Lego Films
Standalone short films made with Lego (or other toy/puppet media).
Star Trek: Enterprise - The New Generation

Stone Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama) — Germany
01 — 30min 53sec — 24 December 2009
The NX-01 has been equipped with a new experimental warp drive. But when Captain Archer and the crew test the engine something unexpected happens. The crew are flung into unknown peril which could endanger not only the NX-01 but the entire universe as we know it. Within a void between a myriad of universes lies a derelict Miranda-Class Vessel. Here Commander T`Pol is contacted by a familiar crew who hold the key to saving the NX-01 and the universe from a deadly foe known only as “The Red Empire”
Art Asylum action figures were used to make the two episodes of this Stop Action animation from Germany by JK-Produktion Stop Motion Studio.
Release with English language soundtrack (25 Jun 2013):
Russian language release, Deadlink as at 23 Oct 2021:
Original release in German (24 Feb 2013):
Richkat productions
Bronze Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama)
01 — 06min 08sec — 29 June 2019
A Star Trek Deep Space Nine adventure with all your favorite characters
Action figure animations
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek Test Shots
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama)
Len Palmeri has released what he calls 'test shots' that he and his brother Sam did way back in May, 1986!
Star Trek Test Shots
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama)
01 — 04min 45sec — 01 May 1986
In 1986 Len Palmeri and his brother Sam did some test shots of a scale model of the bridge of the USS Enterprise for Mego action figures.
Len Palmeri has released what he calls 'test shots' that he and his brother Sam did way back in May, 1986!
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek: Deception (2013)
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama) — Brunswick, Vic, Australia
12min 16sec — 28 February 2013
A Stop Action animation made with action figures by Dan Monty. Set on the Enterprise A between TOS and the Movies.
Star Brick Studios
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama) — Canada
0.1 — 00min 58sec — 02 July 2019
Hidden amongst a massive body of work on Star Brick Studios is a slow build up of traditional 'Brickfilm' resources - there's no CGI here! - which after 3 years has culminated in their first episode.
Watch on YouTube:
Bantam Bellatorum
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama)
00.5 — 07min 12sec — 07 November 2019
Reporter Carson Devereux reviews the starship Enterprise with Mr. Scott through a variety of Michael Donovan custom sets and Donny Versiga virtual interiors.
Bantam Bellatorum is a Facebook page dedicated to 1/6 scale diorama and comic strip enthusiasts. Content is focused on 1/6 scale photography and it has open albums free to view. Videos are made using a combination of photography of 1/6th scale Quantum Mechanix action figures against physical and virtual sets with a custom made voiceover.
Watch on Facebook:
Adam Conrod Animations
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama)
01 — 08min 39sec — 13 May 2021
"Day of the Dove" performed with Mego action figures
A series of mash-ups of audio from the Original Series performed with Mego action figures.
Watch on YouTube:
Of Bugs and Men

Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Short Film (Drama)
14min 42sec — 26 August 2021
Shortly after the events of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture", Captain Kirk and the crew of the starship Enterprise discover a planet whose resources are being drained by mysterious aliens!
Watch on YouTube:
Playmobil Star Trek Short
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Short Film (Drama)
03min 38sec — 15 June 2022
Jorowick daydreamed about this marvelous artifact of joy coming face-to-face with a Klingon Battle Cruiser. It is that which appears in our mind's eye as we imagine what wonderful space adventures the crew of Playmobil's Enterprise could have.
Watch on YouTube:
Sammy's World
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama)
01 — 02min 24sec — 14 February 2023
After Kirk completed his 5 year mission the enterprise had a refit and its going to enbark on a new mission to save the world
Mostly Playmate action figure animations done by a primary schooler and - one assumes - editing help by a parent, retelling classic Star Trek through the eyes of a child.
Watch on YouTube:
Mego Star Trek
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama)
01 — 06min 50sec — 13 April 2024
...with real rocks and bamboo canon...
From a YouTube channel that specialises in action figures called G.I. Joe : The Lost Chronicles, comes a new series of Mego Trek episodes which use the sound track from original series episodes behind Mego Star Trek figures.
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek Therapia
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama) — UK
00 — 20min 49sec — 04 August 2024
The pilot of a new series. The medical vessel USS Therapia has been assigned a new captain, the only issue is he is a Romulan. Now called to a sick colony planet they hope to be able to work together to find a cure before it's too late.
The adventures of the medical vessel USS Therapia, a stop motion animation of custom made action figures by British YouTuber, Jamie Marsh.
Watch on YouTube:

Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Parody) — France
12min 42sec — 01 January 2000
Parodie de la série Star Trek - Patrouille du cosmos
Les Minikeums était une émission de télévision française pour les jeunes diffusée sur France 3 du 31 mars 1993 au 31 mars 2002. Pendant cette période, nombre de leurs sketches étaient des parodies de Star Trek intitulées «Starkeum».
Youtube channels: Minikeums-TV (2015-2018) Cinékeum des Minikeums (12 Jun 2020-2021). Wikipedia française. Articles en anglais: The Lost Media Wiki, TV Tropes
Watch on YouTube:
Dafter Things
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Parody) — UK
1 — 03min 17sec — 14 August 2018
The Enterprise face off against a Klingon Bird of Prey.
Short stop motion videos using Mega Bloks (Construx), C920 webcam, Stop Motion Pro Eclipse, Hitfilm 4 Pro, Audacity and Stagelight.
Watch on YouTube:
Witness To The Darkness
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Short Film (Parody) — Canada
05min 37sec — 23 July 2020
A christian Star Trek parody by Highland Impact Puppets. The starship Eternal Life has been given a mission to witness and bring salvation to planet darkness.
Watch on YouTube:
Land of Rum & Raisins
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Short Film (Parody)
01min 29sec — 26 December 2020
A planet made of great Aunt Martha's fruit cake? Christmas themed, stop motion animation of action figures by Hippohead Films
Watch on Vimeo:
The Doomsday Machine Demastered
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Long Film (Parody) — East Glacier Park, MT, USA
44min 17sec — 28 June 2021
The result of a "Lazy summer in East Glacier. In an RV. But great wi-fi connection. Add too much time on hands, an old ST book and handheld Vivitar... a demonstration of how to save on production costs for an already-low budget". Paper cutout puppetry in real time.
Watch on YouTube:
Play Trek
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Parody) — Switzerland
000 — 04min 01sec — 06 January 2022
The Playship Enterprise must learn secret of scale!
German / Austrian / Swiss filmmaker Martino Sulmoni's new series about the voyages the Playship Enterprise from the planet Playmobil, searching the toy galaxy for new lines of toys in different scales to try to prevent a war. "Filmmaker, Uberfan, Toy Collector and Bon Vivant @MartinoSulmoni's ... Age: 41 ... Origins: 25% German, 25% Austrian, 50% Swiss, 100% goofy. Languages: italian, german, french, protughese, english. little spanish ... Occupation: Production designer, architect, engineer, teach road and railways construction at grad school, teach film aesthetic at architecture faculty and production design history at film faculty."
Re-released on Feb 3, 2022 on The Burnettwork channel on Youtube:
Watch original release on Creator's YouTube channel:
Star Trek Christmas Special - Stop Motion Film
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Short Film (Parody)
01min 42sec — 14 December 2022
A Star Trek stop-motion film for Christmas from Daniel's Stop Motions
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek: The Lost Missions
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Parody) — USA
01 — 01min 09sec — 03 August 2024
The Star Trek crew, at the close of their 5-Year Mission, when a severe Ion Storm opens The Mutara Wormhole, where, The Enterprise gets pulled into the wormhole, and ends up in an alternate universe, only known as The X-Verse. Now, Kirk and his crew must traverse The X-Verse, and find their way back home.
Mego Star Trek is the Youtube channel of G247 Studios and Producer, Thomas R. Griffin where he plans to have a number of Action Figure Series starting with "Star Trek: The Lost Missions" and followed by "The Klingons Are Coming" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation: Missing Reports" and several others.
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek: The Lego Generation
Silver Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Short Film (Drama)
10min 19sec — 01 January 1994
Captain Picard and the Enterprise are on a scientific mission when they receive a distress call from a Federation Colony under attack. Finding that the attack is more than the Enterprise can handle, they leave the colonists to fend for themselves but an unexpected stowaway from the colony leaves with them. Watch "Star Trek: The Lego Generation" to find out what happens.
Silver Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama) — Germany
01 — 14min 24sec — 02 August 2020
Ein von Blue Box Dreams produzierter Star Trek TNG Stop-Motion-Fanfilm mit Actionfiguren.
Watch on YouTube:
The Children of Hamlin
Silver Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama)
00 — 04min 56sec — 15 May 2023
Jean Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher share their problems late at night
A quite sophisticated Star Trek: The Next Generation fan film made with action figures and voiced by children. Story adapted from the book by Carmen Carter.
Jun 25, 2023 Updated Youtube video:
Watch on YouTube:
Commander Rob

Silver Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Parody)
08min 27sec — 08 September 2006
Stop Action Animation.
TOST The Original Space Thang

Silver Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Parody)
01 — 07min 42sec — 02 November 2014
Like Star Trek Sort of - for kids. Script-Free Entertainment presents.... For my kids when they were young... 5 years ago (therefore created in 2015) I was really really tired, and someone had given me these naturally... I made TOST
Re-release on YouTube 29 Mar 2020:
Originl release on YouTube:
Starship Chimera

Silver Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Parody)
01 — 51min 20sec — 30 August 2019
In the year 2388, the galaxy is threatened when an evil force more powerful and more evil than Q, threatens to rip the fabric of space time apart, hurling the newly minted Starship Chimera into a chance meeting with destiny itself! With the Enterprise E under Picard and La Forge, and the Titan A under Riker, they race to the anomaly field, with the stars coming apart! They race to rescue the Chimera also.
Thirteen years in the making, this ambitious fan film is a love letter to trekkies everywhere and to the era of Next Gen to DS9 and Voyager. Cards and Kat outdid themselves with this go motion space opera parody set in the Star Trek universe, albeit not the official one. Uses action figures, the creator has done his own voice acting, props and music.
Watch on YouTube:
Lego Star Trek: The Next Generation
Silver Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Long Film (Parody)
21min 13sec — 11 September 2020
The Crew of the Enterprise is reluctantly forced into a rescue mission to save one of their crew. Elsewhere Ensign Dave tries to muster enough courage to ask out Counselor Troi.
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek Lego (Remastérisé)
Era Not Applicable Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama) — France
1 — 08min 02sec — 01 January 2011
(Re) live the exciting adventures of the crew of the Enterprise! Unlike the following two episodes, this story is independent and does not impact on the same characters as in the sequels.
"Shot between 2011 and 2013, this trilogy finally arrives on YouTube after going a long way through to a remastered version. Dialogue and history remains the same, hence the more ... simplistic aspect we will say of the plot;)"
MGD Productions
Watch on YouTube:
Pop Culture Puppets

Era Not Applicable Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Parody) — USA
01 — 00min 52sec — 09 September 2016
Captain Kirk and Captain Picard get into a fight over wishing Star Trek a Happy 50th anniversary.
Pop Culture Puppets (earlier episodes were called 'Off Trek') present short comedy skits using 'muppet' style puppets
Watch on YouTube:
Space Tracks
Era Not Applicable Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Parody)
00 — 00min 11sec — 11 July 2020
Stop motion Action figure animation by Mr Goo TV
Watch on YouTube:
Trekkie Bricks
Era Not Applicable Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Parody)
01min 56sec — 15 April 2021
This fight between Captain Kirk and the Gorn is recreated in stop-motion with LEGO! Based off the TV show Star Trek the Original Series, "Arena", here we find Captain Kirk fighting the Gorn on a rocky planet.
Short stop-motion Brick films animated with juvenile themes.
Watch on YouTube:
Budget Quest
Era Not Applicable Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (NSFW)
00 — 00min 40sec — 09 November 2020
Teaser trailer for the series. It's amazing what you can do with... nothing!
The producer, Steven Seller, describes this as, "The Star Trek parody nobody asked for! Web Series created during lockdown using recycling and an iPhone 7. I haven't worked in 7 months so what else was I going to do? Dorks of the world, enjoy! ...New Episode every Friday."
Watch on YouTube:
Toy Movies
Era Not Applicable Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Other) — Orange County, California
#1 — 11min 10sec — 20 September 2012
The classic Star Trek films, retold in 15 minutes or less with toys.
YouTube: (11:10)