Constar Completed
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Junction City, KS

Continuing the extended fan film universe that he built with The Constar Chronicles, Vance Major has gone on to produce more of the same with a range of talented actors and film makers.
News, Reviews, & Links
Vance Major Owen organised a Gofundme campaign. "We are planning several fan films in 2021 but need to purchase more uniforms and props to go forward and finish up what we have thus far.": (11 Oct 2020)
Vance Major released "Quick update on the Constar series" giving some hints about the direction of future plot threads.: (21 Mar 2021)
Livestream video followed by announcement, "As of this morning Frank Parker Jr and Vance Major Owen have agreed to merge their channels and production teams and work as one unit. So we will now be known as No Budget Productions (Vman) - FilkFerret Productions (Frank), from everything on the YouTube page, to writing team, production team, and anything else we work on.": (26 Apr 2021)
Constar Completed Intro
00.5 — 00min 45sec — 16 September 2020
The intro credits for the series
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01 — 08min 56sec — 07 November 2020
Admiral Kirk and Minard meet for the first time in 2273 and in the after credits.... something comes back to haunt him in the 24th century.
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Guest-starring Mike Longo of The Human Adventure as James T. Kirk.
02 — 08min 49sec — 11 November 2020
Lt Watson confronts the demons of his past as Lobato clears him for a position on the Constar. After Credits, Watson is confronted by The Man in Green as he surveys the crashed Constar.
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The Stuff of Legend
03 — 14min 44sec — 15 November 2020
Captain Minard delves deeper into the past about the mysterious Quadlithium. One bridge starts to build as another starts to collapse. In the after credits, Commander Yung finds something that sets him on his destiny forever.
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Mystic Force
04 — 07min 12sec — 21 November 2020
The newest additions to the B-5 crew, Shelly & White help with investigations as Minard warns McKnight of the Lexington to be on the lookout for a double of the Constar.
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The Heat of the Moment
05 — 11min 20sec — 25 November 2020
Captain Lobato comes to Minard about a message from the future. In the after credits, Minard gets cornered by Sanders on his past actions.
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i-Warp Prime
06 — 10min 38sec — 26 November 2020
After friends fall out, Minard and the crew of the B-5 find a clue to the mystery of what happened to the Lexington. In the after credits scene, watch the USS Destiny as it goes up against the most feared race in the galaxy, the Borg.
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Something in the Way
07 — 09min 44sec — 02 December 2020
Lt Chestnut unveils the mystery of the man in green and the end of days; After Credits: Dr Connor tells Minard that the Dominion are trying to create a wormhole as an invasion beachhead.
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Hard Pill to Swallow
08 — 17min 19sec — 09 December 2020
Sanders investigates the mystery of Minard's network and finds more than he bargained for. In the after credits, Lt White takes on something he never expected
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1000 Dirty Tricks
09 — 23min 13sec — 14 December 2020
Sanders investigations into Minard and the network uncovers more details and comes to its conclusion. In the after credits Starfleet Command gets a chilling message.
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Gawds and Monsters
10 — 06min 10sec — 22 December 2020
The fate of the Space Station B-5 comes to its fateful conclusion...
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Too Long A Sacrifice
11 — 09min 47sec — 29 December 2020
After Minard's death, Cpt Mitchell of the Armitage contacts the Romulan, Nero, and the future of the Quadlithium hangs in the balance. In the after credits, years later, the destruction of Romulus is felt in in Willowbrook Arkansas.
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Endless Winter
12 — 09min 38sec — 04 January 2021
Back in the 23rd century, when Minard was still an engineer, there was a pandemic, the psy 2000 virus, and someone in Starfleet was covering it up. Guest starring Cpt Claus Elberg, in charge of Utopia Planitia after "the Eagle incident"
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Sinking in the Swamp
13 — 26min 00sec — 08 January 2021
Minard puts his career on the line in the name of his friendship with Captain Allen of the Antyllus.
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14 — 15min 35sec — 11 January 2021
Lost in the depths of the unknown, Minard struggles against his destiny
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Wicked Soldier
15 — 09min 15sec — 20 January 2021
One of the worst things in life is not being able to come back from what you've gone through. This is that story. Crosses over with Starship Melbourne & Nature's Hunger.
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16 — 15min 32sec — 15 March 2021
In this sequel to the Constar Chronicles episode, "Nausea", the alternate timeline continues where they left off, with the Federation all but obliterated by the Klingon Empire. What lengths will they go to save themselves?
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Vance Major released "NAUSEA universe update" regarding this spin-off storyline: (26 Mar 2021)
Running Up That Hill
17 — 12min 57sec — 29 March 2021
Setting up the long awaited return of Sam Grissom
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Freak on a Leash
18 — 14min 05sec — 05 April 2021
On his return to start fleet, Admiral Grissom connects with an old friend from the Constar
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19 — 15min 58sec — 11 April 2021
After Minard leaves Starfleet, he gets a message from an old acquaintance that forces him to face his past.
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Minard 2: Hemorrhage

20 — 47min 03sec — 11 June 2021
The struggle against The Green Man continues with Minard in the Kelvin universe continuing into the same continuity as Star Trek Picard, setting the stage for more films to come as the commander of the USS Odyssey
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21 — 07min 36sec — 21 June 2021
Captain Minard is off investigating events that may reverse The Phantom Wave, while Commander Leonard is left in charge of the Odyssey. In the after credits, one of the Whirlers is released....
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Odyssey Part 2

22 — 08min 17sec — 28 June 2021
It's been 3 months since the incident with the Borg and The Odyssey is about to get underway....but where is Captain Minard, and where has he been since his encounter with the Borg. In the after credits, there has been an that changes the Federation forever
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23 — 19min 47sec — 05 July 2021
After the attack on Mars, worry among the newly commissioned Raincross is for one of their own, and what lengths they will go to protect them. In the after credits, a familiar face from the past finds newly discovered information about an even older threat that is on the horizon again
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24 — 45min 40sec — 12 July 2021
The search for Eobard Minard comes from the members of the 25th century Federation. Can hope be restored to once hopeful? And how will the "Constar Completed" come to its conclusion?
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Words Women - The Escape

25 — 08min 53sec — 14 October 2021
Even a successful prison break can go wrong, it all depends on which reality you look at it from.
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Little Lies

26 — 06min 43sec — 13 November 2021
Captain Chris Sanders faces his demons...or at least that's what Lt. Katrina Tessler wants him to do...
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More from No Budget Productions
No Budget Productions also created The Constar Chronicles and Starship Armitage.