Short Films
Short substantial films. Click the title to see our full entry for each.
Couillon Quest
Pre-Stone Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — Lafayette, LA, USA
Season S01 04 — 03min 04sec — 28 July 2016
<p>Star Trek Parody produced by CajuNerd Media LLC and released on their YouTube channel, TundaMinous, authentic Cajun sitcoms! The early episodes of this locally popular series are recuts of TAS, later episodes featuring original animation.</p>
Watch on YouTube:
Eugenics Wars: First Blood
Pre-Stone Age Film; Short Film (Drama)
05min 50sec — 16 June 2019
A war in the shadows, U.S. troops engage in battle with a new and unknown enemy.
Watch on YouTube:
Horreur Post Atomique

Pre-Stone Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — France
07min 19sec — 10 May 2020
La troisième guerre mondiale est terminée depuis les alentours de 2053. L'holocauste nucléaire mondial est fini, mais les retombées radioactives contaminent d'innombrables lieux. C'est la période que les historiens du futur appelleront "L'horreur post-atomique". Dans les zones les plus touchées, certains humains vivent sous terre, dans des refuges aménagés à la va-vite sous des tas de gravats composés de ce qui étaient d'anciens grands immeubles. Isolés les uns des autres, les survivants font tourner des dynamos pour alimenter leurs vieux communicateurs bricolés et garder le contact...
Watch on YouTube:
The Kobayashi Maru

Stone Age Animation; Short Film (Drama)
05min 00sec — 18 February 2008
Short machinima animation about the famous freighter, created in 2000s video game "The Movies," with some shots created in Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Language is simspeak with English subtitles. Most specific Star Trek references have been removed ("Zorgons" instead of Klingons, et cetera).
Star Trek Das Abenteuer (Star Trek The Adventure)
Bronze Age Audio; Short Film (Drama)
14min 40sec — 28 September 2019
A short audio drama set on board Voyager
Watch on YouTube:
Giving A Lift
Bronze Age Audio; Short Film (Drama) — Ireland
05min 30sec — 05 August 2020
Beverly picks up Seven-of-Nine at Freecloud. An audio book narrated by Linda Butler on her Youtube channel 'Hen In A Hat', this is actually part 6 of a "Star Trek Picard" era fan fiction series written by AnnaOnTheMoon called Picard Fix-it Fics.
Watch on YouTube:
TNG Dream
Bronze Age Audio; Short Film (Parody) — Canada
04min 11sec — 06 September 2021
A filk or parody song which is a reaction to Season one of Star Trek Picard by Canadian musician artist and sketch comedian, Steve Mah on his Youtube Channel 'NegatingSilence'
Watch on YouTube:
Out of Time
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — Turin, Italy
Captain Kharas Tanys of the USS Princess is lost after going through a cosmic storm - even his computer can't make a guess at where he is! Luckily he finds himself close to an unknown starbase that seems to be in the middle of a fancy dress party!
Star Trek: The 8mm Movie

Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — Torrance, CA
02min 59sec — 01 January 1967
This black & white silent 8mm movie with the Original Series music looping over it could very well be the first Star Trek fan film. The child actors, hand-made CGI and effects were cutting edge for home movies at the time!
Barb Reader has a link to this at but this is a dead link as at Jun 26, 2021 and the Wayback Machine has no record of it.
Uploaded to YouTube by johndcal, 22 May 2010:
Junior Star Trek

Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — Levittown, Long Island
07min 58sec — 01 January 1969
'Back in 1969 ten-year-old Peter ("Stoney") Emshwiller created his own version of a Star Trek episode using his dad's 16mm camera. The, um, fabulous special effects were created by scratching on the film with a knife and coloring each frame with magic markers. The movie won WNET's "Young People's Filmmaking Contest," was shown on national television, and, all these years later, still is a favorite at Star Trek Conventions.'
Watch on YouTube:
My 1971 College Star Trek Production

Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — Columbus, OH
05min 07sec — 01 March 1971
Titled "Legacy of the Past", Ray Glasser created this film for his final exam in a TV production class at Ohio State University "back in the spring of 1971. I had it taped on 1" open-reel, then transferred to U-Matic and then to Beta. I got an A-."
A new version was released on YouTube "with newer titles and other corrections made" 4 Jan 2019:
A 'dual-screen comparison' of the original 1971 video and the re-worked 2019 version from which the audio is taken. "Somewhat synched up, it falls out of synch a little near the end." This was released on YouTube 5 Jan 2019:
Rerelease of original video on Vimeo 30 May 2013:
Rerelease of the original video on Ray's second YouTube channel, 10 Oct 2011:
Watch the first release on YouTube 9 Aug 2008:
Star Trek: The Klingon Incident

Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — Plainfield, Indiana
06min 26sec — 01 January 1973
Mark Pollock has released the film that he and Mike Sumen made in1973. Conceived & Produced by Mike in Plainfield, Indiana. Transferred to Youtube by Mark. "The audio was recorded on cassette tape. We gave a few showings at Plainfield Jr. Highschool back in the seventies."
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek by 70s Kids

Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — Cape Cod, MA, USA
02min 47sec — 01 January 1978
As a teenager on Cape Cod in the late 70's, Rob Hampton was obsessed with movies and, together with his friends, recreated the blockbusters that they loved using a cheap Super 8 camera he got for Christmas. Twenty five years later, as a director and editor in L.A (IMDB) he added music, sound effects & dialogue and even got some of his old friends to voice their original lines.
Watch on YouTube, Released 06 Apr, 2009:
Watch on Vimeo, Released 20 Jun 2015:
Star Trek The New Adventures
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama)
07min 02sec — 01 January 1990
Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise confront a Klingon Bird of Prey in this home-made fan film from the Hoyal family in the early 1990's.
Released on YouTube 26 Sept 2021:
Star Trek Our Generation
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — Melbourne, Vic, Australia
26min 21sec — 17 April 1992
Phil Jackson, his two kids, and some of their friends made this Star Trek movie, loosely based on Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, way back in the early 90s, using a VHS camera.
Watch on YouTube:
Kevin Carney's Star Trek
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — USA
10min 16sec — 31 December 1999
Little is known about this video of teenagers role-playing in a Star Trek scenario - no props, no costumes and only minimal special effects. I'm guessing that this is from the late '90s from similar videos uploaded by the same source, Kevin Carney.
Watch on Vimeo:
Make It So, Debs & Errol
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — Toronto, Canada
03min 39sec — 14 January 2014
Debs & Errol were a Toronto-based geeky, comedy, music duo with a daily webcomic between 2011 - 2015
Watch on YouTube:
Assignment: Earth - Boredom

Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama)
04min 30sec — 02 September 2016
It has been a number of months since Miss Roberta Lincoln has been working for Agent Gary Seven. Her duties have tended to consist of 90% boredom, 10% chaos. In this vignette, we get a glimpse of that 90%, but all of that is about to change...
Watch the updated version on YouTube, released May 02, 2017:
Watch V3 0 HD 1080p on YouTube, released Apr 26, 2017:
Watch on Vimeo, released Sep 07, 2016:
Watch V2 0 REVISED HD 1080p on YouTube, Released Sep 07, 2016:
Watch on YouTube Sep 02, 2016:
Let Old Wrinkles Come
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama)
16min 37sec — 17 December 2019
Having broken the prime directive by accidentally leaving a communicator on the planet Neural, Captain James T. Kirk and Lt Almeida battle a deadly Mugato to recover the missing technology. However, the beast is just the beginning of their troubles, as an unlikely stow-away takes control of the Enterprise and heads deep into the Gamma Quadrant!
Watch on YouTube:
Alex Aslanidis Short Treks
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama)
02min 50sec — 18 October 2020
A fan made short film made at Starbase Studios and released by Alex Aslanidis based around the sixth episode of the second season of TOS, "The Doomsday Machine". There are two versions of this released on Youtube, spot the difference!
Watch "Trek fixes comparisons HDR" on YouTube:
Watch "Star Trek Short fix words 2 HDR" on YouTube:
Star Trek: Valiant

Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — USA
16min 40sec — 14 May 2021
Not to be confused with "Starship Valiant" created by Michael L. King and made at Starbase Studios, this standalone movie is the work of a production group that has a background of making films for competitions (48hr video challenge). IMDB
Watch on YouTube:
Out of Time

Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — Turin, Italy
09min 06sec — 07 December 2021
Captain Kharas Tanys of the USS Princess is lost after going through a cosmic storm - even his computer can't make a guess at where he is! Luckily he finds himself close to an unknown starbase that seems to be in the middle of a fancy dress party!
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek - Nivel Primario
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — Buenos Aires, Argentina
10min 57sec — 10 December 2021
Watch on YouTube, Italian Subtitles:
I Made A Star Trek Movie
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — USA
00min 48sec — 17 May 2022
We've all wanted to sit in the Big Seat! a short fan film by Belle Gaudreau
Watch on YouTube:
MV Star Trek Cosplay
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — South Korea
03min 14sec — 03 February 2023
A Star Trek fan film from South Korean channel 원더랜드TV "Wonderland TV" with live actors but no dialog.
Watch on YouTube:
Tenace’s Final Frontier
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama)
01min 59sec — 11 August 2023
'A video dedicated to my late father Sergio "Tenace" Grani. I was working on the Nexus Energy Ribbon from "Star Trek: Generations" for some time before my father passed away. So I decided to develop it to a bit bigger project in which my father enters the Nexus to experience eternal life. (But without imploding the sun.)'
Watch on Vimeo:
Star Trek - The Betrayor is Discovered
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — USA
00min 51sec — 20 December 2023
A Super 8 Star Trek fan film made in the 1970s by Youtube channel Producer Stereo3D, when I was a teenager. Posted on his channel, Dec 20, 2023
Watch on YouTube:
L374 III

Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — Ottowa, On, Canada
21min 49sec — 08 November 2024
From the Canadian group Finnigan Productions, this short film tells how the USS Constellation's landing party, which beamed down to scout the planet L374 III during the Doomsday Machine attack, comes face-to-face with an enemy that would not be found for decades.
Watch on YouTube:
Chasing the Infinite Sky

Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Drama)
05min 22sec — 24 July 2016
Alternative timeline rendering of Star Trek, by Alvision 100
Widescreen - YouTube:
Star Trek: The Crier In Emptiness
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Drama)
13min 45sec — 11 July 2019
In this Special Presentation Of Triangulum Audio Studios, we'll take a look at a Power Records Star Trek Story that I've edited in to an episode Of Star Trek: The Animated Series...
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek Minecraft Episode 1
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Drama)
06min 16sec — 29 July 2021
Watch on Youtube:
Star Trek - The Circle of Consequence
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Drama) — Anchorage, AK, USA
06min 51sec — 11 August 2022
An animation by PokeJediTrek. Captain Kirk and Lt. Uhura are sent to investigate the rumors that Klingons plan to attack the Yorktown Space Station. Dedicated to the memory of Nichelle Nichols.
Watch on YouTube:
Final Voyages: USS Cernan
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Drama)
09min 50sec — 30 April 2023
On the YouTube channel of Wallace Jones, Sset in the Pike era, this Star Trek TOS fan film was conceived as live action. Originally to be shot on Super-8, the project has morphed over the years in this 3D animated version. Hopefully the live action version will eventually be realized. It was nice to see the script my cousin and I started over 30 years ago, finally come into some kind of fruition.
Watch on YouTube:
Thirty Minutes Worth, Star Trek Sketch
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — UK
02min 18sec — 01 January 1972
A Star Trek sketch featuring British comedian Harry Worth from 1972 on his TV Series, "Thirty Minutes Worth".
Watch on YouTube:
Turist Ömer Uzay Yolunda
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — Turkey
01hr 13min 21sec — 01 January 1973
Turist Ömer Uzay Yolunda, literally translated as "Tourist Ömer is on Space Road" (ie Star Trek), sometimes called simply 'Turkish Star Trek', is one of a number of comedy films about a character, 'Tourist Omer', who is a Turkish hobo. In this one he is picked up by the Enterprise!
"The spaceship Enterprise under the command of Captain Kirk is on its new mission. They must receive the reports from Professor Crater, who lives alone with his wife on the planet Orin 7. Mister Spak lands on the planet with a crew. However, one of the crew dies unexpectedly. The doctor had difficulty determining the cause of death. The killer is the professor's wife, Nancy. To save him, the Professor decides to lure an ancient creature to the planet with a time machine. Tourist Ömer is about to be married to a woman he did not know at that time. During the wedding ceremony, the machine pulls Ömer to Orin 7. Tourist Ömer thinks he is saved. However, the adventure has just begun."
Restored full version but only 55:09 30 Nov 2018:
Restored full version on YouTube no English subtitles (1:13:21) 31 Oct 2013:
With English and Russian Subtitles: (1:12:18) [Deadlink 03 Nov 2019]:
An unrestored copy of the original release on YouTube which was evidently in nine parts (4:36) 11 Aug 2007:
Star Drek
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
12min 40sec — 01 January 1975
A professionally (not) created film from 1975. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll probably vomit. Either way, you'll see the emotional story of the first voyage of the starship Win-a-prize. Led by Captain Woodrow N Cork, the crew of the Win-a-prize ventures into dangerous space. With an anibriated engineer, Mr. Scotch, miraculously, they survive this adventure. Starring Mark Schneider, Doug Max, Jay Brachman, Bob Kaynes, Peter Zaret, Carole Schneider and Amy Horowitz.
Watch on YouTube. Uploaded by Robert Kaynes, Jr. on Dec 7, 2020:
Star Trek MSU

Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — Montclair, NJ
06min 21sec — 25 January 1976
The Underprize with Captain Jerk, Dr Decoy and Science Officer Spark beam down to a planet made of alcohol in this fuzzy black & white 'frat house' style parody made at Montclair State University between 1977-1982
Released on YouTube by Bob Vidal, 1 May 2021:
Released on YouTube by Bob Vidal, 4 Jul 2016:
Star Trek: The Real McCoy

Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — Franklin Square, New York, NY
12min 44sec — 20 November 1992
A Star Trek Comedy starring brothers George & William Kayaian and Harold McLaughlin. While the crew vacations on Earth, Captain Kirk remains on his ship to enjoy a little alone time. But when Spock shows up along with a drunken McCoy, Kirk's problems are just beginning! This is the definitive Director's Cut featuring never before seen moments. From the George Kayaian archives. This short was entered into America's Funniest People show back in 1992 for a contest featuring Trek-related videos!
Watch on YouTube:
Streamed on Mac's World Entertainment YouTube channel (between 13:09-25:54) on 03 Oct 2020:
Cruz y Raya Star Trek
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — Spain
05min 34sec — 06 October 2000
Desde el Canal oficial de Juan Muñoz Cómic donde podrás revivir sketches de Cruz y Raya, nuevos sketches, canciones... ¡y sus últimas novedades! ¡También podrás encontrar material directo y totalmente inédito!
Entre 2000 y 2004 trabajó en Televisión como parte del número cómico Cruz y raya
Watch on YouTube:
The Laughing Academy Star Trek Sketch
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — Novato, CA
08min 20sec — 01 October 2003
From The Laughing Academy Youtube channel, originally uploaded in low-res but now reuploaded in higher resolution.
"A sketch made for my high school film class in Marin School of the Arts, October 2003, as part of a variety show special we put together (titled Or-Durves), where the class broke into groups that each make a different segment. This was originally planned as a particularly ambitious Laughing Academy sketch in early 2001. Finally in fall 2003, we managed to pull it off. Teacher: Laurel Ladevich. Student Filmmakers: Alex Brouillet, Beth Diesch with David Albert (camera), Chad Janusch (sfx), Alex Scioli (prod.) starring Alex Brouillet as Kirk and Scotty, Sean Conwell as Spock, Corey Powers as 'Bones' McCoy, Dennis Brouillet as Scul, Joe Brown as Ensign Expendable, Beth Diesch as Christine Chappell."
Watch on YouTube:
STS Awards, star trek parody
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
04min 34sec — 01 July 2007
A short film titled, "2007 STS AWARDS star trek parody" released on the Youtube channel of Dr Lazurus, although they say that it's "star trek parody at s cafe fighting bureaucracy ! not my video or creation but found it funny."
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek Pi Trailer (2009)
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
03min 20sec — 01 January 2009
Produced by Douglas & Shannon Atwill, this video from 2009 is on the YouTube channel of Michael Barnett, who played Cpt Kirk.
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek Spoof
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
05min 27sec — 07 January 2010
When toys attack!
Watch on YouTube:
I Knew You Were Tribbles
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
03min 33sec — 06 March 2013
A Star Trek musical parody (filk) of the classic TOS episode, The Trouble With Tribbles to the tune of Taylor Swift's "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Josh Millard on his Youtube channel
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek : When The Bowel Breaks
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
00min 38sec — 12 October 2018
I've never been sure how to classify this video produced by Darksuperboy! In a way it is the opposite of a 'redub' in that it uses some of the audio from Jim Carrey's comedy skit, 'Star Trek VII: The Really Last Voyage' from 'In Living Color' against video clips from the Star Trek movies with a twist to the ending.
Watch on YouTube:
The Adventures of the USS Parkview

Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
06min 02sec — 13 March 2019
The crew of the U.S.S. Parkview are on a daring mission to rescue a well-known character who is critical to the well-being of the Federation.
Watch on YouTube:
Watch on YouTube:
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — Brazil
02min 43sec — 27 May 2019
There's nothing worse than when you have an important conference call and you can't get a good signal! What if that happened during an important videoconference between Kirk and his Klingon counterpart? This is a Portuguese language film with English subtitles.
Watch on YouTube:
Comedians in Space w/ Jerry Seinfeld, Adam Sandler, David Spade, Tiffany Haddish, Ken Jeong
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
02min 01sec — 08 June 2020
#deepfake video clips of various celebrity's faces superimposed over the actors in TOS scenes. These are very controversial: could you tell that they are all not acted by real people?
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek: Clyde
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
02min 52sec — 03 August 2020
The Klingons are back and Kirk has to send for his elite force! A comedy parody by TD Riggs as part of his 'Big City of Imagination' series of videos.
Watch on YouTube:
Distress Call
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
05min 46sec — 19 October 2020
Written and Performed by Natasha Purdum as "Lt. Saavik" for the GeekLifeRules: NY Cosplay Cabaret @VIRTUAL TREK CON 2
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek Skit_2
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
01min 29sec — 22 December 2020
Part parody, part Christian message of hope in a short Star Trek fan film from "Joe"
Watch on Vimeo:
Greek Star Trek
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
13min 06sec — 27 December 2020
Kirk and Spock share their adventures in the Aegean! A fun satire!
Watch on YouTube:
Allen Chalmers, Star Trek
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
01min 22sec — 23 January 2021
Wait for it... it was only a matter of time...
Watch on Vimeo:
Cockney Star Trek
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
01min 46sec — 28 January 2021
Being Cockney isn't just whether you are born within earshot of Bow Bells or an arcane accent...
Watch on YouTube:
Amazing Star Trek Spoof!
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
02min 44sec — 24 February 2021
Well produced Star Trek spoof starring actor Frank Logan as Captain Keller of the U.S.S. Hunter " ain't the Enterprise but it's pretty cool!"
Watch on YouTube:
Star Nuts
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
05min 29sec — 30 November -0001
Produced for a film camp
Watch on YouTube:
Sarek "Loves" Amanda
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
07min 29sec — 01 August 2021
A sitcom produced for the upcoming podcast "The Prime-Time Directive", produced by Jessie Reyes. Billed as part 1 so hopefully the start of a new series.
Watch on YouTube:
Trekking among the stars
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — Sweden
04min 48sec — 20 October 2021
Timothy Krik and his crew bravely explores the galaxy in the Starship Enterprise, a Swedish Star Trek parody from Nordberg Entertainment.
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek: The Next Education
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — USA
02min 00sec — 16 November 2021
An amusing video made for a school science project by ZetaPrime 77
Watch on YouTube:
Fur Trek: Tribble Troubles
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
16min 09sec — 02 January 2022
When Capt. Purrk of the furship Kittyprise and his crew respond to a distress signal from Ambassador Barker of the planet Tribbiani, they come face to face with a fleet of Klingoffs! Purrk is urged to protect the Tribbilonians' life-saving grain known as quadrokittycale from the Klingoffs, who want to steal it and sell it to the highest bidder. Will the adorable (but pesky) indigenous creatures known as tribbles be caught in the middle of a war between the Furderation and the Klingoff empire? From Adventures in Purradise.
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek Comedy Fan Short Film: The Beam Issue
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — Idaho, USA
01min 39sec — 18 May 2022
Two redshirts are about to finish their mission but the transporter seems to be having some complications. A comedy short film saluting to our childhood of watching Star Trek. Filmed in City of Rocks, Idaho by Jake Kuwana
Watch on YouTube:
The Covid Conundrum
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
14min 23sec — 28 October 2022
The crew of the USS Lollipop is about to beam down to enjoy the holiday when Starfleet bans all transport to earth for... the covid lockdown... what to do? Have Christmas on board of course! This was obviously shot during Covid, probably October 2021, by RB's Toy Box a YouTube channeller who does videos of, you guessed it, toys! "I wanted one last hoorah with my kids so I rented The Neutral Zone for the day and had the first EVER Christmas party and a starship"
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek 11111111111111111111111111111111111111
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
07min 22sec — 02 November 2022
Parody video? Avant garde film? Made by Maximus Thor
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek OMC!
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — Scotland
01min 20sec — 17 December 2022
A parody skit in Scottish Gaelic with English subtitles on BBC Alba, a free-to-air public broadcast television channel jointly owned by the BBC and MG Alba.
Watch on YouTube:
Michael Hübner Star Trek-Fan-Film
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — Germany
06min 11sec — 19 December 2022
In diesem Star Trek-Fanfilm von Michael Hübner ist nicht alles so, wie es scheint.
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek Lost Episode - Should remain Lost
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
01min 56sec — 24 May 2023
Musician Brian Nicholson has created a small fan film to introduce a new song of his. The starship is party bound and Bones will have none of it.
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek: Gorn Fight
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
03min 24sec — 07 September 2023
Live action pastiche on the classic TOS episode. 'The quality of mercy is not strained...'
Watch on YouTube:
Star Techs
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
02min 12sec — 28 February 2024
From the YouTube channel of Seymore Thighbrain. Star Trechs aka The Fix Team! “If you have a problem, kick it to Fix”
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek Red Shirt Blues
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — USA
05min 30sec — 17 June 2024
A Star Trek parody song (Filk) by Grant and Logan on their Youtube channel, "Myvideos1"
Watch on YouTube:
Star Chuck
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — USA
05min 15sec — 05 January 2025
We shot this video during a recent trip to the iconic Vasquez Rocks. My brother Chuck and his wife Hanah had the idea and I helped them bring this sci-fi tale to life. The unique, otherworldly landscape made it the perfect setting for a story of survival—and some laughs along the way! On the Youtube channel of Steve Jacks.
Watch on YouTube:
One More Bite: An Audio Drama

Golden Age Audio; Short Film (Parody)
03min 56sec — 19 July 2021
As a chef struggles to finish his final taco, his good and bad conscience weigh in on the pros and cons of how to proceed.
Listen on Youtube:
Obligatory Star Trek Parody
Golden Age Audio; Short Film (Parody)
04min 07sec — 26 September 2021
A satire of colonialism and the Prime Directive.
Listen on YouTube:
Jimbo No. 5
Golden Age Audio; Short Film (Parody)
01min 29sec — 23 July 2022
A Mambo No. 5 parody from Captain Jerk. No secret Kirk was a player, what better song sums it up better? Lol.
Watch on YouTube:
Spocc Rocc!!!
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
02min 10sec — 30 November -0001
A fun animation that leaves no stone unturned!
Watch on YouTube:
Captain Kirk vs USS Enterprise Computer
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody) — Australia
02min 58sec — 30 August 2017
So THIS was how Kirk picked up his mannerisms! An original animation by visual artist, BlobVanDam on his YouTube channel
Watch on YouTube:
23rd century elevators
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody) — USA
03min 36sec — 20 November 2019
Animated by Ureshiiiiiii (on her YouTube channel Chaotic Kitty) using the anime style MikuMikuDance (MMD) program, this is a Star Trek parody made using audio from a skit on the Burnsitown Comedy Show about a problem that Scotty might have faced (or Chekov for that matter).
Watch on YouTube:
Trek Yourself! A Star Trek prequel cartoon
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
02min 16sec — 16 March 2020
Teen / college humour animation - Star Trek Into Darkness crossed with Animal House - by Dan Meth
Watch on YouTube:
Arnie is Star Trek
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody) — UK
04min 32sec — 03 April 2020
Captains Log…..uhhh…. two? Arnie takes the helm of the Starship Enterprise in this parody animation by Arnie Nation. Follow him and his crew as they travel at warp 15 to take on the toughest opponents space has to offer... BEAM ME UP SCOTLAND!!!
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek 2021
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
01min 18sec — 02 March 2021
Kirk and the crew get bored and debate the pros and cons of putting their brains into robot bodies. A mashup using video from Star Trek: The Animated Series. The producer, Dusty Rob commented, "I'm just a fan of both who decided to do this little parody on account of the fact that I was bored."
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek III - Gimme Your Hand!
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
00min 19sec — 20 June 2021
An original animation using the audio from the climactic scene in Star Trek III.
Watch on YouTube:
Ender-Written Motion Comic

Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
01min 07sec — 07 August 2021
A gacha style motion comic by /*Ender-Written*\ titled " Star trek: He's dead Jim!
Watch on YouTube:
No Time for Klingons
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
06min 30sec — 06 November 2021
After a rough mission, the crew of the USS Yeager encounters yet another obstacle separating them from a weekend off. Minimal animation but good script and voice acting makes for a diverting parody
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek: The Last Generation

Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
01min 23sec — 27 March 2022
An excellent animation by Robed Horse of Kirk inspiring one of the crew!
Watch on YouTube:
Happy Star Trek Day
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
00min 50sec — 27 September 2022
Animated parody / music video by Kong Studio
Watch on Vimeo:
Star Trek Best Practice
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody) — Germany
01min 30sec — 18 December 2022
Hier gibt es kleine und auch größere Cartoons mit Stars aus vergangenen Tagen aber auch von heute. Die Crew des Raumschiff Enterprise macht mit beim Energie-Sparen und gibt ein paar Tipps :)
Watch on YouTube:
To Boldly go where no Jerk has gone before!
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
02min 26sec — 18 December 2022
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How 'Bones' Got His Nickname
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
00min 49sec — 21 January 2023
Great drawn animation from Totally Kewl Toons (TKToons) who has a massive back catalogue of work on other popular media franchises.
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek 57 Year Mission Las Vegas Convention Promo
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
01min 25sec — 11 July 2023
This short parody was created by Justin Bonner and released on the SciFiction Youtube channel
Watch on YouTube:
Who Mourns For Mickey?
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
01min 29sec — 02 November 2024
Youtube channel using retro animated graphics
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Star Trek the 80's Anime
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody) — USA
01min 06sec — 28 November 2024
MissMello, An American Star Trek fan hs made a short Gundam anime style animation - No, it has nothing to do with the silly dance! It's audio is taken from a TOS episode you will instantly recognise, the animation and backgrounds are done with Clip Studio Paint and the editing with Microsoft Clipchamp.
Watch on YouTube:
Steamfest 2019 Star Tek2
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Other) — Compton, California
01min 50sec — 11 October 2020
This video was shot in a 12ft mock up of the Star Trek Galileo Shuttlecraft with Scratch and Raspberry Pi sensor built over 6 months by a team from Davis Middle School in Compton, California for 'Steamfest 2019'. You later get a super-cute rendition of "Will You Still Come With Me to Vulcan"!
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Kingon Nipples
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Advertisement)
00min 56sec — 01 January 2009
This insane video is taken straight from a ludicrous ad campaign that Burger King ran back in 2009. Their mascot was dressed as a "Kingon" (sic) who would harass cadets, leading to the need for specialized Academy training.
Released on 17 Mar 2023, on the tubeornotube YouTube Channel "The only thing I did was add in an obligatory sound bite from Matt Mira on the long-running podcast 'Star Trek: The Next Conversation' - also featuring Andy Secunda. Only loyal fans will know why.":
MGA StarTrek
Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Advertisement) — Annecy, France
01min 45sec — 20 January 2023
Vidéo réalisée pour MGA, agence de gestion de Patrimoine à Cournon d’Auvergne, Annecy et Lyon à l’occasion des voeux 2023. Fabriqué par Le Rudulier Gaël, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Watch on Vimeo:
Star Trek: The First Movie
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Drama)
03min 19sec — 17 September 2020
Star Trek has always been a strong focus of teens growing up and this looks like a colour movie film made by a group of friends, probably from the time of early TNG. This was produced and directed by David Welke who, from the other videos on this channel, seems to have passed away recently. RIP.
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Star Trek Fan Fiction
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Drama)
08min 44sec — 19 January 2021
Mind travellers or time travellers? A single actor, Ari Bluer, plays all parts in this 'stream of cosciousness' skit.
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek: Deep Space

Silver Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — Plymouth, UK
11min 48sec — 20 March 2021
A starship takes refuge on an uncharted space station that is not all it seems to be.
Watch on Vimeo:
Star Trek: Chronicles
Silver Age Animation; Short Film (Drama)
06min 20sec — 01 January 2001
This is an old storyboard for an online animation called Star Trek: Chronicles.
Cleared For Departure

Silver Age Animation; Short Film (Drama)
03min 18sec — 17 June 2021
In the 24th century, a crew takes their first steps into the great unknown....
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Nickel family TNG Parody
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
03min 13sec — 01 January 1990
Released in 2020 by Joel Nickel, "In the 90s my family loved to shoot random footage we'd intended to edit into videos but the technology just wasn't there yet (aside from having a double VCR where you'd sync one tape up and record onto the 2nd one ... :| ... but I we can now! So here's my family's Star Trek: TNG parody."
Star Trek: The Wrath of Neener
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — USA
07min 09sec — 01 January 1992
Subtitled, "An 11-year-old's Star Trek Fan Film Opus", this is a collaboration of Keith Varney and his younger brother from roughly 1992 just having some fun with Star Trek!
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek The Next Generation Tesch Brother Skit
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — USA
05min 45sec — 30 June 1995
A fan film acted out by three brothers in 1995.
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Star Trek: The Tub Generation
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
02min 58sec — 08 July 2011
A Flash animation remixing clips from Star Trek the Next Generation. Animation by Shmorky, or Picky Picardo as he called himself on this one.
Released on Toppi Tredwell's YouTube channel, May 17, 2021:
Make It So, Media-Go-Go
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
02min 53sec — 24 March 2014
From the YouTube Channel Media-Go-Go. "This song is a dorky escape hatch for every father who's been subjected to countless screenings of Disney's "Frozen," and countless replays of "Let It Go" in particular. That's right small girl people, I see your "Frozen" and raise you "Star Trek!"
Watch on YouTube with bouncing ball lyric subtitles!:
Star Trek - PTHS 2017
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — Pemberton, NJ
03min 44sec — 08 December 2020
The faculty and staff of Pemberton Township High School go where no one, no school, has gone before!
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Every Episode of Popular Space Show™
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — England
01min 04sec — 19 February 2021
Alasdair Beckett-King, an English comedian, gives his take on the tropes of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Watch on YouTube:
Me Every Time I Go To The Bathroom: Star Trek Edition
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
00min 53sec — 19 March 2021
A parody about... exactly what it says on the label!
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Media Messengers Star Trek The Next Generation
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — Michigan, USA
06min 08sec — 01 May 2021
Pandemic family fan film created by Adrian, Brennan, Luke and their dad. "Made in May of 2021. 2020 was a rough year, the Coronavirus lockdowns were long and restrictive. There was also a very contentious and controversial election in the States. I found myself watching old Star Trek The Next Generation episodes while stuck indoors for so long. My kids started watching too! They loved it! The science fiction classic served as a great escape from all the noise from social media and TV news. We had fun making this and I hope you like it too. I know it is NOT perfect nor 100% accurate to the show...give me a break we filmed in my garage with my kids! ENJOY!"
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek: Attack of Bradosaur
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
00min 34sec — 28 June 2021
This is one of those entries where it is a real challenge to classify the creative media but I think "baked goods puppetry" might fit the bill for this whimsical short by Edi-Oh: Child of Dysfunction
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Star Trek Blackout Sketch: Subspace
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
00min 38sec — 12 December 2021
Ever wondered why they call it "subspace"? Short bluescreen comedy by Will Haza at Green Robot Studios.
Watch on YouTube:
The Captain & Commander Take on an Unknown Enemy
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
00min 49sec — 09 November 2022
It's good to see Star Trek fans starting out young!
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Star Trek SFeraKon - Gagh
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody) — Croatia
02min 09sec — 14 May 2023
Food fight! A promo video made for sferakonzagreb, a science fiction convention that takes place in Zagreb, Croatia every year at the end of April.
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Constar Clips - Hailing Frequencies...Open?
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
02min 27sec — 31 July 2023
Onboard the Constar B, Sanders faces his greatest challenge yet: being a therapist...
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On The Job
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
03min 49sec — 20 November 2024
Channel of Indy film maker, Finan Geoghegan. Short Star Trek fan film, "On The Job" - The one thing you will never get on a Deep Space Station is privacy!
Watch on YouTube:
Space Trip: The Gleepglorp Gambit
Silver Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
08min 04sec — 15 December 2024
Evelyn Palmer shares her English110 Final project with the world!
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek Smorgasborg
Silver Age Audio; Short Film (Parody)
04min 58sec — 06 May 2024
A Star Trek audio drama fan fiction parody from John Dimes' Antipersperant Pictures of the Next Generation Crew interacting with The Borg in a whole new, ridiculous way! Bon Appetit!
Listen on YouTube:
Star Trek: Even LOWER Decks!
Silver Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
05min 26sec — 11 January 2021
A fan's answer to Lower Decks, an original animation by WHYFU. Join Ensigns Newport, D'jarum, Winston, and Chesterfield as they learn just how low these decks can go! An animated homage to TNG era Star Trek.
Watch on YouTube:
Crossing The Threshold
Silver Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
04min 48sec — 29 January 2021
This parody of the Star Trek Voyager episode “Threshold” follows a young pilot who dares to fly faster than everyone else. And, of course, the slimy shenanigans that follow his fateful trip. Footage recorded in the game Star Trek Online. Made for the 25th anniversary of Threshold! Happy Threshold Day!
Watch on YouTube:
RLM Animated: Star Trek the Next Desecration
Silver Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
01min 55sec — 15 February 2021
An animated parody by WeeZacharyP of a parody review by Youtube stars Red Letter Media of a Star Trek: The Next Generaton episode.
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek: The Next Generation as vines but I animated them
Silver Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
01min 44sec — 06 March 2021
Amusing, short animated clips using audio from an American social networking short-form video hosting service called 'Vine' which appeared and disappeared in 2012.
Watch on YouTube:
Bobble Pops - Episode 1 : Star Trek - Best Of Both Worlds
Silver Age Animation; Short Film (Parody) — Canada
02min 25sec — 10 March 2021
"Part 1 of the new upcoming motion animation Bobble Pop episodes, reenacting a mashed scene from Star Trek's The Next Generation's Best of Both Worlds episode using Toys and Bobbleheads."
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek Enterprise-D Crash in Minecraft
Silver Age Animation; Short Film (Parody) — Singapore
04min 41sec — 20 May 2023
What would the crash of the Enterprise-D look like in Minecraft with a different captain and a sassy ship's computer? Look no further!
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The Most Incompetent Star Trek Crew Ever
Silver Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
03min 21sec — 07 July 2023
A Star Trek parody made with Ebsynth a new AI program that turns live video into animation
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Not Levar Burton
Silver Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
01min 12sec — 30 January 2024
Youtube channel with experimental AI skits by Bob Hawkey
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Steam Trek: The Moving Picture

Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Drama) — UK
11min 41sec — 29 April 2007
Star Trek imagined as if it were done in the early days of silent motion pictures, with Cpt James T. Shirt, Mr Spex, directed by Dennis Sisterson who lives in Alnwick, Northumberland. This same group produced the missing Star Trek: The Endeavour Missions: First Command, which does not appear to be on the web.
Watch on YouTube, HD version: 05 Oct 2014:
Watch on YouTube, first complete version: 01 Mar 2011:
Watch on YouTube, Sound corrupted: 29 Apr 2007:
Final Entry
Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Drama)
04min 22sec — 05 August 2020
Time travel can be a prison sentence or a new start.
Watch on YouTube:

Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Drama) — Syracuse, NY, USA
10min 17sec — 27 May 2021
Even Starfleet officers are not immune to romance. A Star Trek Fan Film made in partial fulfillment of a B.F.A. in Film in the Dept of Transmedia, College of Visual & Performing Arts, Syracuse University.
Watch on YouTube:
The Budding Writer 10: Star Chef & Embarkation Leave
Era Not Applicable Audio; Short Film (Drama)
27min 13sec — 29 January 2021
Episode 10 of a podcast of Audiobook-style readings of original and fan fiction.
Listen on Youtube:
Clay Days: A Lost Episode
Era Not Applicable Animation; Short Film (Drama)
08min 35sec — 26 September 2019
This is a lost episode where the crew visits a planet that has a high amount of Helium in it. An evil computer is messing with the animals and turning them into monsters. Sorry about the very low quality of the film. Try to make out what they are saying. It's cute!
Watch on YouTube:
Lifeteen Star Trek Skit '99
Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Parody) — Nashua, NH
07min 58sec — 01 January 1999
Religious message in a Star Trek parody
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The Intergalactic Time Squadron
Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Parody) — UK
02min 43sec — 12 March 2009
Breaking the fourth wall ...literally!
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Broth: a Star Trek fan production
Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Parody) — Ukraine
05min 55sec — 30 June 2019
A short parody from two young Ukrainian musicians, Сач Bullshit, in Russian with no translation or subtitles - If anyone can give us more information on this we would be very grateful
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Star Trip
Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Parody)
08min 20sec — 26 September 2019
Star Trek fan film of indeterminate age uploaded by Eric Keller. "We always hear about the best. This is about the worst." An adventure of the USS Derelict NCC 170
Watch on YouTube:
A Band of Starships
Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Parody)
01min 59sec — 04 July 2020
Happy little starships playing games in the stars, created by Serin Jameson.
Watch on YouTube:
TMI Ginger Beer Fueling Star Trek Success
Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Parody)
02min 17sec — 11 February 2021
Our future fan film makers at work! I particularly like the look on the kid's face when he finally mastered the Vulcan salute!
Watch on YouTube:
Destination Helios

Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Parody) — Gwinnett County, Atlanta, Ga
08min 01sec — 15 April 2021
Watch on YouTube:
Mountain Dew: Supernova (Finland Exclusive)
Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Parody) — USA
03min 12sec — 28 June 2021
A small crew of explorers answer a distress beacon across the emptiness of space. I think this is meant to be a tongue-in-cheek review of a new flavour of Mountain Dew.
Watch on Youtube:
My version of Star Trek!
Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Parody) — USA
00min 58sec — 06 February 2022
Can Transporters send smells? A parody TikTok by Crazy Chris Comedy
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If guitar player was a Star Trek / Orville character
Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Parody)
02min 05sec — 28 July 2022
Everyone's a critic! A short holodeck parody by Space Expire Audio
Watch on YouTube:
Canadian Star Trek
Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Parody) — Canada
01min 52sec — 06 July 2023
From the Youtube channel of Jorxdefier who admits, "It was really just an excuse to make a Star Trek video because I’ve been watching it."
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek no longer on Netflix
Era Not Applicable Audio; Short Film (Parody) — Germany
01min 46sec — 21 November 2021
Satire filk highlighting the frustration of fans regarding the changes in streaming Star Trek by Performed by Daniel & Vanessa on ScifinewsDE
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Rigel Thurston Music
Era Not Applicable Audio; Short Film (Parody) — USA
03min 45sec — 08 December 2023
"Let's Hang Out on the Holodeck for the Holidays", an original Trekmas carol with a jazzy piano & vocal production, with lyrics that feature characters and scenes from old and new episodes.
Listen on Youtube:
Fuera de Órbita
Era Not Applicable Animation; Short Film (Parody) — Spain
06min 38sec — 07 February 2021
En un lugar del espacio de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, la comandante Natalya y su tripulación VR Clan surcan los cielos... ¿cuál será su destino final? ;) Webserie cómica inspirada en Star Trek y grabada en Altspace con unas gafas OculusQuest 2. Producido por Lashistorias dinma
Watch on YouTube:
Bird Trek - The Wrath of Falcon
Era Not Applicable Animation; Short Film (Parody)
14min 59sec — 29 August 2021
A professionally animated episode from the Planet Bonehead TV show. In this parody of STAR TREK, Cpt Bonehead and his crew on board the VERTIBRISE get an anonymous hail telling them that JP Rothbone and his Sniveling Cronies have captured all the birds of prey in the area. With no birds of prey around, rats and other rodents will run rampant, and farmers everywhere will need to buy JP's questionable rat traps to protect their crops.
To make matters worse, JP's ship is cloaked - or invisible - and the birds of prey are in an invisible cage somewhere in the land below the ships. The Boneheads beam down and search for the missing birds. But JP's ship attacks the VERTIBRISE, disabling their transporters, and stranding Bonehead and his landing party in the field below. Can the Boneheads repair their ship, find the birds of prey, and free them from their invisible cages in time?
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek Fleet Command

Era Not Applicable Animation; Short Film (Parody)
03min 15sec — 23 June 2022
Interesting idea! Game developer Scopely, Inc. have sponsored CarbotAnimations to do a very good animated parody of the gameplay to promote their game.
Watch on YouTube:
Stormtrooper vs. Redshirt
Era Not Applicable Animation; Short Film (Parody)
01min 42sec — 20 September 2023
A stop motion comedy sketch by Struts Studios
Watch on YouTube:
Heineken Advert, 1970s - Film 1093304
Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Advertisement) — Germany
Excellent spoof of 'Star Trek'. Star Trek on the Huntley Film Archives. Complete with Captain Kirk look-alike, the group on an alien planet, Captain Kirk talks into his communicator. A green monster comes towards them. They try to be transported but it does not work. 'Spock' sits at a control panel. It says 'Molecular structure needs Heineken'. Spock smiles. Heineken is beamed down. The crew drink some Heineken and are beamed up, away from the scary green monster. The crew appears in the teletransporter room and clink glasses. A couple glasses of Heineken, 'refreshes the part other beers don't reach'.
Heineken Advert, 1970s - Film 1093304
Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Advertisement) — Germany
00min 47sec — 28 January 1970
German spoof of 'Star Trek' on the Huntley Film Archives in a Heineken advertisement. Complete with Captain Kirk look-alike, the group on an alien planet, Captain Kirk talks into his communicator. A green monster comes towards them. They try to be transported but it does not work. 'Spock' sits at a control panel. It says 'Molecular structure needs Heineken'. Spock smiles. Heineken is beamed down. The crew drink some Heineken and are beamed up, away from the scary green monster. The crew appears in the teletransporter room and clink glasses. A couple glasses of Heineken, 'refreshes the part other beers don't reach'.
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan 'Sweded'
Late Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
05min 01sec — 01 January 2010
Labelled as from 2010 by Brendan Joyce, "Sweded" means that this is a remake of a famous movie that has been reshot by amateurs, unedited, with only a single take per scene in the style of the flim, "Be Kind Rewind" from 2008.
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek 2 - The Wrath of Kahn A Puppy Parody Video
Late Golden Age Film; Short Film (Parody)
01min 06sec — 24 August 2022
K9 Theater present a dog's eye view retelling of a classic scene
Watch on YouTube:
Late Golden Age Animation; Short Film (Parody)
00min 52sec — 03 April 2024
BrazenSnatch is a multimedia parody channel on Youtube. "Scotty hits his head" is little animation made in Adobe Animate and Premiere Pro, based on Scotty's legendary scene in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. Watch out, Scotty!
Watch on YouTube: