Major Fan Films
Significant single-film projects, at least 15 minutes in length. Ordered by era, then alphabetically.
Prelude to Axanar
Pre-Stone Age Film; Long Film (Drama)
Star Trek: Horizon

Stone Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — Jackson, MI, USA
Film from Tommy Craft. Photography began as of November 28 2013, with live action, green screens, location shots, adult professional actors and CGI artists, costumes, and props.
Star Trek First Frontier
Stone Age Film; Long Film (Drama)
A fan film five years in the making, the brain-child of director Kenny Smith, this tour de force of technical skill and determination is an action-packed story of the USS Enterprise before James T. Kirk and Christopher Pike.

Bronze Age Film; Long Film (Drama)
A strange signal from Volx III, the lost moon of Romulus, three hours before the supernova sparks a snap away team from the Enterprise.
Star Trek The Videotape
Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama)
This is a 1981 student / fan film made for a media class assignment, animating plastic models against a blue screen and using practical effects. At this time there was no internet for reference or digital equipment or software to aid the production. It was shot and edited at the local community cable studio. It was released on the YouTube channel 'brtv' who said, "The opening and closing stills were made in Blender 3.1 and theis production was edited in Davinci Resolve 18"
Star Trek: Le Juge 'The Judge'

Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — Montreal, Canada
En 1990, Eric Bernard, a fait ses premières armes de réalisateur en école de cinéma avec ce fanfilm Star Trek original et ambitieux, filmé entièrement en utilisant les locaux de son école ainsi qu'une équipe composée uniquement d'étudiants et étudiantes. Sans maquilleur, sans metteur en scène et en utilisant un mélange de petites maquettes et des premières images de synthèse (la planète qui tourne très vite). Ce film a été réalisé par pur amour - et dans l'espoir d'un diplôme passé haut la main. Ce qui a été fait avec brio!
Star Trek: The Hunt for Peace

Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama)
A top secret Klingon warship has fallen into the hands of a rogue captain who is determined to pursue his vengeance against the Federation. This deadly new prototype has a plasma weapon that is capable of destroying a ship with a single shot. The only thing standing between him and Earth is the Starship Enterprise, recently re-commissioned with a brand new crew on board. Drawing on the help from his more experienced officers, Captain Timothy Conrad begins a hunt for the Klingon Vessel. Their confrontation turns explosive as there can be only one victor and the peace of the entire galaxy hangs in the balance.
Forever Con

Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama)
A young man is preparing to ask his girlfriend to marry him when a highway accident lands him in a strange place that he may not want to leave. Made by DramaTREK Productions, a subsidiary of USS Thagard and produced by Matt Black and Philip Giunta on VHS cassettes in 1997.
Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — Port Henry, NY, USA
Star Trek: Of Gods and Men is a 40th Anniversary tribute to the entire franchise including many cast members from The Original Series as well as a few from Deep Space Nine and Voyager, and a couple of characters from Generations, which included the crew of The Next Generation cast, and one from Enterprise. It also includes the star of Star Trek Phase II, James Cawley, who worked on The Next Generation behind the scenes. The website contains a single feature-length film in three parts.
Star Trek Sirius
Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — USA
Star Trek alumni Steve Neill finally got closure on a project he started twelve years ago with his late wife, Gilly, with the release of a fan film he started in 2010.
Harvesting Darkness

Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama)
Seventeen years after the events of Star Trek Into Darkness, an Admiral informs his best Commander that someone close to her is scheduled for execution.
The Artellian Gambit

Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — Los Angeles, CA, USA (?)
Adult fans, costumes, minimal sets, location shooting, CGI
Red Shirt

Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama)
Red Shirt, from Wayward Son Films, is a serious, live-action Golden Age drama set in the JJ Abrams universe.
What does it mean to be a red shirt security officer stationed on a federation star ship, out there in the deepest reaches of the frontier? Space is full of adventure and wonder, but it is also sometimes an extremely hostile and dangerous place. Red shirts put themselves out there on the line to protect their fellow crew members and live a life few can, to Live Red and Die Hard.
Star Trek: Redemption
Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — Belgium
A Starfleet officer uncovers a diabolical plot by Section 31. Written & produced by Johan P. - 'Jones'.

Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — Los Angeles, Ca, USA
Continuing the story of the wildly popular Prelude To Axanar, this fan film was written & produced by Jonathan Lane and directed by Joshua Irwin and Victoria Fox at Ares Studio, Lawrenceville, GA and Warp 66 studios, Arkansas.
Tried and True
Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama)
A film, written, produced and directed by Ichabod Temperance, from the same team that created the 'Starship Pudnutter' parodies earlier this year. A Klingon blockade threatens to wipe out an entire planet unless Starfleet can effect a breakthrough.

Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — USA
The Starship Firehawk has received a distress call from the Space Liner Tecumseh. The U.S.S. Tristan has already responded, but is under attack from the Wasani. Can the Firehawk arrive in time, or will the crew of the Tristan become live prey for the Wasani? A coproduction of Potemkin Pictures, Star Trek: Nature's Hunger and Relic Films, this is a clever re-editing of footage shot in 2020 for Reclamation, Chapters 1 & 2 of Starship Tristan.
Star Trek: Apocalypse Now
Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama)
An appropriation of Francis Ford Coppola's classic war film by a group of young asian students, Amateur Maniac studio directed by Anderson Lai
Star Spangled Galaxy
Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama)
The Enterprise finds itself in orbit around a planet where there have been unconfirmed reports of a large and unexplained loss of life. Unable to raise planetary officials on any hailing frequencies, Captain Kirk and a landing party beam down to investigate.
Star Trek: The Human Condition
Golden Age Film; Long Film (Drama)
When Lieutenant Sulu is placed in charge of an away mission he must investigate a strange creature with the help of Spock. Based on the directorial style of Joseph Pevney.
Birth Of The Borg
Golden Age Animation; Long Film (Drama)
Time: right after "Star Trek, The Motion Picture". CGI with undertitles only, no characters or dialog.
SleepTightWicket ASMR
Golden Age Film; Long Film (Other)
A young ensign is assigned to work with her hero, Captain Kirk. ASMR video made by a young woman for her extensive Youtube channel. For more about ASMR see HERE.
Star Trek: Operation Beta Shield

Silver Age Film; Long Film (Drama)
Star Trek: Operation Beta Shield follows in the footsteps of “Orphans of War” and brings together the crews from Star Trek: Hidden Frontier and Star Trek: Intrepid in a feature length adventure! Fear of another invasion by the mysterious Archein Empire from the Andromeda Galaxy is running high. To setup a line of defense against impending invasion, a shield of allied powers must be forged. Can the allies work together in defense of the Beta Quadrant? Or will old hostilities reemerge and shatter the chances for peace and cooperation?
Shadow of Borg

Silver Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — Italy
Copyright MCMXCVIII (1998) as "Star Trek: Deep Space One"
The Adventures of the USS Infinity
Silver Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — Long Beach, CA
A fan film based on Star Trek: The Tour.
Star Trek Starfire II: Status Q
Silver Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — Germany
Zwei Fans der Sternenflotte, so um die 14 Jahre jung, fassen einen mutigen Plan. Ihre Namen: Marco Budweiser und Matthias Mirlach. Ihre Mission: Einen möglichst vollwertigen, ernst zu nehmenden Star Trek Film zu drehen. Mit einigem Aufwand und Talent und der Unterstützung von ihren Freunden Ralf, Claudia, Daniel und Daniel entsteht Star Trek Starfire II - ein Film von Jugendlichen, der rückblickend zum Schmunzeln anregt, aber auch eine liebevolle Homage von Fans an eine der aufregendsten TV-Franchises ihrer Jugend ist.
Der Film könnte tatsächlich näher an 1997 gedreht worden sein, denn in der Neuauflage von 2021 heißt es, er sei vor 25 Jahren entstanden!
The Holy Core

Silver Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — Oxford, UK
A second fan film from the makers of "Chance Encounter".
The Nebula class starship, the U.S.S. Vigilance is in orbit of Vita II, the home world of the Vitans. This humanoid species has finally reached a fragile peace, having emerged from several centuries of religious war. The Vigilance is here to lend vital assistance with a groundbreaking new scientific procedure to cleanse their atmosphere of harmful pollutants - a consequence of their prolonged war. All is not necessarily as it seems however, and soon the crew are flung into an adventure that sees them tackling difficult topics of faith, science, sacrifice and destiny itself.
Sole Survivor
Silver Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — UK
Stardate 46586.02, Ensign Cameron Rowe is the last known survivor following the total destruction of the USS Baton Rouge near the Romulan Neutral Zone. Running low on fuel and, having seen better days, an old escape pod is his only hope of survival.
Silver Age Film; Long Film (Drama)
Trapped in escape pods in the aftermath of the battle of Wolf 359, four Starfleet officers band together to stay alive as they search for other survivors. Hoping that help arrives...before their time runs out.
Borg War (2006)
Silver Age Animation; Long Film (Drama)
Animated, Machinima, set about 15 years after Voyager returns.
Star Trek: Resurgence - The Movie
Silver Age Animation; Long Film (Drama) — Wales, UK
Set in the era shortly after the events of Star Trek: The Next Generation, First Officer Jara Rydek and Engineering Crewperson Carter Diaz are stationed aboard the USS RESOLUTE and must unravel a sinister mystery involving two alien civilizations on the brink of war. Rydek is new to the starship and is pressured by her captain to help him salvage his reputation after an accident. Her appointment is initially unpopular with the crew, and she must gain their loyalty. Diaz is an engineer who, while dealing with problems on a smaller scale, is still forced to make life-and-death decisions.
Made by Gareth Meurig and released on his youtube channel, GAZArts, this video was made using the recently released, narrative adventure game Star Trek: Resurgence from Epic Games. He has a lot of similar videos on his channel, adding a lot of production work into games to create a movie experience with the game's video and audio output.
StarTrek: To the Res Q
Era Not Applicable Film; Long Film (Drama) — Germany
When their universe begins to fade away, five great Star Trek heroes are summoned by Q to save it - and themselves - from oblivion. In a small town in northern Germany they will have to prove their talents and face a greater challenge yet: Can they still make a difference?
The Rift

Era Not Applicable Film; Long Film (Drama) — Sweden
A critical discovery forces starfleet officers with a history to work together again after fifteen years. Written, directed, edited and post-processed by Jan Sandstrom with the help of some dedicated friends, colleagues, students, Jan had the good fortunate to be able to use the studio and production equipment at the Swedish school where he teaches media production.