Starship Webster
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Lexington, Kentucky

The Starship Webster, NCC-4104, is a newly-commissioned Centaur-class starship in 2304. This production will features the adventures of a starship on the outreaches of Federation territory, near the Romulan, Tholian and Orion border.
In 2304, the United Federation of Planets still is precariously perched upon a precipice from which they may fall. Quadrant 9, Sector 72 is adjacent to a section of the Romulan Neutral Zone, colonies of the Orion Barrier Alliance, and seed worlds of the Tholian Assembly. There are 43 Federation colonies in this region known as 'The Back Forty-ish.' The planets are basically agrarian, with a few scientific and medical outposts present. In addition, there are hundreds of unexplored, brave new worlds, filled with new lifeforms and new civilizations.
Following the ship's motto, In Omnia Paratus, the crew of the Starship Webster is ready for anything.

W01 — 07min 58sec — 09 October 2020
Space, the final frontier...The year is 2304. The newly commissioned Starship Webster, NCC-4104, and its stalwart captain and crew leave Starbase 211 for their new mission: explore strange new worlds, seek out new life, new civilizations, and go boldly where no one has gone before...
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A Voice in the Dark

W02 — 06min 54sec — 23 October 2020
On the eve of an important anniversary, Starfleet officer Robert Hawkins faces potentially the biggest transfer of his career. Rest is unattainable by any means, as he attempts to cope with a lone voice in the dark—his own.
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The Tombstone

W03 — 11min 37sec — 25 December 2020
With only part of their landing party materializing safely on an unexplored planet, Commander Robert Hawkins and Lieutenant Solandra St. James must survive one surprise after another until their destiny is determined.
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The Emissary

W04 — 05min 03sec — 21 March 2021
Starfleet Command has dispatched the crew of the Starship Webster to the Eyrie, homeworld of the Skorr, and location of Starbase 18. Previous negotiators have been less than welcome, but Lieutenant Solandra St. James has an idea of a unique approach that just might secure the treaty...
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Landing Party

W05 — 07min 17sec — 31 October 2021
While investigating unusual readings from Lambda Velorum VI, a class L planet where the Federation maintains an automated navigation station, the landing party encounters some old foes.
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W06 — 20min 09sec — 19 January 2022
The U.S.S. Webster is sent to Sodainya to transport Ambassador Risme and her aide to Starbase 211 to secure a treaty with their world. However, others plan to make that far more difficult than expected.
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W07 — 07min 05sec — 22 April 2022
A landing party from the U.S.S. Webster has beamed down to a small, icy world to rescue the Boyarski family. What will they find on this snowbound planet?
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Bottles of Ale

W08 — 19min 39sec — 13 July 2022
A Romulan freighter loaded with smoulder weed and Romulan ale has crashed on the surface of Eriska IV. Both the Eriskans and the Romulans have called for help to resolve their differences. The Starship Webster has sent down a landing party to mediate. It's going to be one of those days...
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Be sure and stay through the middle and especially the end of the credits if you want to see the entire production. There's something special you won't want to miss.
Exiled from Eternity

W09 — 15min 30sec — 25 March 2023
An experiment to find a foundation of youth results in the infection of an entire colony with an unusual virus. Fifty years later, a team from the Webster attempts to administer a cure, but sometimes things don't go according to plan…
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Where Monsters Dwell

W10 — 13min 58sec — 05 July 2023
On a medical mission of mercy to Yarva II, Captain Lattimer and Lieutenant Katz of the U.S.S. Webster are attacked by a powerful new enemy. Can they survive before they too fall prey to the mysterious affliction plaguing the planet?
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W11 — 20min 05sec — 31 January 2024
The crew of the Starship Webster, after recovering from an attempted takeover from an alien-possessed navigator, settles down to a simple mission of exploration of a dead world. But in Starfleet, things are never so simple.
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W12 — 20min 13sec — 19 March 2024
When the U.S.S. Webster finds the missing U.S.S. Sagittarius adrift in space, they beam over only to find the ship deserted. Evidence points to a run-in with Romulans, but as Captain Latimer and the landing party investigates, they realize that something strange is happening on board. And now it has turned its sights on the Webster’s crew.
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Thicker Than Water

W13 — 28min 27sec — 13 January 2025
Friendship bonds. Friendship endures. Friendship defines. The Webster rescues Madigan's old friend from the Academy, whose ship has been attacked, and whose cargo may not have been legally obtained. Without warning, a Gorn cruiser appears in sensor range, and here and now, friendship may end in tragedy or interstellar war.
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More from Potemkin Pictures
Potemkin Pictures also created Starship Tristan, Battlecruiser Kupok, Starship Deimos, Project: Potemkin, Starship Endeavour, Starship Triton, Hospital Ship Marie Curie, Starship Alexander, Starship Caliborn, I.K.S. Qab'elth and Starship Sagittarius.