Star Trek: Lost Frontier
Bronze Age Audio; Series (Drama)

It is the dawn of the 25th century and the galaxy is coming out of a period of great war. The story of Lost Frontier focuses on the crew of the new Enterprise F as they go forth to unite the lost worlds of the Federation.
000 — 00min 41sec — 01 July 2007
It’s the dawn of the 25th century …Star Trek - Lost Frontier, Science fiction Audio Theater and everything has changed. Star Trek: Lost Frontier is a look at a dark time in the future of Star Trek. It is the dawn of the 25th century and the galaxy is coming-out of a period of great war. The story of Lost Frontier focuses on the crew of the new Enterprise F as they go forth to unite the lost worlds of the Federation.
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001 — 27min 05sec — 01 July 2007
It’s the dawn of the 25th century….. And everything has changed.
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And a Star to Steer Her By
002 — 26min 49sec — 01 August 2007
The safety of the Yorktown is at risk as the Assassin Guild’s ship closes in. Captain Trask must take a deadly gamble if he is to save them. But will it cost his new crew their lives?
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003 — 37min 30sec — 01 September 2007
The Enterprise responds to distress signal and is surprised to discover it may have Romulan origins. Meanwhile an away team is sent to find a prisoner being held by the faction of the One True Federation.
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Escape from Korsava 4
004 — 27min 54sec — 01 October 2007
Trapped on the surface of prison world. The Enterprise away team make a desperate attempt to escape. But just how much can they trust the mysterious Mister Jezek? And just what will it cost them in the end?
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The Fallen Empire
005 — 24min 35sec — 01 November 2007
Starfleet Command sends the Enterprise to investigate what has becomes of the Klingon Empire after the Infection struck. But along the way they make a shocking discovery.
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Remnant of the Klingons
006 — 23min 40sec — 01 December 2007
The Enterprise discover a threat that could annihilate not only the last of the Klingons. But the Federation as well.
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007 — 29min 22sec — 01 January 2008
We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to sustain our own. Your culture will adapt to nourish us … Resistance is futile.
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A Legend Falls
008 — 19min 20sec — 26 March 2008
As the Enterprise under goes repairs. One of the crew is murdered by a deadly assassin.
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Movement in Shadows - By the Sword
009 — 20min 05sec — 01 May 2008
As the Enterprise prepares for departure. The crew looses one of their own while Commander Niles is made a proposition from the Federations true masters.
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Of Q and Women
010 — 23min 30sec — 30 May 2008
Its anything but an ordinary day when Kate Niles gets an unwanted visit from her ex-husband…. Q.
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A Prophet Without Honor
011 — 38min 34sec — 05 November 2008
The Enterprise is dispatched to the Bajoran system to discover the fate of Deep Space 9 and the crew of the Starship Defiant. But Section 31 has its own agenda for the mission. One that could mean the death of everyone on Bajor.
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Power and Dominion
012 — 27min 39sec — 08 December 2008
The Enterprise journeys to the Gamma Quadrant to learn what has become of the Dominion and the Founders, only to discover a new and deadly threat on the rise.
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Power and Dominion, Part 2
013 — 29min 28sec — 28 July 2009
As the Elder’s power grows, only Enterprise and a handful of loyal Dominion soldiers stand between him and conquest. Enterprise and her crew must fight alongside the Federation’s former enemies as they make their final stand…
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The Valiant
014 — 21min 04sec — 22 August 2009
Enterprise’s mission is interrupted by a transmission from an old friend bearing news of great magnitude. Could one of Starfleet’s greatest captains truly have been found at last?
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The Valiant, Part 2
015 — 24min 34sec — 22 September 2009
Enterprise’s mission is interrupted by a transmission from an old friend bearing news of great magnitude. Could one of Starfleet’s greatest captains truly have been found at last?
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016 — 01hr 08min 42sec — 02 November 2010
Enterprise undergoes a refit in the wake of the events since her launch. A new Chief Medical Officer arrives aboard, with ties to Trask’s past. When a distress call is received from a long lost ally, will Trask and his crew rise to the challenge and return the lost world to the fold?
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The Rift
017 — 57min 11sec — 31 January 2012
The appearance of an old-style Starfleet shuttlecraft leads Trask and his crew a hundred years into the past… but history is very different from how the crew remembers it. Facing a Starfleet that is now his enemy, can Trask lead his people back to their own time?
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Cosa Nostra
018 — 54min 42sec — 21 August 2015
The Enterprise is dispatched to Orion in order to negotiate new trade agreements with the secretive Orion government. Winfred and Niles must overcome their tense relationship in order to make certain that the negotiations succeed, while in orbit, the Enterprise deals with problems of her own.
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Cat’s Claw
019 — 57min 24sec — 01 June 2017
The Enterprise crew seeks out another of the Lost Worlds, and finds it decimated by one of its old enemies. Captain Trask and his crew must weigh their mission against the oldest of Starfleet’s regulations: The Prime Directive. Will he liberate Cait and bring the Federation back to the brink of war with the K’zinti?
Listen to this from the production website:
"This is Mark Bruzee, I play the part of Captain Rupert Trask on Star Trek: The Lost Frontier. With the excitement of our show warping back onto the airwaves after a brief hiatus for new and exciting adventures, the cast and crew are saddened to inform you that a friend and family member has left us too soon. Bill Hollweg playing the part of Chief Engineer Arthur Pope passed away on April 1, 2017. His passion and dedication to audio drama was in every performance. The cast and crew of Star Trek Lost Frontier dedicate this episode to Bill and may he be navigated by fair winds and following seas. Mr. Hollweg, you are dismissed."
020 — 54min 54sec — 01 January 2021
The Enterprise travels to Feringinar at the behest of Grand Nagus Rom, to meet with a new special committee. It is shaded in secrecy. As the Enterprise arrives in the system, they detect numerous trade starships of various classes in the system. It seems that the Ferengi are doing extremely well since the Fall. What exactly is going on?
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