Star Trek: Resurgence - The Movie
Silver Age Animation; Long Film (Drama) — Wales, UK
Set in the era shortly after the events of Star Trek: The Next Generation, First Officer Jara Rydek and Engineering Crewperson Carter Diaz are stationed aboard the USS RESOLUTE and must unravel a sinister mystery involving two alien civilizations on the brink of war. Rydek is new to the starship and is pressured by her captain to help him salvage his reputation after an accident. Her appointment is initially unpopular with the crew, and she must gain their loyalty. Diaz is an engineer who, while dealing with problems on a smaller scale, is still forced to make life-and-death decisions.
Made by Gareth Meurig and released on his youtube channel, GAZArts, this video was made using the recently released, narrative adventure game Star Trek: Resurgence from Epic Games. He has a lot of similar videos on his channel, adding a lot of production work into games to create a movie experience with the game's video and audio output.
Star Trek: Resurgence - The Movie

06hr 21min 08sec — 25 June 2023
Watch on YouTube:
Our ReviewBarb never listed game run-throughs but this is different, it's a compiled run-through of a narrative adventure game which means that it's just one of, I assume, multitudes of possible plots that can be made by this game. In a way it's like one of the old 'Make Your Own Adventure' books, so to me it's more like a machinima, made by the narrative adventure game engine. - Kirok of L'Stok