Project Defiant Films
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

Project Defiant is a series of Star Trek fan films and audio dramas that explore the untold story of the USS Defiant as seen in the Original Series episode, "The Tholian Web," and the Star Trek Enterprise episodes, "In a Mirror Darkly" part 1 and 2. The series started with fan films listed here and continues with an audio drama series shown on this page...
The Hill

01 — 16min 04sec — 03 November 2017
Taking place before Dark Glimmer and Command & Conquer, watch mirror Minard in his search for the quadlithium, and the lengths he's willing to go.
Watch the special edition with a preamble that that brings it more into line with The Constar Chronicles on YouTube (17:03) 06 Dec 2019:
Watch the original release with a producer's commentary by Vance Major & Adam Muller on YouTube:
Watch the original release on Youtube:
First in the series chronologically but released 3rd
Command and Conquer

02 — 09min 33sec — 11 August 2017
Meanwhile, in the Mirror Universe, the Dreadnaught Dominion gets a new captain...
Watch the original release on YouTube:
Second chronologically but released first, the prequel to "Dark Glimmer" with the crews of Dreadnaught Dominion and Starship Valiant
Dark Glimmer

03 — 02min 48sec — 23 June 2017
Engineer Minard and his wife? Holding a crew hostage? See the mission that sets off the war once and for all between Minard and Spock, as Minard leaves the ISS Valiant for the Defiant.
Watch the rereleased Special Edition on Youtube:
Third chronologically but released 2nd, "Dark Glimmer" was re-released on 6 Dec 2019 as a Constar Chronicles backstory, tying the Mirror Universe Valiant era to the more modern trekish landscape.
The Mirror Universe.... Constar Chronicles
03.5 — 01min 39sec — 03 December 2019
A sneak peak of the upcoming storyline of Project Defiant
Watch on YouTube:
04 — 05min 13sec — 07 December 2019
While on a unique survey, it is realized that an old enemy could slip through realities.
Watch on YouTube:
Ep.18 of the Constar Chronicles.