Fan Comics
Star Trek Inhuman

Bronze Age Audio; Series (Drama)
The year is 2383. It is 8 years after the end of the Dominion War, and the Federation is facing a grim post-war landscape and all at once, with no warning, all of humanity vanishes. Where did the humans go?. The cast includes many new faces, and some familiar ones from TNG, DS9, Voyager, and more, including Be'elanna Torres, Elim Garak, and the jem'hadar Goran Agar. Inhuman is an original fan-made Star Trek Graphic Novel seven issues available so far, over 300 pages. The first issue has been released as a full cast video comic on the Youtube channel, "Fortune Favors the Bold" and the rest are available for free download from Google Drive.
USS Tamerlane

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)
USS Tamerlane is a Star Trek Fan Comic written by G.S.Davis. Based on the concept of "Star Trek: The Rest of the Federation", it is the story of the Destroyer, USS Tamerlane (NCC-510) and her captain, Julienne Cochrane.
Star Trek Eagle Comics

Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Dassel, Minnesota
Michael Stütelberg has been the writer and director of the fan film series, Star Trek: Eagle since their first epsode which was released on Youtube in December, 2009. In the ten years since, they have released a substantial body of work but sometimes you can have more creative output than you can put onto film and Michael has created some comic-book style series based on the Star Trek Eagle fanverse.
Published for Star Trek Eagle by L'Stok Press.
Starship PET Enterprise
Golden Age Animation; Series (Parody) — Philippines
What if hydroponics was controlled by Starfleet?
Star Trek: Hidden Frontier Vol. 1.5
Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama) — USA
Hidden Frontier returns as Volume 1.5, a masterfully animated video comic with a voice track featuring most of the original actors reprising their wel-loved characters.
Star Trek The Home Movie
Silver Age Film; Long Film (Parody)
The captain is called back from shore leave by No.1 and No.2 when an emergency hits. The producer and captain, JLethal2 has made a super-cute home movie with some fine-looking production!
Warped Impulse

Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Parody)
Daniel Wang draws humourous comics and fanart, often with cross-overs with other franchises. They started a series of Star Trek web comics, a single page or panel released semi-regularly, on their main Facebook page, "Bounce Back To Life Comics" which was consolidated into a dedicated Star Trek page, "Warped Impulse" on 12 Nov 2021.