My 1971 College Star Trek Production
Golden Age Film; Short Film (Drama) — Columbus, OH

Titled "Legacy of the Past", Ray Glasser created this film for his final exam in a TV production class at Ohio State University "back in the spring of 1971. I had it taped on 1" open-reel, then transferred to U-Matic and then to Beta. I got an A-."
News, Reviews, & Links
"Star Trek Fan Film from 1971" by John Farrier on Neatorama focussed more on the moustache and sideburns on Spock (played by Ray Glasser). This article was mirrored on (08 May 2011)
The blog, "YouBentMyWookie" ran an article titled, "Star Trek Fan Makes First Ever Fan Film… In 1971!" Barb, appears to have contacted them to point out some earlier works and they posted an edit. See the extract from the original Star Trek Reviewed blog entry below.: (09 May 2011)
Even Cory Doctorow picked up on the Neatorama piece on Boing Boing: (09 May 2011)
Christopher Moshier wrote a short piece entitled "Star Trek 1971" on Fan Film Follies.: (17 May 2011)
My 1971 College Star Trek Production
05min 07sec — 01 March 1971
A new version was released on YouTube "with newer titles and other corrections made" 4 Jan 2019:
A 'dual-screen comparison' of the original 1971 video and the re-worked 2019 version from which the audio is taken. "Somewhat synched up, it falls out of synch a little near the end." This was released on YouTube 5 Jan 2019:
Rerelease of original video on Vimeo 30 May 2013:
Rerelease of the original video on Ray's second YouTube channel, 10 Oct 2011:
Watch the first release on YouTube 9 Aug 2008:
Unformatted Blogspot Notes
(The original STR website included many notes, not all of which have been migrated to our new database yet. Here are additional notes about this series that have not yet been completely processed.)