Snow Wolves Productions
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Kingsland, Ga

The adventures of the USS Yorktown, NCC-1717. Brothers Chris & Richard Snowden caught the fan film-making bug at an open house at Neutral Zone Studios in Kingsland, Ga. "They have a great studio with the layout of major parts of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek. We were able to shoot a 'run and gun', gorilla type shoot while there. We are gearing up for a full fan film, so keep watching."
00 — 03min 11sec — 18 August 2021
Chris & Richard had a little bit of fun before they went to the Neutral Zone Studios.
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Glitches. The Transporter incident.
01 — 06min 26sec — 18 August 2021
Described as "the first of many videos that my brother and I will be making... Please pardon the, less than idea quality. We did this during an open house and without proper equipment. This was an opportunity for us to identify areas that we would need help with, when we are able to start our actual fan film shoot. Look for our kickstarter coming soon..."
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Be Careful what you wish for!

02 — 01min 23sec — 04 November 2021
We all know that we've done it when alone in an
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Glitches (Revised)

03 — 06min 25sec — 14 June 2023
Brothers having some fun on the Star Trek set!
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