Star Heck
Era Not Applicable Film; Series (Parody) — Woodland, Ca USA
Parodies by Woodland TV, channel 21, a YouTube channel that started life as a public access television station based in Woodland Ca providing coverage of government and community events which has now moved it's content online.
Star Heck

01 — 11min 36sec — 14 March 2023
A spoof of the classic sci-fi TV series "Star Trek", Star Heck takes the Starship Exit-Fine (NCC-1713) on their shore leaves during their 5-year mutiny to "deplore strange new worlds, the seek out the easy life and the perfect tan!" Commanded by Captain James T. Squirt, the crew of the Exit-Fine must face down a dastardly attack by the Clingons, who threaten to leave Captain Squirt with "no place left to land!"
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Star Heck the Next Degeneration

02 — 40min 34sec — 14 March 2023
A sequel spoof to the original "Star Heck", this video pokes fun at Star Trek: the Next Generation, taking the insipid crew of the Starship Exit-Fine on a journey through time, using the patented "sling-shot effect" and dragging an enemy vessel along with them into Earth's past.....
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