GoAnimate Films
Films created on the now-defunct GoAnimate easy-animation platform.
Star Trek Federation Files Animated Series

Golden Age GoAnimate; Series (Drama)
#1 — 17min 32sec — 07 July 2015
The original Federation Files was a GoAnimate series that adapted various Star Trek stories, mainly Peter Pan Records, to the GoAnimate format.
Kevin Fan-animations
Golden Age GoAnimate; Series (Drama)
01 — 00min 09sec — 22 April 2017
Alvin Hungs Star Trek characters. In answer to a question in the comments, Kevin said, "I remade the characters in animate cc, and turned them into flash props". He makes a point of saying that "These characters are not mine. They're Alvin Hungs characters."
Animations made in GoAnimate
Golden Age GoAnimate; Series (Parody)
01 — — 30 November -0001
One of the original driving forces behind Star Trek animation on the old GoAnimate platform.

Golden Age GoAnimate; Series (Parody)
01 — 24min 17sec — 21 June 2022
When Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise destroy a reckless Klingon ship, the explosion becames a wormhole. Can Kirk save the year 2012 from the Klingons? Old scenes recreated in 4K video using "original animated elements, newly created footage and dialogue to make the story a little more fluent, with a new audio track. Ten years in the making, and the video is finally completed."
The explosion of creativity that was the free version of Go!Animate ended in 2019 when Adobe Flash reached 'End Of Life'. GoMultiverseLegacy394, originally known as FunEditor4, was a GoAnimator from May 5, 2012 to the close of the free channel with over 3,000 videos to his name. His Star Trek related animations are listed here with the earliest date that they are listed on Youtube, which will not be their original date of creation.
Since the release of FlashThemes in September 2023 GoMultiverseLegacy394, who is a Beta Tester, has been rereleasing updated versions of old videos and new work.