Star Flik
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Highland Park, IL

John Fuller, who uploaded this video, says, "This is a comedy parody of the original Star Trek series with a theatrical coming attractions trailer. The film was made circa 1975 and shot on Super 8 film. The crew and actors were almost all students at Highland Park High School in Highland Park, IL. There was an original script but sound was not recorded on site. The film was later striped for sound and many hours were spent trying to lay in the sound afterwards using a borrowed friend's sound projector. The limitation of the format and the difficulty of getting everyone together again made finishing the soundtrack unfeasible.
I kept the original film canisters and 40 plus years later converted the films to digital format. Voices were laid in using a text to speech conversion program. Most of the dialogue is true to the original script but there have been some changes made as the film was re-edited for clean up and narrative purposes. The music is that which was originally chosen for the film, Gustav Holst's the Planets and particularly the track for Jupiter which I still feel was a likely inspiration for the soundtrack to the original Star Trek series. We've tried to contact original cast members to share this resurrection and were able to reach a few. Some, I'm sad to say, are no longer with us. But to them, I dedicate this re-christening of the wacky voyages of the Star Ship(t) Cheap Surprise. And I would particularly like to dedicate this premier to one of the cast members who is no longer with us, Dana Thompson or our Lt. O'Hurrah. And here is part of her touching and inspiring story:
Please enjoy Star Flik."
Star Flik Pure
01.1 — 38min 28sec — 01 January 1975
This is Star Flik Pure. It's basically the same as the Star Flik Theatrical Version but it doesn't have the 'Coming Attractions' or Theater intro Jingle at the front. It also has a few small changes and corrections that didn't make it into the theatrical version. If you weren't part of the original cast or crew, this version might be the better choice of the two. It's pure Star Flik without the playing around at the beginning. Otherwise, they are basically the same thing. Enjoy!
Watch on YouTube:
Star Flik Theatrical Version
01.2 — 40min 12sec — 01 January 1975
Formatted as a theatrical version of Star Flik, this has a 'Coming Attractions' trailer Dracula and a theater intro jingle at the front.
Watch on YouTube: