Spacegate Station
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Jacksonville, FL

Spacegate Station is a free real life STEM educational program for Elementary, Middle and select High School students. Their video series takes the form of 'astronaut/teachers' working on a future NASA space laboratory orbiting the moon. As the finale of each season so far they have created a spinoff Star Trek fan film.
The Last Full Measure

01 — 55min 31sec — 29 May 2021
Part 1 of the Star Trek Saga While waiting alone on the station for a gravitational wave that will be passing through Earth’s systems, Specialist Barber is introduced to Star Trek, the original series, by Aurora. Falling asleep she is whisked away to the futuristic universe of Star Trek. As the Universe of Spacegate Station and Star Trek collide the intrepid crew of the Defiant, with Aurora's help, try to restore the balance between both universes.
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A Doorway Home

02 — 47min 58sec — 27 May 2022
Part 2 in the Star Trek Saga A probe sent from Dr. Erickson's Universe in Part I of the Star Trek Saga "The Last Full Measure" has created an unstoppable fungus which is destroying Earth' plants. Dr. Erickson, in her attempt to fix the problem, precipitates s a catastrophe that effects Earth's past, present and future. It is now her responsibility to fix what she has done in a world that is different then the one she was originally stranded on.
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Before The Terror

03 — 44min 58sec — 07 April 2023
In the final installment of the Spacegate Station Star Trek Fan film Saga, the Defiant finds itself encountering the Romulans near the Neutral Zone. This story occurs just before the events of the "Balance of Terror", the fourteenth episode of Star Trek (the original series). At the same time, Dr. Erickson is attempting to return to her timeline from the Spacegate Universe in an effort to stop the fungus that is destroying Earth's plants.
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The Path of Honor
04 — 38min 10sec — 13 March 2024
A new mission, a new foe, and introducing an untested and unprepared crew of cadets who are tasked with saving the ship and all that call her home. This final installment of the USS Defiant (NCC-1764) missions brings back the crew from the Spacegate Station Star Trek Trilogy and provides the closing chapter to the legacy of the Defiant. (parts 1 and 2 are combined in this video).
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