Cleared For Departure
Silver Age Animation; Short Film (Drama)
In the 24th century, a crew takes their first steps into the great unknown....
"This is a short animation featuring my first real attempt at character animation including facial mocap. While some of the assets featured in this film were created over the course of the past few years, this project represents a year of lots of hard work and effort. What really accelerated my ability to do this project was in part to advancements in technology and my RTX card. The animation stage of this project I started in January of 2021, and finished in March of 2021.
This was rendered in Cycles, characters were made using adobe fuse, with one character being made with the beta version of Facebuilder. Characters were animated with Adobe Mixamo, Facecap, and one shot was rendered using Nvidia's Audio2Face There are a number of things that I know can be improved upon, and there are things that I was unable to do (such as score the short myself.)
To view more of my work please visit my WIP thread:
Cleared For Departure 03min 18sec — 17 June 2021
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Our Review
The scope of this work is epic, showcasing as it does improvements in animation software & hardware. Some haven't quite 'got there' yet but it's great to see producers like this blazing the trail! - Kirok