Starship Chimera
Silver Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Parody)

Thirteen years in the making, this ambitious fan film is a love letter to trekkies everywhere and to the era of Next Gen to DS9 and Voyager. Cards and Kat outdid themselves with this go motion space opera parody set in the Star Trek universe, albeit not the official one. Uses action figures, the creator has done his own voice acting, props and music.
News, Reviews, & Links
Starship Chimera Gag Reel 2019: (18 Oct 2019)
Part One
01 — 51min 20sec — 30 August 2019
In the year 2388, the galaxy is threatened when an evil force more powerful and more evil than Q, threatens to rip the fabric of space time apart, hurling the newly minted Starship Chimera into a chance meeting with destiny itself! With the Enterprise E under Picard and La Forge, and the Titan A under Riker, they race to the anomaly field, with the stars coming apart! They race to rescue the Chimera also.
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Part Two
02 — 51min 11sec — 30 August 2019
Transported by Q to the mysterious Planet of Misfit Toys, the Chimera commanders discover a mystical being called Eon and some android clones who hold the key to the Preserver planets. Then in space, the Enterprise E and the Titan A must do battle at the anomaly field when a rogue Klingon ship with an old grudge appears, but they still must rescue the Chimera. The strange new plot continues with the parody fan film taking the crews out of their element, to worlds beyond imagination.
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Part Three
03 — 53min 08sec — 30 August 2019
The exciting concluding third act of Chimera takes the crew of the Chimera and the classic TNG crews to the planet of Misfit Toys, where the evil Overlords at last arrive, and rip the planet to pieces! Q finally stands up to them as an unexpected ship arrives to help also before they are off to the most legendary space realm of all, the Q Continuum itself! It is nothing like the boring tiny cornfield from the Voyager episode but a cosmic maelstrom. After a short reunion with his twin, Paris, Locarno and Dax are sent to find the destiny device itself their very idol, James Kirk! The crew mayhem goes boldly where no one dared before, with go motion fun for all fans!
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Starship Locations The Great Tribble Hunt full movie effectsmusrechk
04 — 01hr 40min 22sec — 10 October 2021
In the year 2402, the starship Chimera NCC 82405 A, second ship of Locarno, is headed home from the the Delta Quadrant, when it is ordered on a perilous mission to a Beta Quadrant planet, the home world of the Tribbles! Ezri Dax Locarno and her crew race to the meeting with her husband, and a regenerated version of Nog, and his ship, the Emmett Till, NCC 2277 A and then on to the planet where they find a treacherous plot by rogue Sillians and an old enemy. Soon they uncover a bizarre plot by the deadly Bluegills, who have enslaved the hybrid tribbles at the tribble farm, and have turned one of them into their monstrous and fabulous Queen! Nog and Locarno though must also face a second threat, a legendary but regenerated Klingon named Koloth, who is looking for one of his restored kind, Cyrano Jones! The legendary stories continue, where none dared go before!
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Based on the spec script "Escape from the Planet of the Tribbles" by David Gerrold and on "Conspiracy" by Robert Saberhoff and Worly Torme and on "The Great Tribble Hunt" by Kal Kat and Marx Cards.
Starship Locations Strange Worlds Pitch at Vellorian
05 — 57min 28sec — 29 October 2021
The Chimera A investigates the crashed saucer section of the Ventura D which had been there for over 30 years, in August 2402. Mahoney & Roshenko and crew go down to the planet and find Rich Everson & Mike Matthews are there, two enigmatic Sillians. Even though Qute Junior is also there, he doesn't pose a threat this time, and lets Mike and Rich pitch their idea for Starship Location Galaxy, a syndicated show to take place on that very ship, but a series of ghostly crewmen keep appearing to cause trouble. Vince and Seto return to the ship to meet up with an anomaly headed for them, which turns out to be the legendary James Quirk, revived by the planet since his apparent death in 2371. On the ship below, Guinan appears and explains how she also reappeared, and she and Quirk reunite on the planet. Miral and the rest figure Mike and Rich's end goal, which is more bizarre than any of them realize.
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Based upon the Star Trek series by Gene Roddenberry, and on Star Trek Galaxy premise by Mike Stouslaka and Rich Evans of Red Letter Media, and on the Reddit topic of the same. Color, stereo, mp4, 1080p, 57 mins DCMA and COPPA complaint, Y14
Starship Locations Strange Worlds Cinematic Vitriol
06 — 01hr 07min 50sec — 29 October 2021
The Chimera A sends their new bridge crew, Roshenko and Aster, to a mysterious station, where their pasts are part of a Qute inspired live blog game of critics! But Captain Shadow Dancer, or Talisman, has a strange plan and has run off after the alleged demise of his crew! With the Blue Gills hiding on the station, Roshenko and his crew must stop them, and encounter Molly O'Brien and her friend, Miral Paris, who had been acting as privateers. Then when Qute Jr. arrives, he orders then into a strange repetative game where they are part of a past set of experiences. Critical Vitriol, a wise cracking villain, has control of the space time altering game, and apparently had dealings with Aster and Roshenko and crew before, when they all worked on something called Twin Mountains. Confused for Martial Sportiest, and for Awesome Channel, the TM thoughts become the bases for an escalating war of wits. Even Tendi and her vacationing original crew return via Qute's powers because they were part of it. The minds of the crew are at stake! Technically a Halloween special. Based on Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry and on The Fall of the Change thew Channel by Cinema Venom and Reddit, and the Channel Awesome stories by Rob and Doug Walker and Brad Jones, and on On Location and KATS by Kal Kat. Color, stereo, mp4, 1080p, 1 hour, 7 minutes, or 67 minutes. DMCA and COPPA compliant,
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Starship Locations Strange Worlds Clerks Gamble Part 1
07 — 01hr 02min 13sec — 14 November 2021
The first part of this harrowing Lucky Clerk story pulls the heroes from the starship Chimera A into a debate on the planet Freaky Loud, where television manifests reality, and the natives mind meld them into talking about their favorite love hate to show, Lucky Clerks. Shadow Dancer and Sammclerk, who Shadow rescued from the chataeu in this timeline, from Picard's story, ha, has discovered Samm is his husband, and that he really loves Lucky Clerks. The shocking twist is that it's like this other universe called Picard, where he was not married.
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Starship Locations Strange Worlds Clerks Gamble Part 2
08 — 01hr 01min 57sec — 15 November 2021
In the second part of the bizarre parody of Star Trek Picard, the crew of the Chimera A, trapped on the synth like planet Freaky Loud, must escape from the mind control of bad television, but they secretly love it. Tendi and T'Abby have broken through the forcefield holding them there, only to become engrossed in the madness with them, where they find Seto, Mike, Rich, Miral and Molly and the rest emboriloed in a heated debate over 'Lucky Clerks', the Sillian version of Picard.
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Starship Locations Strange Worlds Incident at Ardani Part 1
09 — 01hr 02min 05sec — 30 November 2021
Season Finale. Part 1 of the trip to Arcadia with the Chimera A, the Emmett Till and the Titan A...The crew is sent to the planet where the synths from Lucky Clerks went to in Starship Clerks, where they interact with a bizarre alien signal sending creature who wants them to talk about his fan blog on ancient aliens.
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Starship Locations Strange Worlds Incident at Ardani Part 2
10 — 01hr 04min 12sec — 30 November 2021
Season Finale. Part 2 of the mission to Arcadia....As Riker and the Titan A arrives to save the day, the crew loves Starship Lower Decks, while under alien control, and also to obsess over the alien blogs led by the charismatic Vitocola, who has decided to ban the two main offenders live on the planet. They object.
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Starship Locations, The Fallen Ones 1, Fate Protects Fools
11 — 01hr 24min 21sec — 20 January 2022
Early in 2403, the crew of the Emmett Tell are on Nepotisia at the wedding celebration of Molly & Miral, when they are transported by an alien to the future of 3190 in the time of Discotech, (Discovery), to escape a rogue Clinzhi attack! Stranded, the crew must confront the mega brain that has command of the planet by discussing the History and Ancient Aliens and America Unhinged shows in the hope that they will be freed to return to the past and stop the attack. There might be a chance, if they resist driving each other batty!
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Starship Locations, The Fallen Ones 2, In Gods Mistrust
12 — 01hr 12min 44sec — 30 January 2022
Trapped on Nepotisia in 3190, Mahoney & crew are coerced into commenting on the History channel's Ancient Gods type shows. They speculate on myths about floods, giant people, men of renown and ancient aliens, discussing claims of old crosses, Space Knights, little people as giants, and strange walls used as markers. The planet seems bent on making them argue also, which might cause the crew to lash out, if they cannot resist the temptation.
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Starship Locations, The Fallen Ones 3, Of Sons of Man
13 — 01hr 12min 20sec — 13 February 2022
The crew is trapped in 2190 & forced to relive the now legendary Old Aliens and America Unhinged shows and unravel the mystery of the Knights of Space connection to the Neo Freemasons.
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Starship Locations, The Fallen Ones 4, Grave Robbers from Space
14 — 01hr 27min 59sec — 23 February 2022
Set in 3190, the crew of the Tell remains trapped in the future, where the planet computer makes them act out the blogs of the famous legend, Vitocola, who has been pulled there also. The Prize Hunter confronts the heroes to examine the grave of a space giant. The rest must convince them not to disturb the grave and have about 90 minutes in the day to do it.
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Starship Locations, The Fallen Ones 5, The Sword Fakery
15 — 01hr 30min 29sec — 02 March 2022
Stranded on the planet of the Fallen Ones, Nepotiosia, the crew of the Tell and the Chimera are facing off against Prize Hunter, a merciless dogmatic personality. They must convince the villains to rejoin them or they will be set on a path of destruction. Can they unravel the twists of the issue? Rich and Mike have a plan if it doesn't kill them in the process.
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Starship Locations, The Fallen Ones 6, They Might Not Be Giants
16 — 01hr 21min 58sec — 15 March 2022
The penultimate episode of miniseries takes the crew to where the giants were excavated, while the Anomaly is bound for the future Nepotesia system to destroy it. Can the crew unravel the thoughts of the alien brain so it can rescue them? Have they actually found giants or just tall humanoids? The mystery of the alien giants and the fringe people that created the planet may be revealed to them, if they resist discussions of Biblical events and unexpectedly changing sides in the debate.
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Starship Locations, The Fallen Ones 7, Fate Protects Fools Too
17 — 01hr 30min 39sec — 15 March 2022
In the season finale, with hours till the ticking timer of destructive force of the Anomaly slams into the planet in the future, the crew must unravel the secrets of the fringe giants and aliens before it's too late. The story provides another source for the Ancient Aliens reviewer, if you put it into some context, and the whole season is a admiring recreation of the whole wild as crazy scifi nut genre.
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Starship Locations meets the Transformers Cybertronians the Movie wmus
18 — 01hr 44min 27sec — 17 April 2022
It is the year 2403. The starship Emmett Till has captured the time Bird of Prey and is on route home, but a distess call anomaly calls the ship to an uunsual metal planet, Cybertron, where the Maximals and Predacons are temporarily at peace. T Rex Megatron and his cronies waste no time in boarding the Federation ship to find their onboard spacebridge, which they used to erase Cybeteron from the timeline! The Maximals, still within the temporal shields, must team up with the humans to stop them!
Rereleased on the Fractured Feet of Clay YouTubechannel:
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Unformatted Blogspot Notes
(The original STR website included many notes, not all of which have been migrated to our new database yet. Here are additional notes about this series that have not yet been completely processed.)