Links to hundreds of Star Trek fan films. Founded by Barb Reader.

Starfleet Jobs

Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Parody) — USA

Skits that extrapolate on the finer points of different jobs in the Star Trek universe from the Youtube channel of Steve Shives.


Starfleet Lawyer
Episode Title

01 — 15min 21sec — 10 April 2023
When all the senior officers think they're lawyers, what's left for an actual lawyer in Starfleet to do?

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Starfleet Janitor
Episode Title

02 — 13min 40sec — 14 June 2023
Spoiler alert: the ships don't actually clean themselves.

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Starfleet Union Rep
Episode Title

03 — 15min 26sec — 11 October 2023
Evidently this was a timely skit during the SAG-AFTRA strike.

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Starfleet Guidance Counselor
Episode Title

04 — 21min 30sec — 11 January 2024
Trying to educate children under the constant threat of violent death presents certain challenges.

Watch on YouTube:

Starfleet HR
Episode Title

05 — 20min 28sec — 13 March 2024
Being the head of Starfleet's HR Command might not seem like a glamorous job. And, it's not.

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Starfleet Chaplain
Episode Title

06 — 16min 53sec — 20 May 2024
What role is there for a spiritual leader in the futuristic and secular society of the Federation? Good question.

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