Portuguese Fan Films
Original Portuguese Shows
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — Brazil
There's nothing worse than when you have an important conference call and you can't get a good signal! What if that happened during an important videoconference between Kirk and his Klingon counterpart? This is a Portuguese language film with English subtitles.
As Aventuras Atrapalhadas de Elow Cub! Star Trek Tupi
Era Not Applicable Animation; Series (Parody) — Brazil
Esta animação de Lula Velloso é um "Fan Film" de Jornadas nas Estrelas criado por Gene Roddenberry. O cubo amarelo e sua turma no Espaço: A fronteira final! Reeditado pelo autor em 09/09/2020.
Shows with Portuguese Subs or Dubs Available
Star Trek Continues

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Kingsland, GA, USA
A series dedicated to recreating TOS, Continues is one of the best-known fan film projects. Featuring Vic Mignogna as Captain Kirk.
Star Trek: Aurora

Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama) — Boston, Massachusetts, USA
A fully animated show set just after TOS which follows a non-Starfleet merchant ship
Starship Exeter

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Austin, TX, USA
The show NBC probably wished they were buying when they bought TOS. Two complete episodes ready for viewing.
Captain John Quincy Garrovick serves on the Exeter, a starship the same class as the Enterprise in TOS. His crew are fresh recruits out of the academy. His bridge crew includes an Andorian, Lt. B'Fuselek, security officer Cutty, and his science officer and No. 1, Jo Harris.
Starship Tristan

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Birmingham, Alabama, USA
The adventures of a colony support ship on the outreaches of Federation territory.
It is 2299. The 43 colonies on the outer reaches of Federation space in Quadrant 9, Sector 72 (often referred to as 'The Back Forty-ish') need continued support. The planets are basically agrarian, with a few scientific and medical outposts present. Vessels like the Starship Tristan provide defense, scientific and medical support, diplomacy, shipping and transport, search and rescue, from the extreme to the mundane. Tristan has been assigned to provide support for those 43 colonies in Sector 72 which is adjacent to a section of the Romulan Neutral Zone, colonies of the Orion Barrier Alliance and seed worlds of the Tholian Assembly. It isn't going to be easy...
Battlecruiser Kupok

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Battlecruiser Kupok is a series set aboard the I.K.C. Kupok, a K’t’inga-class battlecruiser conducting military operations near Federation space. This series features an entire cast of Klingons and is told from the perspective of that crew and their captain, HoD Kesh. There are plenty of stories, adventures and conflicts in the Alpha Quadrant that don’t involve the Federation!
Starship Deimos

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Birmingham, Alabama, USA
"Starship Deimos" (NCC-2787) is a creative team with productions set on the U.S.S. Deimos, NCC-2787, a Phobos-class starship, a border patrol ship on the outreaches of Federation territory, near the Romulan, Tholian and Orion border.
This production is more action-oriented than Potemkin Pictures previous efforts. 2299, when thee adventures are set, finds the United Federation of Planets on a precipice from which they may fall. Quadrant 9, Sector 72 is adjacent to a section of the Romulan Neutral Zone, colonies of the Orion Barrier Alliance, and seed worlds of the Tholian Assembly. There are 43 Federation colonies in this region known as 'The Back Forty-ish.' The planets are basically agrarian, with a few scientific and medical outposts present. A tempting target for pirates, an easy 'back door' into the Federation for smugglers, and rich, tempting worlds for those wanting to expand their territory.
Deimos has been assigned to the sector to protect the Federation border. The vigilance and dedication of its crew are the only thing between those colonies and those who would do them harm.
Project: Potemkin

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Adult fans working with college students, sets, costumes, make-up, CGI. (The time of The Undiscovered Country.)
Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — Port Henry, NY, USA
Star Trek: Of Gods and Men is a 40th Anniversary tribute to the entire franchise including many cast members from The Original Series as well as a few from Deep Space Nine and Voyager, and a couple of characters from Generations, which included the crew of The Next Generation cast, and one from Enterprise. It also includes the star of Star Trek Phase II, James Cawley, who worked on The Next Generation behind the scenes. The website contains a single feature-length film in three parts.
Starship Valiant
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Oklahoma City
Starship Valiant created by Michael L. King is a web series made at Starbase Studios, inspired by the classic original series created by Gene Roddenberry. The show is set after the 3rd season of Star Trek and follows the exploits of the Federation Starship USS Valiant NCC-1707, a Constitution-Class ship captained by Jackson K. Bishop, a stellar man at the helm but riddled with personal challenges. His second in command is Leeza S. Kennedy, an officer who excels in all that she does.
The missions of the Valiant are not those of direct exploration, she is more of a “police-ship,” in that she goes where she is needed and most of time this means hostile territory. Their goal has been to create a series that focusses on the human condition: human beings at their best but not always triumphant in their missions, with personality clashes and deeply developed characters that people can relate to.
Starship: Eagle

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Dassel, Minnesota
Originally known as "Star Trek Eagle", this started out as a teen production with sets and uniforms, with good production values for a teen production. Golden Age, set in 2269.
Star Trek: Horizon

Stone Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — Jackson, MI, USA
Film from Tommy Craft. Photography began as of November 28 2013, with live action, green screens, location shots, adult professional actors and CGI artists, costumes, and props.
Star Trek New Voyages: Phase II

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Ticonderoga, NY, USA
James Cawley is a professional Elvis Presley imitator and his hobby has always been Star Trek. He was given the original blueprints to the Desilu sets and started to build them. After building the bridge, sickbay and several other sets, he teamed up with the director Jack Marshall and a number of fans whose aim it was to create the missing two years of the original five year mission under James T. Kirk.
The Star Trek New Voyages team started to create new episodes, based on the original series, to continue where Kirk and his crew had left off when their series was cancelled. They are even numbering their episodes as the fourth season and have so far managed to release 11 new episodes (including the Pilot from 2003).
The series was made as a fan film project under the direction of James Cawley, who also played James T. Kirk in the New Voyages/Phase II incarnation until mid-2012. Starting with “Bread and Savagery”, Cawley passed on the iconic role of Captain Kirk to the professional actor Brian Gross. James continued to helm the show as Executive Producer, making costumes etc.
Star Trek: The Romulan Wars

Pre-Stone Age Film; Series (Drama) — Fort Smith, Arkansas
Starting off where Star Trek: Enterprise left off, this series tells the story of the Earth-Romulan War through the eyes of the USS Yorktown and the USS Discovery.