Paragon's Paragon
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Utica, Michigan, USA

In a loose adaptation of the James Blish novel "Spock Must Die", the Federation, Klingons and Organians come face to face again! Filmed in 1974 on super 8mm, over the years it has been transferred first to BETA, then to VHS, then DVD and digital format. Originally a one hour and 20 minute production with bloopers and a making of it video, it has been edited down to two, 15 minute parts.
News, Reviews, & Links
Article in Cinemagic Issue 6 which is available to read on the blog, My Star Trek Scrapbook: (01 Mar 1976)
Extensive blog post on My Star Trek Scrapbook: (02 Jan 2009)
Mention on this TrekBBS thread: (06 Aug 2009)
Trailer 1, "Paragon's Paragon - Star Trek Fan Film - 1974" (01:27) released on Youtube by RetroZest. "This is a trailer for the Star Trek Fan Film 'Paragon's Paragon' which was shot on 8mm film, and has not been found anywhere on the internet (as of yet).": (13 Aug 2010)
"Paragon's Paragon" Fan Film Found! Partly... Blog article with many screencaps provided by Robert Long II from "the 25 minute convention version of the 100 minute film": (24 Sep 2010)
Trailer 2, "Paragon's Paragon highlights" (08:39) Released on Youtube by 1966tvbatman (Robert Long II) from his 25 minute convention version of the 100 minute film? "1974 - John Cosentino produced Paragon's paragon - a Star Trek fan film. This was done well before the days of CGI, and was recorded on Super 8mm film. The effects were done with paintings, miniatures, and visual effects done on an optical printer Cosentino built. This is the highlights of the 100 minute film - the audio track was damaged and therefore not uploaded (if you have Star Trek music - play it along with the clips). It is meant as a tribute to John Cosentino and his family and friends that produced this home grown fan film from the heart. This video has been watermarked to avoid piracy. I am posting this strictly as a fan film. Paragons Paragon (fan film) is created and intellectually owned by John Cosentino." : (06 Apr 2012)
A Paragon Of A Blog! Blog article: News from John Cosentino that he is starting a website: (24 Apr 2012)
First article on "ParagonsParagon", the official website of the production: (25 Apr 2012)
Trailer 3, "Star trek fan film - Paragons Paragon" (03:26) extended highlights of the film released on Youtube by the film's maker, John Cosentino. "The video is from super 8mm to BETA to VHS to DVD and into the computer. Part of an hour and 20 minute super 8 movie, which also has bloopers and a making of it video.": (09 Jun 2012)
Last article on "ParagonsParagon", the official website of the production: (05 Feb 2013)
"Fan Film Friday: One of the Very First Star Trek Fan Films" Extensive guest blog on the Axanar website by Jonathan Lane: (24 Jul 2015)
Facebook page started: (16 Jun 2016)
Teaser & end credits, "Next week on Paragon's Paragon" (05:48) released on Youtube by 1966tvbatman (Robert Long II). "This is a Next Week teaser and End Credit sequence I put together to finish out John Cosentino's 1974 Star Trek fan film, 'Paragon's Paragon.': (24 Jan 2021)
1974 Paragon's Paragon part 01
01 — 24min 51sec — 01 January 1974
"Filmmaker John Cosentino made what could be argued is the first MAJOR Star Trek Film in 1974. Paragon's Paragon was done well before the days of CGI; and was made with family and friends, sets built in a basement, miniatures, and visual effects done on a homemade optical printer. John Cosentino has given me permission to post his masterpiece on Youtube." Released on Youtube by 1966tvbatman (Robert Long II) 28 March 2021.
"1974 Paragon's Paragon part 01" (15:07) released on Youtube by 1966tvbatman (Robert Long II) 28 March 2021:
"1974 Paragon's Paragon part 2" (15:07) released on Youtube by 1966tvbatman (Robert Long II) followed by 5 minutes of the film's highlights as "Next Week On Paragon's Paragon" 28 March 2021: