Star Trek: Hidden Frontier
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Pasadena, Southern California

News, Reviews, & Links
Article by Jonathan Lane on the Axanar website "Fan Film Friday – Star Trek: Hidden Frontier, Part 2": (29 Oct 2015)
Article by Jonathan Lane on the Axanar website "Fan Film Friday – Star Trek: Hidden Frontier, Part 1": (23 Nov 2015)
First hand account by Jonathan Lane on Fan Film Factor of Hidden Frontier's early years: (01 Apr 2016)
Interview on Fan Film Factor of Rob Caves by Jonathan Lane and David Mason: (08 Apr 2016)
"Hidden Frontier Origins" Documentary by Nick Cook, producer of Star Trek Intrepid: (09 Jul 2017)
Enemy Unknown, Part 1

Season 1 01 — 14min 45sec — 01 January 2000
2375 - With the allied forces nearing Cardassia, the Dominion makes a last stand in the Lapolis system Outnumbered and outgunned, the Dominion puts up a valiant fight. This turning point in the war would later become known as The Battle of Lapolis. During the final push of the Dominion War, Captain Ian Quincy Knapp, commanding the USS Devonshire, encounters an unknown, powerful, and malevolent new force in the McAllister Nebula. From the ashes of the Dominion War, the Federation meets the Grey, a powerful alien race. The USS Excelsior is assigned to a new starbase, Deep Space 12, which serves to protect the healing planet Ba'ku and the hidden frontier of the mysterious Briar Patch.
Watch on YouTube:

Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo: (13 Sep 2008)
Enemy Unknown Part 2

Season 1 02 — 18min 05sec — 01 February 2000
The mysteries of the Briar Patch beckon to the crew of the USS Excelsior, under the command of Captain Ian Quincy Knapp and his new senior staff. Their first mission has them looking for an foe that Knapp already has some knowledge of, but what they will discover will shock them all...
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on December 1, 2014. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
Watch the blooper reel for parts 2 & 3 on Vimeo: (13 Sep 2008)
Enemy Unknown Part 3

Season 1 03 — 25min 02sec — 01 March 2000
The Excelsior leads a task force after the Grey, but her crew quickly realizes they got more than they bargained for.
Watch the remastered version with subtitles in English on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on December 4, 2014. The remastering process was managed by Dan Armitage, Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of the episode is available on Vimeo.
Watch the blooper reel for parts 2 & 3 on Vimeo: (13 Sep 2008)
Two Hours

Season 1 04 — 23min 29sec — 01 April 2000
2377: The USS Independence is sent to investigate an unexplained phenomenon inside the Briar Patch however the crew is caught in a 29th Century intrigue when they discover a legendary event in the past may have occurred due to tampering with their timeline, the sinking of the Titanic!
Watch the remastered version with subtitles in English on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on December 11, 2014. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
Watch the blooper reel for parts 2 & 3 on Vimeo: (13 Sep 2008)

Season 1 05 — 23min 02sec — 01 May 2000
Captain Knapp briefly clashes with new XO Elizabeth Shelby’s attitude before the Excelsior heads off to investigate the disappearance of the Nova-class USS Perihelion. Arriving at the ship’s last known coordinates, they discover the ship in an impossibly close orbit of a quantum singularity, alongside an unknown vessel that dwarfs the Excelsior. When an investigation reveals the strange, deleterious effects that the singularity had on the Perihelion crew and now the Excelsior crew as well, they realize what the ramifications could be for the entire galaxy.
Watch the remastered version with subtitles in English on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on December 15, 2014. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo: (13 Sep 2008)

Season 1 06 — 23min 52sec — 29 April 2001
The Grey are back, and the only one who can stop them may not be willing to help.
Watch the remastered version with subtitles in English on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on December 20, 2014. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo: (13 Sep 2008)
In Focus; Hidden Frontier Season Two

Season 2 00 — 08min 01sec — 31 December 2001
A documentary covering Season 2 of Hidden Frontier, featuring interviews with the prime movers of the series produced by John Whiting.

Season 2 01 — 26min 23sec — 01 January 2002
Captain Knapp welcomes two representatives of the planet Tren’La, who have had centuries of experiences with the Grey, Princess Illiana and her son, Aris. Fleeing a Grey attack, they appeal to the Federation for help. Admiral Nechayev must turn down their request, despite the advantages their spatial fold drive may bring. But when Aris and recent Academy graduate Ensign Artim Ibanya discover Grey troops on Ba’ku, Knapp must take command of the fleet to fight off a Grey attack against Deep Space 12.
Watch an 'AI Upscaled' version on Youtube, released Jly 20 2021:
Watch the remastered version with subtitles in English on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on December 21, 2014. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
Yesterday's Excelsior

Season 2 02 — 23min 04sec — 02 January 2002
A glimpse at what could have happened if the original Excelsior, under Captain Hikaru Sulu, had found itself falling through a temporal anomaly on its way to assist Captain Kirk at Camp Khitomer. The Federation has fallen to the Borg, having been punished by the Q Continuum for their massive retaliatory strike against the weakened Klingon Empire after the assassination of the Federation President. What remains is being lead by the Battlestar-class USS Excelsior, as they search for a safe haven, but the arrival of the original Excelsior may provide a way to do more then simply survive.
Watch an 'AI Upscaled' version on Youtube, released Jly 22 2021:
Watch the remastered version with subtitles in English on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
Listed by our researcher, eMBee as "Hidden Frontier 2-2 Battlestar Excelsior: Yesterdays Excelsior" with a run time of 20:45, this episode was re-released in a remastered edition on March 2, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
Because of what was deemed as 'the extended use of copyright footage', Act 1 of this episode was not available for download for an extended period of time.
Old Wound

Season 2 03 — 25min 15sec — 03 January 2002
Relationships with the Dominion come under threat when Captain Knapp is accused of killing a Founder serving as an ambassador to the Federation, while on a mission to help learn more about the Grey. Commander Shelby is put in the uncomfortable position of acting as the prosecutor in the informal investigative hearing held aboard Deep Space 12.
Watch an 'AI Upscaled' version on Youtube, released Jly 23 2021:
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on March 2, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
The Great Starship Robbery

Season 2 04 — 30min 56sec — 04 January 2002
While transporting the Excelsior‘s new Security Chief, Lieutenant Luko, back to Deep Space 12, Lefler and her team are abducted by Orion Syndicate pirates who want her help in siphoning off a dangerous explosive byproduct of warp engines from a derelict Starfleet vessel.
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on March 2, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.

Season 2 05 — 26min 27sec — 05 January 2002
Investigating the destruction of the terraforming vessel Encke in orbit of Osiris III, the Excelsior takes aboard Mission Specialist Corey Aster, an old Academy classmate of Ro and Rawlins. Ro is made uncomfortable when he realizes Aster still has feelings for him that he demonstrated while at the Academy. Soon, the two work together to identify what really happened to the Encke.
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on May 23, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
To The Stars

Season 2 06 — 23min 42sec — 06 January 2002
With the science mission on Ba’ku now under the control of Starfleet Medical, Ensign Artim Ibanya spends some time on Excelsior as he considers whenever to take a position on a science facility on Danula II. He tells Counselor Elbrey a tale of his life just before he went off to join the Academy, of how he became interested in Starfleet, met a young Lieutenant Jason Munoz, and foiled a plot of the Breen.
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
This episode recounts the story originally told in Voyages of the USS Angeles episode ANG 1.03 – “Dreamers”.
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on May 23, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
Fire in the Heart

Season 2 07 — 21min 59sec — 07 January 2002
Luko rescues Traya, a young girl who happens to be Captain Knapp’s daughter, from an Orion Syndicate slave planet. They come under attack from a squadron of Grey attack fighters. Excelsior manages to fend of an attack, but suffers damage that makes them unable to jump to warp. Soon, they are easy pickings for another Grey attack, which leaves the ship disabled. The crew, scattered throughout the ship, attempt to avert a series of calamities long enough to restore power before a Grey battleship can move in for the kill.
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on May 23, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
Coward’s Death

Season 2 08 — 24min 04sec — 08 January 2002
An Andorian crewmember is the only casualty when a conduit accidentally ruptures on the Excelsior. Radiation causes brain damage that results in a permanent case of clinical depression. While Dr. Henglaar looks into medical avenues to help the crewman and Counselor Elbrey does her best to keep him motivated, Captain Knapp also gets involved, lest the depression become too much and he becomes a danger to himself and those around him.
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on May 23, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
The script, written by John Whiting and Rob Caves was a contentious one dealing with mental illness and clinical depression in particular. For an in depth summary see the Star Trek Expanded Universe article.
Worst Fears Part One

Season 2 09 — 11min 04sec — 09 January 2002
Aris and Illiana are stunned when Kaz, Illiana’s husband, arrives at the station. He brings news of a massing Grey armada. As Starfleet prepares to intercept the threat, Captain Knapp is relieved of command of the Excelsior, while a Board of Inquiry prepares to judge his conduct regarding the damage Excelsior took while rescuing Traya during the events of HF 2.07 – “Fire In The Heart”.
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on May 23, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
Worst Fears Part 2

Season 3 01 — 14min 18sec — 01 July 2002
With DS12 surrounded by three Grey battleships, Admiral Nechayev orders the shields fortified. She notes that they are not without resources, but Commander Darwin suggests that with the fleet away, they don't stand a chance. Knapp then reminds them that not all the ships are gone. Nechayev asks him if he has a plan - Knapp says he'd better by the time he gets to the docking ring...
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on June 26, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
Worst Fears, Part 3

Season 3 02 — 21min 44sec — 02 July 2002
The Grey battleships and Captain Knapp are trapped in fold space. The fleet has returned to Deep Space 12. While a debate erupts about whether they should attempt to recover the Captain without releasing the Grey, Commander Shelby and Aris mount a risky rescue operation that has long-term consequences.
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on June 26, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.

Season 3 03 — 30min 26sec — 03 July 2002
The Independence becomes entangled in a cat-and-mouse game that leads them to ancient archaeological artifacts indigenous to the Briar Patch. Meanwhile, Commodore Knapp and Traya spend some quality time together on a shuttlecraft. Meanwhile, back on Deep Space 12, Lieutenant Commander Lefler is haunted by her capture by Sha’kev the previous year. The nightmare worsens when Sha’kev sends her a cryptic message of his imminent return.
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on June 26, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
In Memory Of

Season 3 04 — 27min 03sec — 04 July 2002
After having a vision of a Borg attack, Corey Aster tells Counselor Elbrey of a mission he was on while aboard the Olympus, when they encountered the Collective. This episode recounts the story originally told in Voyages of the USS Angeles episode ANG 1.04 – “Q in the Dark”.
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on June 29, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
Modus Operandi

Season 3 05 — 28min 16sec — 05 July 2002
Son’a Ambassador O’Faur comes to DS12, engaging in an abrupt meeting with Commodore Knapp and Admiral Nechayev. She shows them an image of a Cardassian shipyard constructed within Son’a territory at the edge of the Briar Patch. When Knapp asks whether the Ambassador has lodged a complaint the Cardassian government, she notes that the territory is in dispute from before the Dominion War. She then threatens that if the Federation does not intervene, they cannot be held responsible for the consequences.
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on June 29, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
Santa Q

Season 3 06 — 16min 03sec — 06 July 2002
As Ian Knapp, Myra Elbrey, and Traya Knapp are preparing to celebrate the Earth tradition of Christmas, a surprise visitor arrives on the station. Someone is keeping an eye on the Briar Patch and is not saying why.
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on June 29, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.

Season 3 07 — 27min 29sec — 07 July 2002
The Excelsior is called in to mediate a dispute between two sets of colonists after the death of one of the Federation colonists in an accident. A fundamental cultural difference threatens everything they have built. Meanwhile, Ro Nevin is struggling with the concept of a relationship with Corey Aster.
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on June 29, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
Voyage of the Defiant

Season 3 08 — 23min 28sec — 01 January 2003
Encountering a Ferengi trader, Shelby authorizes Luko and Lefler to obtain an old Starfleet ship. Returning the ship to DS12, Lefler assembles a team to return the old ship to active status. They are granted permission to take the ship out for a cruise. But things never work out simply when they receive a distress call and find themselves the only available help for an endangered science vessel.
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on June 29, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
Hell's Gate, Part 1

Season 3 09 — 22min 43sec — 01 January 2003
After receiving a distress call, the Excelsior and her escorts race to the Grey Research Facility. What they find is unexpected and deadly.
Watch the remastered version on YouTube:
Watch the episode as originally released on Vimeo:
Watch the blooper reel on Vimeo:
This episode was re-released in a remastered edition on June 29, 2015. The remastering process was managed by Season 26B Productions, using an original cast DVD copy of the episode. The original (downloadable) version of this episode is available on Vimeo.
Hell's Gate, Part 2
Season 4 01 — 34min 06sec — 02 January 2003
After the surprising find on board the freighter, Shelby orders an autopsy and an investigation to try and explain what has been going on.
YouTube (Remastered):
Piracy of the Noble
Season 4 02 — 25min 15sec — 02 January 2003
While en route to diplomatic negotiations on DS9, Admiral Nechayev and her away team of Excelsior personnel are kidnapped by pirates commanded by rogue Starfleet officer, on board a stolen Federation starship. Meanwhile, Captain Shelby takes the Excelsior to assist the Cardassians in identifying where the pirates work from, as tensions with the Son'a increase...
YouTube (Remastered):
27min 56sec — 03 January 2003
More from Hidden Frontier Productions
Hidden Frontier Productions also created Star Trek: Henglaar, M.D., Voyages of the USS Angeles (S1 Video), Voyages of the USS Angeles (S2 Audio), Star Trek: Federation One (S1 Video), Star Trek: Federation One (S2 Audio Dramas), Star Trek: Operation Beta Shield and Star Trek: Hidden Frontier Vol. 1.5.
Unformatted Blogspot Notes
(The original STR website included many notes, not all of which have been migrated to our new database yet. Here are additional notes about this series that have not yet been completely processed.)