German Fan Films
Original German Shows
Star Trek: Enterprise - The New Generation

Stone Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama) — Germany
Art Asylum action figures were used to make the two episodes of this Stop Action animation from Germany by JK-Produktion Stop Motion Studio.
Star Trek Das Abenteuer (Star Trek The Adventure)
Bronze Age Audio; Short Film (Drama)
A short audio drama set on board Voyager
USS Atlas

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Niederdieten, Germany
Die Abenteuer eines Langstrecken-Forschungsschiffs der Luna-Klasse, der USS Atlas, sind eine Live-Action-Rollenspielgruppe, die sich aufmacht, ihre eigenen Filme zu drehen.
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Germany
A series of short videos by Jens Dombek, a German fan who has played in a few fan films because of his amazing resemblance to Lonard Nimoy as Spock! His own series of live action films are mostly set to iconic music with Michael O'Connor Kelly playing Kirk. His Youtube channel, originally called 'Spock oclock' is mostly in English, some items in his native German.
Raumschiff Starlight
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)
Captain Starlight travels through space together with Commander Mickey and Max and always finds new actions that are easy to imitate at home ....
Sternenflotten Legenden - Starfleet Legends
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Germany
Drei legendäre Sternenflottenkapitäne, Pike, Garth und April, verschwinden unter mysteriösen Umständen von ihren Schiffen und Posten. Ihre Besatzungen machen sich auf die Suche nach ihren Kommandanten, müssen sich aber ganz unterschiedlichen Gefahren stellen. Aber zu welchem Zweck? Deutsche Sprache mit englischen Untertiteln.
Loreley Productions

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Germany
Wir sind eine Gruppe von Star Trek-Fans und Filmenthusiasten aus Norddeutschland, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, einen eigenen Film zu drehen und diesen so gut es irgendwie geht, umzusetzen. Doch was motiviert uns, an ein solches Projekt zu gehen? Es ist unsere Liebe zu Star Trek, dessen Themen, Abenteuern und Charakteren sowie dem riesigen Spaß am Medium Film. Wir möchten über einen eigenen Film so tief in das Star Trek Universum eintauchen, wie es nur geht, uns aufmachen ein Teil dieses Universums zu werden und dorthin zu gehen, wo kaum ein Fan zuvor gewesen ist.
Golden Age Film; Series (Parody) — Saarbrücken, Germany
Anlässlich des 20-jährigen Jubiläums des Klingonischkurs Saarbrücken ("qepHom") wollten wir einen Kurzfilm drehen, der letztendlich dann doch über 40 Minuten dauert.
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Klingon course Saarbrücken ("qepHom") we wanted to make a short film, which ended up being over 40 minutes.
Michael Hübner Star Trek-Fan-Film
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — Germany
In diesem Star Trek-Fanfilm von Michael Hübner ist nicht alles so, wie es scheint.
Star Tresh
Golden Age Film; Series (Parody) — Germany
Die YouTube-Butze von Zukunftia, dem ernsthaften Medien-Magazin zu Film und Serie.
Star Trek Best Practice
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody) — Germany
Hier gibt es kleine und auch größere Cartoons mit Stars aus vergangenen Tagen aber auch von heute. Die Crew des Raumschiff Enterprise macht mit beim Energie-Sparen und gibt ein paar Tipps :)
Klingon Teacher
Golden Age Film; Series (Meta - Documentary etc.) — Germany
Die Mission des „Klingonischen Lehrers aus Deutschland“ ist es, Klingonisch für jeden zu unterrichten, der es lernen möchte. Lieven L. Litaer gehört zu den besten Klingonischsprechern der Welt und studiert Klingonisch seit vielen Jahren. Er organisiert ein jährliches Sprachtreffen und hält Vorträge auf mehreren Kongressen. Er hat an mehreren internationalen Übersetzungsprojekten mitgewirkt, klingonische Sprachaufnahmen für Werbespots gemacht, klingonische Untertitel für eine Fernsehserie erstellt und 2018 eine klingonische Übersetzung von „Der kleine Prinz“ veröffentlicht. Dies sind einige seiner Fanfilme und Musikvideos. Die meisten davon sind auf Klingonisch mit englischen und/oder deutschen Untertiteln
Borg War (1994-8)
Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Germany
An unauthorised trilogy of live action German films - not to be confused with the seminal Star Trek machinima movie Borg War (2006) - based closely on Star Trek which was shown in German theaters and secretly handed around on videotape for many years.
In April, 2019, British Star Trek fan Danny Lavery uploaded the second & third parts from a copy gifted to him by the late Bernd Felsberger, the composer of Borg War III.
Starship Parasol

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama)
From the producer of Spencer Videoclip Channel, Sven, "This is a little video project using only my android tablet and free apps. For the first 2 episodes I used to call SOLO to make some greenscreen-like clips, but it does not work anymore. I had to find a new one and settled on KINEMASTER. where you have the possibility to work with green, blue and other colored screens...and I had a blue bed-sheet!"
Euderion Infinity

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Berlin, Germany
A German Star Trek fan club effort, including a number of shorts and crossover stories. Originating as Star Trek: Euderion in Jan 2009 and renamed Euderion Infinity with 'The Intruder' in May 2019.
Links to their social media presence on Twitter, Instagram, DeviantArt and a monthly podcast in German language only.
Raumschiff Eberswalde (Audio Drama)
Silver Age Audio; Series (Drama) — Eberswalde, Germany
This was the first German Star Trek- Hörspiel (radio play) podcast from 2009 to 2013. The story of the USS Eberswalde and her crew, it is told in short logbook entries, in eight seasons and over 500 episodes, total playing time about 13 hours.
Numerous German Star Trek voice actors resumed their roles for Raumschiff Eberswalde, including Norbert Gescher (Spock), Ernst Meincke (Picard), Joerg Hengstler (Sisko), Gertie Honeck (Janeway), Gudo Hoegel (Archer) and Regina Lemnitz (Guinan). As a special guest, the first German in space, cosmonaut Sigmund Jähn, had an acoustic appearance.
The Flux story, released on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Star Trek , was designed by illustrator Alexander Bugge as a storyboard. All 508 episodes of Raumschiff Eberswalde are online at and can be listened to or downloaded there.
In the middle of April 2019, ten years after the first recordings, Gabi Stiene designed the poster for season one. More from the artist at DeviantArt.
Star Trek Cataja, The Falkenhorst Chronicles

Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama) — Germany
STC - The Falkenhorst Chronicles tells the Story of Admiral Jonathan Falkenhorst, from the Beginning in his Career as the Captain of the U.S.S. Robertson, an Ambassador Class Vessel, until the later 2400 Timeline, where the Cataja Vessel was build. The Story is combined with Flashforwards, to keep up the Events in 2408, while TFC leads directly into Star Trek Cataja. The Series is available at Youtube only, the Music is Handcraftet and directly from Scratch. The Scenes are ALL filmed with Star Trek Online and edited with After Effects. Machinima with voiceover.
Star Trek: Omega

Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama)
Machinima using Star Trek Online by adult fans. Set in 2409.
Commander & Lieutenant Rolf
Silver Age Film; Series (Parody) — Germany
Der Produzent von Rolfs Filmkritik-Kanal hat eine Reihe von kurzen Parodie-Sketchen erstellt.
Intelligenzlos im Weltraum
Silver Age Animation; Series (Parody) — Germany
„Intelligenzlos im Weltraum“ ist eine Serie von dumm AI animierten Musikvideos des deutschen Youtube-Kanals ReVoltaire.
Intelligenzlos im Weltraum

Silver Age Animation; Series (Parody) — Germany
„Intelligenzlos im Weltraum“ ist eine Serie von dumm AI animierten Musikvideos des deutschen Youtube-Kanals ReVoltaire. "Eine kleine KI-Hommage an die altbekannte Miniserie "Sinnlos im Weltraum", wenn auch mit weniger Schimpfwörtern und vom Storytelling her näher am Original."
Die Videos bestehen ausschließlich aus Einzelbildern aus der Originalserie, aus denen mit Hilfe von Hailuoai Video AI kleinere Clips generiert wurden. Diese habe ich dann per Hand an den von mir erstellten Song angepasst.
Die Videos bestehen ausschließlich aus Einzelbildern aus der Originalserie, aus denen mit Hilfe der Hailuoai Video AI kleinere Clips generiert wurden. Diese habe ich dann per Hand an den von mir erstellten Song angepasst.
Das Lied selbst wurde von Suno AI generiert, der Text stammt von mir (nach einem ersten Entwurf von ChatGPT grundlegend überarbeitet) und fasst die Ereignisse der Episode (bzw. Doppelepisode) mehr oder weniger auf hohem poetischen Niveau zusammen. Damit es nicht zu sehr aus dem Ruder läuft, musste ich einige Teile der Geschichte kürzen.
Raumschiff Eberswalde (Fan Film)
Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Drama) — Eberswalde, Germany
Dies ist ein selbstproduzierter Fanfilm, der 2016 zum 50. Geburtstag von Star Trek von einem winzigen Star-Trek-Museum von nur 1701 Quadratmetern in Eberswalde gemacht wurde. Sie haben ihre eigenen Conventions und Meetups, manchmal mit deutschen Synchro-Sprechern, Wissenschaftlern und Musikern als Gästen. Von 2009 bis 2013 brachten sie ein Hörspiel heraus.
Cool Age
Late Golden Age Film; Series (Parody)
Cool Age is a science fiction satire that pays homage to many famous films. The project "Cool Age" exists since 1996 and was founded by Rainer Grüning and Dennis Rada. The Cool Age universe now comprises several films, two series and three radio plays. As the number of film enthusiasts and fans increased, an association was founded: Double R Productions.
Within the framework of our association it is easier to communicate with like-minded people. In addition, it is possible to work with a small budget, which gets us more chance of increasing (film) knowledge.
Cool Age is an association of several planets in the 24th century, the so-called "Shooting Stars". More specifically, we follow the adventures of the flagship "U. F. S. Survival", where Captain Ted Erikson and Commander Karta are performing their duties. On their interstellar missions they get to know new planets and mysterious species. The Cool Age universe now includes more characters than just the Captain and his first officer, so we're happy to see you plunge into the Cool Age universe and experience new adventures with us.
Shows with German Subs or Dubs Available
Star Trek Continues

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Kingsland, GA, USA
A series dedicated to recreating TOS, Continues is one of the best-known fan film projects. Featuring Vic Mignogna as Captain Kirk.
Starship Exeter

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Austin, TX, USA
The show NBC probably wished they were buying when they bought TOS. Two complete episodes ready for viewing.
Captain John Quincy Garrovick serves on the Exeter, a starship the same class as the Enterprise in TOS. His crew are fresh recruits out of the academy. His bridge crew includes an Andorian, Lt. B'Fuselek, security officer Cutty, and his science officer and No. 1, Jo Harris.
U.S.S. Danubia

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Regensburg, Germany
The Regensburg Star Trek Fan Club created this fan film which incorporates elements from Star Wars. Though produced in Germany, it is filmed in the English language.
Euderion Infinity

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Berlin, Germany
A German Star Trek fan club effort, including a number of shorts and crossover stories. Originating as Star Trek: Euderion in Jan 2009 and renamed Euderion Infinity with 'The Intruder' in May 2019.
Links to their social media presence on Twitter, Instagram, DeviantArt and a monthly podcast in German language only.
Star Trek: Omega

Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama)
Machinima using Star Trek Online by adult fans. Set in 2409.
Cool Age
Late Golden Age Film; Series (Parody)
Cool Age is a science fiction satire that pays homage to many famous films. The project "Cool Age" exists since 1996 and was founded by Rainer Grüning and Dennis Rada. The Cool Age universe now comprises several films, two series and three radio plays. As the number of film enthusiasts and fans increased, an association was founded: Double R Productions.
Within the framework of our association it is easier to communicate with like-minded people. In addition, it is possible to work with a small budget, which gets us more chance of increasing (film) knowledge.
Cool Age is an association of several planets in the 24th century, the so-called "Shooting Stars". More specifically, we follow the adventures of the flagship "U. F. S. Survival", where Captain Ted Erikson and Commander Karta are performing their duties. On their interstellar missions they get to know new planets and mysterious species. The Cool Age universe now includes more characters than just the Captain and his first officer, so we're happy to see you plunge into the Cool Age universe and experience new adventures with us.
Star Trek: Horizon

Stone Age Film; Long Film (Drama) — Jackson, MI, USA
Film from Tommy Craft. Photography began as of November 28 2013, with live action, green screens, location shots, adult professional actors and CGI artists, costumes, and props.
Star Trek New Voyages: Phase II

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Ticonderoga, NY, USA
James Cawley is a professional Elvis Presley imitator and his hobby has always been Star Trek. He was given the original blueprints to the Desilu sets and started to build them. After building the bridge, sickbay and several other sets, he teamed up with the director Jack Marshall and a number of fans whose aim it was to create the missing two years of the original five year mission under James T. Kirk.
The Star Trek New Voyages team started to create new episodes, based on the original series, to continue where Kirk and his crew had left off when their series was cancelled. They are even numbering their episodes as the fourth season and have so far managed to release 11 new episodes (including the Pilot from 2003).
The series was made as a fan film project under the direction of James Cawley, who also played James T. Kirk in the New Voyages/Phase II incarnation until mid-2012. Starting with “Bread and Savagery”, Cawley passed on the iconic role of Captain Kirk to the professional actor Brian Gross. James continued to helm the show as Executive Producer, making costumes etc.
Star Trek Fan Productions International

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)
This is an anthology style series, basically a series of "bottle episodes", started to extend on the success of 'The Human Adventure'.
Star Trek: Enterprise - The New Generation

Stone Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama) — Germany
Art Asylum action figures were used to make the two episodes of this Stop Action animation from Germany by JK-Produktion Stop Motion Studio.