Bantam Bellatorum
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama)
Bantam Bellatorum is a Facebook page dedicated to 1/6 scale diorama and comic strip enthusiasts. Content is focused on 1/6 scale photography and it has open albums free to view. Videos are made using a combination of photography of 1/6th scale Quantum Mechanix action figures against physical and virtual sets with a custom made voiceover.
Enterprise Review
00.5 — 07min 12sec — 07 November 2019
Reporter Carson Devereux reviews the starship Enterprise with Mr. Scott through a variety of Michael Donovan custom sets and Donny Versiga virtual interiors.
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fcgd: dfhd (30 Nov -0001)
A Mirror For Futility
01 — 15min 40sec — 26 February 2020
A remake of the Star Trek audio drama released by Peter Pan Records in 1975, the Enterprise finds itself caught between two gigantic warships on a collission course for Earth.
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Exemplar Of Evil
02 — 33min 56sec — 31 October 2020
The crew of the Enterprise faces an ancient supernatural adversary in this halloween release.
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Imperative Of The Forsaken
03 — 24min 13sec — 27 November 2020
The course of Star Trek is about to forever change in this Thanksgiving holiday release. Spock makes an ill-fated command decision that will haunt him for the rest of his days, and set him on the path to purging all emotion. Or will it?
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The producer notes, "You should watch "To Boldly Go" Parts I and II of Star Trek Continues at before viewing this episode, or you will be lacking critical context."
A Star To Steer By

04 — 36min 56sec — 31 July 2021
The end of the Enterprise's five year mission and an uncertain future for a captain and his crew ... Commader Data's entry into the 23rd Century and Dr. McKennah's survival have created widespread ripples with lasting effects that have altered the course of Star Trek TOS as we know it.
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Please note: I do not subscribe to modern canon for TOS concocted after 1975 with the exception of Star Trek Continues up through Episode 10 and certain references to Data's former reality. This is especially true with respect to Captain Kirk and his family history. These photo stories are my vision of where the original series should have gone with no beloved character-butchering, or film industry restrictions on franchise cross-overs. We now enter the period of time spanning the last episode of Star Trek Continues ("To Boldly Go" Part 2) and Star Trek the Motion Picture (which, thanks to Data and McKennah, will happily never take place). Prepare to embark on Star Trek - the Way it Oughta Be.