Steam Trek: The Moving Picture
Era Not Applicable Film; Short Film (Drama) — UK

Star Trek imagined as if it were done in the early days of silent motion pictures, with Cpt James T. Shirt, Mr Spex, directed by Dennis Sisterson who lives in Alnwick, Northumberland. This same group produced the missing Star Trek: The Endeavour Missions: First Command, which does not appear to be on the web.
Steam Trek: The Moving Picture

11min 41sec — 29 April 2007
Watch on YouTube, HD version: 05 Oct 2014:
Watch on YouTube, first complete version: 01 Mar 2011:
Watch on YouTube, Sound corrupted: 29 Apr 2007:
Our ReviewExcellent. Reminds one of the first 'Trip to the Moon' video in which men in top hats were shot out of a cannon and hit the moon... and the man in the moon winced.
Compare Steam Trek: The Moving Picture with these real silent films
A Trip To The Moon (1902) Part 1 (5:53), Part 2 (5:52) (with commentaries) Original: Part 1, Part 2
The Great Train Robbery (1903)
And, the Perils of Pauline (1914)
- Barb Reader
The HD version is definitely different. but it isn't noticable in the beginning. start watching at 1:20 when you see people acting. the image is sharper and it also removes the light-flicker from the previous version. not sure if the latter is an actual "improvement" - and i have to agree, it is really well done!
- eMBee