Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Drama)
One of the major story arcs of the Constar Universe was the saga os the USS Raincross, now the subject of this spin-off.
Points Unknown

01 — 26min 28sec — 03 July 2023
Having struck out on her own with a limited crew in defiance of Starfleet's order recalling all synths, the Raincross seeks new recruits on the planet Hiko. In the after credits, Lt. Bell finds more than she expected while searching the files on quadlithium.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/cx-dqRP6UUY

02 — 12min 47sec — 02 October 2023
On an "unofficial" mission to Vegas XII under an assumed name, Captain Lobato must find a way to stop a Breen invasion without violating the Prime Directive. In the after credits, Captain Sanders is haunted by an unimaginable horror.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_KOxI0WNWTQ
Pony Express

03 — 17min 52sec — 18 December 2023
To test a new hyper-subspace relay network, the Raincross crew members send a series of coded personal communications to their families and friends. In the after credits, Starfleet Command issues new orders that could change everything.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/bR7m6Otnjlw
More from No Budget Productions - FilkFerret Productions
No Budget Productions - FilkFerret Productions also created Constar Concludes, Starship Manchester, Constar Clips - Hailing Frequencies...Open? and Task Force 78.