'bottle' episodes that would fit the new Paramount guidelines and be more achievable goals. 

Starship Manchester

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — USA

A captain and an ensign team up to recover from a surprise attack! A spin-off from Constar Concludes.

Tour Guide Inverclyde

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Port Glasgow, Scotland

Short films by Tour Guide Inverclyde

Star Trek: Deimos (2024)

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — UK

A Star Trek fan film series created by the English group, What Fourth Wall Productions in 2024 (not to be confused with the long running American series Starship Deimos)

A Question Of Trek
Season Title Header

Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama) — UK

A combination of a weekly animation, usually a parody, followed by a live-streamed Star Trek game show. The cartoon-style animations are the work of Zoë Kirk-Robinson.

Star Trek: Voyager Season 8

Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama) — Hong Kong

Star Trek: The Time Warp Trilogy
Episode Screen Capture

Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama)

Star Trek: Time Warp is the name of an animated Star Trek Fan Film Trilogy, Star Trek: Specter Of The Past, Star Trek: Retribution, and Star Trek: Redemption. The vast majority of the combined run time of ten and a half hours (10:29:47) was created by the producer, Brandon M. Bridges.

Star Trek: Red Squad
Red Squad Poster

Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama)

Created by Chris Kroznuski in 2009, Red Squad (formerly known as Star Trek: Red Squad) is a fan production that revolves around young Eric Davids and his friends to stop a Romulan terrorist's reign of terror in the galaxy. This series is unique in that with every episode released, the production quality has increased dramatically.

Starship Excelsior Animations

Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama) — USA

Animations of the audio drama series, Starship Excelsior

USS Solstice

Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama)

In the year 2395 the USS Solstice NCC-72718 is patrolling the space surrounding Starbase 82 in the Alpha Quadrant, near the Klingon border. A Nova Class starship of the Rhode Island frigate variant. Solstice’s mission is to patrol their assigned space, respond to calls for assistance and perform other tasks as directed by Starfleet.

Star Trek Cataja, The Falkenhorst Chronicles
Series Title

Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama) — Germany

STC - The Falkenhorst Chronicles tells the Story of Admiral Jonathan Falkenhorst, from the Beginning in his Career as the Captain of the U.S.S. Robertson, an Ambassador Class Vessel, until the later 2400 Timeline, where the Cataja Vessel was build. The Story is combined with Flashforwards, to keep up the Events in 2408, while TFC leads directly into Star Trek Cataja. The Series is available at Youtube only, the Music is Handcraftet and directly from Scratch. The Scenes are ALL filmed with Star Trek Online and edited with After Effects. Machinima with voiceover.

Star Trek: Omega

Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama)

Machinima using Star Trek Online by adult fans. Set in 2409.


Star Trek: Absolution

Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama)

Now known as "Starship Swiftwind" to comply with CBS fan film guidelines.

Gazelle Automations
Series Title

Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama) — Toronto, Canada

What does a professional animator do in his spare time? He animates, of course! Justin T Lee of Canadian production house, Gazelle Automations, has made quite a stir making a few short skits that ponder: what if later series of Star Trek were made in the style of the Star Trek, The Animated Series by Filmation?

Cheap Fan Episodes

Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama)

A narrated video comic by a fan of The Next Generation, who wanted to explore the telling stories in ways other than just writing. The video was made using the Canva and InShot apps


Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama)

The YouTube channel of SpacialKatana has provided some great cgi reels in the past, these are the ones with animated characters with spoken parts.

Star Trek: Anomaly

Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama)

The YouTube channel of SpacialKatana has provided some great cgi reels in the past. This appears to be his first seies with characters with spoken parts.

Episode Title

Silver Age Film; Series (Other) — Saint John, NB, Canada

A series of short videos put out by Canadian cosplayer LacyLola - Laura Gordon - during the 2020 pandemic.

Star Drag - And Yet Another Generation

Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Drama) — München, Germany

Star Trek fan films produced by "Qapla Productions", members of the Trekdinner Munich, in 1994-5 shown at FedCon II & III. These have been posted on Youtube by TotallyASMR on 17 Jan 2019, copied from VHS cassettes.

deLimited Productions

Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Drama)

The production screen name of Anti-Matter, a digital film editor of reconstructive fan works, titling, captioning, and CGI animation who has been consistently active in the area of creative video editing since 2008 and has contributed to several, extensive fan-edit projects over those years.

Mostly short fan edits, they are branching out into short productions.

Fight with the Borg

Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Drama)

From FilmsByJRP a prolific YouTube channel since 2013. "This is a really old (and really bad) little movie of mine. Just so you guys can see how far I've come. Enjoy, or try to...."

Raumschiff Eberswalde (Fan Film)

Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Drama) — Eberswalde, Germany

Dies ist ein selbstproduzierter Fanfilm, der 2016 zum 50. Geburtstag von Star Trek von einem winzigen Star-Trek-Museum von nur 1701 Quadratmetern in Eberswalde gemacht wurde. Sie haben ihre eigenen Conventions und Meetups, manchmal mit deutschen Synchro-Sprechern, Wissenschaftlern und Musikern als Gästen. Von 2009 bis 2013 brachten sie ein Hörspiel heraus.

Corto Phase II

Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Drama) — Buenos Aires and Mar del plata, Argentina

A Spanish language fan film Project, filmed in the city of Buenos Aires and Mar del plata, Argentina. A hilarious parody, a mixing of universes from the hand of Viaje a las Estrellas. 

These Are The Voyages

Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Drama) — Perth, Western Australia

This production, originally "Star Trek: These Are The Voyages" is a fan produced anthology series spanning all the series of Star Trek from Enterprise to The Next Generation.

JNord Productions

Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Drama)

Bottle episodes by JNord Productions of Star Trek re-imagined in classic styles.

Commodore Productions

Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Drama)


Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Drama)

One of the major story arcs of the Constar Universe was the saga os the USS Raincross, now the subject of this spin-off.

Star Trek Out Of Time

Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Drama) — Italy

Italian filmmaker

Starship Nobody

Era Not Applicable Animation; Series (Drama)

Greenscreen animation by Peter Costa, a "Star Trek inspired web Series"

Star Trek Eagle Motion Comics

Era Not Applicable Animation; Series (Drama)

Motion comics produced by Michael Stütelberg, the writer and director of the fan film series Star Trek: Eagle since their first epsode in December, 2009. Over the years since he has released work in collaboration with a number of other fan productions and in a variety of media. 

On 7 Sep 2017, Kenneth Thomson of Starship Saladin produced The Captain's Table Part 2, an audio drama continuation of a shared world style storyline that has linked the captains of ships in Star Trek fan productions as diverse as the Valkyrie, Lexington, Potemkin, Saladin, Reliant, Ranger and Excelsior

One of Michael's characters, Zac Banner, the captain of the Eagle, appears in The Captain's Table Part 2 and he has skilfully created graphics to accompany the audio track of that episode, to create a motion comic.

An overview of The Captain's Table Shared Storyline has been put together by Star Trek Reviewed, HERE.

Star Wre'k

Era Not Applicable Animation; Series (Drama)

This, a story of a misfit crew and their never ending shenanigans. This a Spoof of the Sci-fi Universe by ForTheGeeks Entertainment.

Miu Zeppitay
Series Title

Era Not Applicable Animation; Series (Drama)

Miu Zeppitay is an officer on board the USS Solstice recording some of their adventures... They are currently in the year 2391 and are patrolling the space surrounding Starbase 82 in the Alpha Quadrant, near the Klingon border.

Doc Civil

Era Not Applicable Animation; Series (Drama)

Anthology-style YouTube Channel with the occassional hand-animated Star Trek fan film.

STO Demorec

Era Not Applicable Animation; Series (Drama) — Germany

Star Trek Online machinima from the Youtube channel of STO Demorec

Studio Hrimfaxi

Era Not Applicable Animation; Series (Drama) — Canada

An ambitious, cartoon-style animation created using DAZ Studio, Apple Motion and DaVinci Resolve and inspired by Star Trek: The Animated Series, Fireball XL5, Science Fiction and fun!

Chris Lea

Era Not Applicable Animation; Series (Drama) — UK

Chris Lea has been rendering sci-fi video using Blender since 2018 on his Youtube Channel. By adding voice-overs his videos are moving beyond the CGI reels that he has become famous for.

Descending Universe Project

Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Other) — USA

Heavy metal takes on Star Trek Music and more.

Starship Enterprise: A Star Trek Fan Production

Late Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

From the YouTube channel of 'A Random Cogboy', this appears to have been a fan film by teens that was meant to have become a series although there was only ever one made.

Task Force 78

Late Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

A joint production of No Budget Productions - FilkFerret Productions and Fecto Studios / HarrisFilm Productions, produced by Vance Major, Steve 'Hairy' Harris and Jeff Barnes.

Fan Film Features, Animations

Late Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

Animated fan productions written and produced by Jonathan Lane, the driving force behind Fan Film Factor.

Ken Mayes

Late Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama)

A CGI artist who uses Blender 3D to render out scenes based on Star Trek, Starblazers (Yamato), Battlestar Galactica.

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