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Trek Shorts - For Fans By Fans

Silver Age Film; Series (Drama)

Series Title

Springing from the success of his first Star Trek fan film, "Temporal Anomaly", Samuel Cockings started an IndieGogo campaign for a series of six short, 'bottle' episodes that would fit the new Paramount guidelines and be more achievable goals. 

News, Reviews, & Links

Part 1 of Jonathan Lane's interview with Samuel Cockings about the Trek Shorts project: (13 May 2021)

Part 2 of Jonathan Lane's interview with Samuel Cockings about the Trek Shorts project: (20 May 2021)


One Small Step
Episode Title

00 — 08min 05sec — 01 March 2022
This short film goes back to the very start of the career of Anna Keeley, our hero from “A Long Way From Home”. Currently an ensign onboard the USS Challenger, her life is about to change as she’s been given a new assignment, helmswomen on the brand new USS Defiant. With her academy record exactly what Commander Sisko was looking for to join the Defiants crew, she will start this exciting chapter of her life…or so she thinks.

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Because of the success of “A Long Way Home”, released on April 30th 2021 and the 2021 Trek Shorts Indiegogo, this is a new bonus Trek short story, filmed and edited within the 2021/2022 Covid Restrictions of the United Kingdom!

A Long Way From Home
Episode Title

01 — 19min 20sec — 01 May 2021
Lt Anna Keeley is pulled into a dangerous situation and must use her skills and teamwork to get out safely with the help of the crew of the Starship Intrepid and a surprise guest star.

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The producer explains, this "was a project filmed and edited within the 2020/2021 Lockdowns of the United Kingdom. Throughout the time at home I was inspired to create again, I knew I needed to create again. So I wrote a story which, while small in practical scope of only a few actors and few locations, was ambitious in visual scope and feel. I hope I have succeeded."

Hours at Warp
Episode Title

02 — 06min 03sec — 24 May 2021
This 'bonus mini-short' follows Ensign Sam Harriman as he heads back to the Enterprise, this is mean to be a simple day in the life mini short and also connects certain fan films together though dialogue and guest appearances.

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Description from production team: "Covid struck production of Trek Shorts in May 2021 and a scheduled filming day had to be changed on the fly. Because we lost Nimran but still had Marcus come to the studio, a brand new and unexpected short was written in his 2hr car journey to the studio and was subsequently filmed over that day. This is a bonus mini short for all the fans of the Trek Shorts project and brings back Marcus Churchill as Sam Harriman for the first time in front of cameras since 2013 and for the first time in a finished film since 2019."

Article by Jonathan Lane describing the circumstances behind Hours at Warp on Fan Film Factor: (27 May 2021)

Our Review

Great example of a pandemic fan film and how circcumstances can force creative flexibility! -Kirok

Gorgeously produced, very decently acted vignette about a guy being bored on a shuttle for five minutes. Plays exactly as it sounds. Respect to the producers for putting something together on short notice! -James

The Duty of Starfleet

03 — 01min 21sec — 29 May 2021
This mini-short follows Lt Sam Harriman on a trip onboard the USS Challenger. His commanding officer, Cdr Daniel Hunter (of the Starship Intrepid) has finished his assignment and is ready to get them both back to their own ship. Hunter finds Harriman in a quandary and the decision made, then and there, will affect Harrimans life forever.

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"Covid struck production of Trek Shorts in May 2021 and a schedule filming day had to be changed on the fly. Because we lost Nimran but still had Marcus come to the studio, we filmed a teaser for a mini short that I had in mind to make after the main 6 Trek Shorts were completed... this mini short takes place before Hours at Warp and Temporal Anomaly."

The Tholian Gambit
Episode Poster

04 — 05min 30sec — 01 May 2022
This short film goes all the way into 2401 and an older and more mature Captain Anna Keely. After a long and successful career she is given the opportunity to command her old ship, the USS Horizion. Having already proved her captain ability on another vessel she happily takes over as Horizons new Captain. This story takes place during the events of Picard Season 2 Episode 1, the Tholians are reacting to a new Borg Incursion and Captain Keeley must do all she can to maintain galactic peace.

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This project was filmed and edited within the May 2022 COVID Restrictions of the United Kingdom and debuts the first use of Digital ageing techniques in Trek shorts.

The Icarus Incident
Episode Title

05 — 08min 10sec — 07 August 2022
Alexa Brown, one of the stars of 2019's "The Holy Core" is back at Captain Joan Keller of the USS Vigilance in her first Trek Shorts story! On a quick detour from her assignment, Captain Keller takes the Vigilance to an unusual Star in the Zepton system. This Star defies the norm in multiple ways and Captain Keller cant resist investigating, what happens next no one could have predicted.

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Duty Calls
Episode Title

06 — 09min 25sec — 01 October 2022
Straight from her graduation at Star Fleet academy, Ensign Reed heads to her first assignment and the first stage of her new life as a Starfleet Officer. The start of her journey is not quite as she expected.

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This represents YouTuber Emma Thorne's introduction to the world of Star Trek fan films as Ensign Laura Reed of the USS Indianapolis! It is also the acting premiere of Matt Miller of Trekzone, who plays Ensign Stuart, the duty transporter chief.

Chaos at the Neutral Zone
Episode Title

07 — 14min 30sec — 24 November 2022
Ensign Laura Reed is being interviewed by Memory Alpha's best reporter Katherine Archer about a galactic scale event which happened only days ago. A Romulan plan at the Neutral Zone has been stopped and the crew of the Indianapolis narrowly escaped with their lives. This documentary is the only official report to these events because the Romulans deny the events ever took place. Watch and see what eye witness Ensign Reed says about the events and how she was instrumental in saving the crew, ship and potentially the Federation!

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Trek Shorts is proud to present Emma Thornes second Short film! and our second in universe documentary!

This Side of Morality
Episode Title

08 — 10min 56sec — 12 February 2023
Lieutenant Lee Galloway is being interviewed by Memory Alphas best reporter Dr. Louise Nilson about a somewhat, morally grey event which happened several months earlier. A new planet has been found, its atmosphere has rare...possibly unique properties and when a landing party's mission goes wrong, the crew of the Enterprise must band together to save their officer...but at what cost?

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Trek Shorts is proud to present our first TOS era film and our third in universe documentary! This is the first full outing for Steven Cockings and we want to welcome Marie-Louise Svaleng as the TOS era documentary narrator!

Fallen Heroes
Episode Title

09 — 24min 00sec — 01 April 2023
Ensign Sam Harriman is being interviewed by Memory Alphas best reporter Katherine Archer about the events that lead up to the loss of the Enterprise D. This was a shock to us all and maybe through hearing Ensign Harriman's lower deck perspective can a better understanding be reached. The Enterprise D was a bastion of hope and symbol of the Federation. Its loss has shaken Starfleet and while the official reports are known, Sam Harriman was in engineering and saw the events in a unique way. He was there at Amagosa, he repaired damage from the Duras sisters and helped the saucer separation be a success despite the battle. Ensign Harriman was there from the start and now, with the Next Enterprise on the horizon Memory Alpha wants to focus on these events.

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Trek Shorts is proud to present Marcus Churchills next film! and our fourth in universe documentary!

Broken Reality
Episode Title

10 — 10min 07sec — 14 May 2023
On a journey back to the USS Indianapolis, Ensign Reed and Ensign Stuart encounter a strange anomaly, one which brings a massive craft into their path. This ship is not from our universe and its presence alone will cause incalculable damage, Ensign Reed must jump into action and save the day.

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Flight of the Protostar
Episode Title

11 — 10min 00sec — 30 June 2023
On a mission to follow up on one of the Protostar's older adventures, Lt Commander William Davis of the USS Horizon learns all about the Protostar, imagines what other adventures it may hold and at the end...steps foot aboard. Not all is as it seems and the fate of the galaxy itself may be in the balance.

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Samuel Cockings stars in the worlds first Star Trek: Prodigy fan film, his first time in front of the camera. This is actually his reaction to the news of Paramount cancelling the show from their streaming channel, in the hope that it will galvanise fans into calling for it's return.

Interview with Jonathan Lane on Fan Film Factor: (03 Jul 2023)

Legacy of the Enterprise B
Episode Title

12 — 16min 15sec — 30 July 2023
While attending the White Star seminars, Captain Joan Keller bumps into Ensign Sam Harriman, descendent of captain of the Enterprise B, John Harriman. With science and legacy on her mind she recruits Ensign Harriman for a field trip with the goal of solving a 70 year old mystery which the Enterprise B first discovered in its travels.

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First Meeting
Episode Title

13 — 09min 35sec — 27 August 2023
The mission, the journey to the future has finally begun. The USS Horizon has launched and Lieutenant Anna Keeley is at the helm. While her time on DS9 was hard...she is ready to embrace this new mission and all it entails. It's at the start of this mission that a young ensign, Laura Reed introduces herself to Keely and...their story begins.

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Pakled Resurgence
Episode Poster

14 — 27min 51sec — 30 September 2023
In the fifth 'in universe' Memory Alpha documentary, Lt William Davis is being interviewed by their longest serving reporter, the famous Lanthanite Dr Louise Nilson about a recent incident involving the Pakleds and their theft of the USS Protostar. The Pakleds, an antagonist force from several years ago have made a small resurgence in recent months. Their last act was to steal the experimental USS Protostar from one of its final shakedown missions. The USS Resolute was sent to stop the Pakleds and rescue the Protostars crew. Lt Davis was essential in this ...unusual situation, one which escalated far beyond what the crew of the Resolute could have predicted.

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This is the next Star Trek: Prodigy production film, serves as the introduction to several important characters in the Trek Shorts universe and is the first fan film based on the Star Trek video game "Star Trek Resurgence".

Destiny Calls
Episode Title

15 — 15min 00sec — 01 December 2023
Ensign William Davis is on course to the Boardman 5 colony for a symposium on temporal ethics when he gets unusual sensor readings and a whole series of temporal events occur, ones which will change his life forever.

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In the first fan film appearance of the Enterprise G (from Picard S3) Samuel Cockings sets up several plot points for a future Star Trek: Prodigy themed project. This is in fact the first film, chronologically, as he uses de-aging to... but that would be telling!

Back to Yesterday
Episode Title

16 — 09min 45sec — 11 February 2024
Captain Daniel Hunter in his first canonical appearance as captain of the USS Dauntless, studying T'kon ruins when he uncovers more than be bargained for and is sent back in time. How can he return home? How does he keep the timeline free of alterations? What will he learn and who will he meet? This crossover between The Original Series (TOS) and Prodigy serves as a important set up for several plot points in a future Trek Shorts project.

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Living the Dream
Episode Title

17 — 09min 30sec — 24 March 2024
In the direct sequel to their 2022 film “One Small Step”, Ensign Anna Keeley has served as a helms officer aboard Deep Space 9 for 3 months now and lots has already happened. She has made friends, logged many hours on Defiant and is eager to take on more responsibility. Her time at DS9 gives her hope of a positive future for her and her career, the Dominion feel like something which can be dealt with and moved past like many before. Her career is in front of her and she wants to make the most of it. A famous officer is about to arrive at Deep Space 9 and the young Ensign wants to make the most of the opportunity.

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Cerritos, Lost
Episode Title

18 — 14min 40sec — 28 April 2024
Trek Shorts is proud to present Marie-Louise Svaleng's first film as the lead and the worlds first Star Trek fan film to take place on the USS Cerritos from Lower Decks! Dr Louise Nilson, a Lanthanite documentarian at Memory Alpha is trying to do her job, interview and gather facts...when a sentient AI construct steals the Cerritos and her aboard. Its plans are...more than meet the eye and Dr Nilson must deal with this unusual situation in her own ways. Please share this film and lets see if we can #SaveStarTrekLowerDecks

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Legacy of the NX-01
Episode Title

19 — 06min 30sec — 13 June 2024
It is the 5th anniversary of the launch of the Enterprise D and Memory Alpha is talking to cadets around Starfleet Academy! Cadet Anna Keeley has been approached to talk about a mission from the first Enterprise which resonates with her.

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Legacy of the Enterprise 1701-A
Episode Title

20 — 07min 01sec — 16 June 2024
It is the 5th anniversary of the launch of the Enterprise D and Memory Alpha is talking to cadets around Starfleet Academy! Cadet Anna Keeley has been approached to talk about a mission from the Enterprise 1701-A which resonates with her, the mission she picks is not one the interviewer expected.

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Legacy of the Enterprise 1701-C
Episode Title

21 — 07min 20sec — 08 July 2024
It is the 5th anniversary of the launch of the Enterprise D and Memory Alpha is talking to cadets around Starfleet Academy! Cadet Anna Keeley has been approached to talk about a mission from the Enterprise 1701-C which comes to mind, Cadet Keeley picks a mission which not many would think of.

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Reality Burns
Episode Title

22 — 27min 50sec — 10 November 2024
Lt Jr Anna Keeley has been asked by Memory Alpha to describe the events surrounding her encounter with a mysterious Pyramid ship while serving on the USS Defiant. The story is filled with emotion and Lt Keely reveals much of who she is and what her time on Deep Space 9 has done to her.

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"This is the first live action appearance of Marie-Louise as Dr Nilson for a Documentary and a wonderful return of Nimran Saund as Anna Keely, the next chapter in the story started with our 2023 film 'Broken Reality' and the next film to be released before we started work on Prodigy Reckoning in August 2023."

Prologue to Unification
Episode Title

23 — 09min 51sec — 15 December 2024
Yor, a temporal cold war agent who was born in the Kelvin Timeline has been summoned to New Vulcan in his home timeline. While there, the dying Spock has one last request, to see his old friend, James T Kirk, once again…

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This was in response to "OTOY's 'Unification' Short film which was made by passionate and talented film makers and Trek Alumni and we at Trek Shorts dropped everything to craft an ambitious 'Prologue' story of sorts. While Unification has a certain level of... ambiguity ...we wanted to put forward our vision for what would have come...before."

To Know Thine Enemy
Episode Title

24 — 16min 19sec — 23 February 2025
Captain Daniel Hunter, has picked up a distress call from a long thought lost Starfleet ship, not all is as it seems with the Klingon Mersa is up to things yet unknown.

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Trek Shorts is proud to welcome Kris Hansen to the Trek Shorts family as the Klingon Mersa! We are also proud to bring back the Klingon Battlecruiser designed by John Eaves for Star Trek: Renegades in its first appearance since the films release in 2015.

Current Production Notes

At this writing (June 2021), Trek Shorts is still in production. Several episodes listed on their 2021 IndieGoGo campaign were not released.

Family Ties
Episode Title

A young officer will go to any lengths to save his father, thought lost 30 years ago. A movie era film in collaboration with the Avalon Universe fan film team.

The Silent Pain Of War
Episode Title

A Dominion War film taking place on the Defiant as a new officer, with enthusiasm for his new posting is given a tour. His guide has lived on the front lines and is feeling the pain. We see the war through their perspectives.

Hours To Doomsday  
Episode Title

A 'Lower Decks' style story where the Enterprise E meets an iconic Doomsday Machine in a visually stunning B plot. The A plot is character based and follows two officers as they find their way into this epic confrontation and help in their own unique ways. Brings back Marcus Churchill, the lead of 'Temporal Anomaly' as Harriman.

Fleeting Moments Of Peace
Episode Title

On a mission to drop off supplies to the USS Cerritos, Lt Anna Keeeley is drawn into a much larger political situation and must help in her own unique way to avoid galactic consequences. To be made in collaboration with the Squadron fan film team and brings back the USS Minneapolis

Star Trek / Stargate Crossover
Episode Title

Lt Jack Archer crashes on an unknown planet and finds a Tholan created doorway to another universe... the Stargate universe! Brings back Killian and Marcus from 'Temporal Anomaly'.

More from Trek Shorts - For Fans By Fans

Trek Shorts - For Fans By Fans also created Prodigy Reckoning.

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