Starship Valiant
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Oklahoma City
Starship Valiant created by Michael L. King is a web series made at Starbase Studios, inspired by the classic original series created by Gene Roddenberry. The show is set after the 3rd season of Star Trek and follows the exploits of the Federation Starship USS Valiant NCC-1707, a Constitution-Class ship captained by Jackson K. Bishop, a stellar man at the helm but riddled with personal challenges. His second in command is Leeza S. Kennedy, an officer who excels in all that she does.
The missions of the Valiant are not those of direct exploration, she is more of a “police-ship,” in that she goes where she is needed and most of time this means hostile territory. Their goal has been to create a series that focusses on the human condition: human beings at their best but not always triumphant in their missions, with personality clashes and deeply developed characters that people can relate to.
News, Reviews, & Links
In depth interview by Warped Space SciFi Club with Michael King tells us all kinds of great and interesting information about 'Starship Valiant' and behind the scenes stories, what inspired him, exclusive UNSEEN footage!: (30 May 2015)
Casting Call (Indian Country Today): (06 Aug 2015)
Part 1 of a four-blog feature by Jonathan Lane on Fan Film Factor of the complete the history of this unique fan series, with commentary from show-runner Michael L. King published in honor of the release of "Animals": (21 Jan 2021)

01 — 23min 39sec — 04 July 2014
The personal story of one man dealing with death and turmoil after events led him to assuming command of the USS Valiant. Upon arriving at Earth, he is greeted by a not-so-welcoming daughter whom he tries to reconcile his relationship with while dealing with the massive loss that has engulfed his soul.
Watch the Special Edition with extra scenes, released on YouTube July 11, 2015. We recommend watching the Special Edition instead of the original release.:
Watch the original release on DailyMotion:
Watch the original release on YouTube (English and Spanish subtitles available):
Watch the original release with Portuguese subtitles on YouTube:
Watch Special Edition on No Budget Productions - FilkFerret Productions YouTube channel:
Promotional reel and interviews: (31 Oct 2013)
First day of shooting clip: (23 Nov 2013)
Trailer: (20 Jun 2014)
Podcast interview after premiere: (28 Jun 2014)
Vlog by actor Vance Major Owen about the premiere: (21 Jul 2014)
Long interview with creator Michael King featuring cut footage (Warped Space SciFi): (30 May 2015)
Special edition announcement: (01 Jun 2015)
The Making of Legacy: (14 Aug 2015)

02 — 01min 10sec — 04 July 2016
A vignette that acted as a backdoor introduction to Starship Melbourne which was, at the time, a new fan film series from the same area.
Watch as the first half of the special edition on YouTube:
This was one of a pair of vignettes originally released as a crossover with the series, Starship Melbourne, PenPals 2: A Star Trek Fan Production. On Dec 5, 2019 the two vignettes were unlisted on Youtube to be merged and re-released as Penpals: A Star Trek Fan Production Special Edition by No Budget Productions.
Chain of Command

03 — 07min 38sec — 03 November 2016
A crossover with Dreadnought Dominion.
Watch the Special Edition by No Budget Productions on Youtube 5 Dec 2019:
Watch the original release on YouTube, uploaded by Gary Davis:
Review (Axanar): (12 Nov 2016)
Crosses to Bear

04 — 22min 30sec — 09 December 2016
Stardate 1017.4, the Federation Starship USS Valiant rescues 135 colonists from a Federation outpost only to discover that they have all been stricken with an alien disease and to make matters worse, the medical staff on the Valiant have no antidote to the sickness. Working overtime, Chief Medical Officer Roger Floyd grows attached to the last two remaining children from the colony as he feverishly searches for a cure. Emotionally distraught, he wonders if he fails, will he have the strength to carry on? Taking place several years before the events of Legacy, Crosses to Bear tells the tale of a pivitol event in the life of Roger Floyd.
Trailer: (27 Jan 2017)
05 — 01min 24sec — 14 February 2018
Quickie! A little short diversion by none other than Craig Frey Jr.
Our ReviewPresented as a film, but really more of a short VFX reel -- there's no narrative and no voiceover.
The Ties That Bind

06 — 12min 50sec — 01 January 2020
When a new threat to the stability of the Federation arises, newly promoted Captain Jackson Kelham Bishop takes command of the newly uprated USS Valiant to unravel the threat and bring order to the region, but this enemy will test the crew of the Valiant like none ever have.
Watch "The Ties That Bind," SPECIAL PREVIEW on YouTube:
Watch "The Ties That Bind," SPECIAL PREVIEW on DailyMotion:
Watch on YouTube "The Ties That Bind - Behind the Scenes #1":
Watch on No Budget Productions - FilkFerret Productions YouTube channel:
Our records show it was 15:50 when released but it's current length is 12:50. Still in production, Part 1 has been released as a "special preview." Release date and length will be updated as further parts are released. IMDB states, "Starship Valiant: The Ties That Bind will answer many questions raised by the previous film; such as why the USS Valiant was attacked to begin with and just how she survived her encounter with enemy forces. Furthermore, fans will see resolution with Bishop and his daughter as well as the race responsible for the turmoil."

07 — 26min 25sec — 21 January 2021
On the neutral planet Argus, the Federation and Dregon Continuum's fragile peace is broken by renegades bent on destroying that peace and forcibly installing a new order. As the USS Valiant defends and protects the planet from orbit against enemy forces, the only hope lies with a little girl but getting her off the planet and to the peace accords will be a challenge for the USS Valiant's chief of Security Alex Hilton, a man struggling with his own personal issues, and his team.
Watch the release on YouTube:
Watch on No Budget Productions - FilkFerret Productions YouTube channel: