Starship Eagle Animations
Golden Age Animation; Series (Drama) — Dassel, Minnesota

Michael Stütelberg has been the writer and director of the fan film series, Star Trek: Eagle since their first epsode which was released on Youtube in December, 2009. In the years since, they have released a substantial body of work covering a range of media from live action fan films to 2D and motion comics based on the Star Trek Eagle fanverse. Previously listed as Star Trek Eagle Animations.
Into the Fire

08min 31sec — 20 October 2020
Set during his starfleet Academy days, Zach Banner shows his command style with his handling of the Kobayashi Maru test. Winning a berth on a two week cruise on the USS Hawkins all goes well until...
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Through the Night

05min 45sec — 06 April 2021
Cadet Zach Banner tells the story of his 6 x greats grandfather April 5th 2063. Happy First Contact Day to all.
Watch on YouTube:
More from Michael Stütelberg
Michael Stütelberg also created Starship: Eagle, Galactic Geography, Eugenics Wars: First Blood, Star Trek Eagle Comics and Star Trek Eagle Motion Comics.