Trailer for Star Trek: The Infinite Chain, which is Part 1 of this three part series:
This first episode captures many of the elements central to traditional Star Trek. Action, adventure, exploration, but also the insistence on the search for peace and understanding among diversity. (1:56)

REPOSTING: As a single You Tube film:
Star Trek: The Infinite Chain
Part 1 of 9 (9:48)
Part 2 of 9 (9:36)
Part 3 of 9 (9:40)
Part 4 of 9 (14:17)
Part 5 of 9 (13:51)
Part 6 of 9 (12:16)
Part 7 of 9 (10:42)
Part 8 of 9 (13:03)
Part 9 of 9 (14:26)
Film showing original (1990s) special effects: (5:41)
The second of this Three Film Trilogy, Star Trek:Incident at Beta 9, is currently available for viewing. My original review rated the 2009 release of it at 4 of 5, and follows a note from the filmmaker, below.
NEW as of 2/25/2018, Completely remastered from the original film, Hi-definition with much better sound, Incident at Beta 9
Mr. Kayaian was kind enough to send me the following description, which is also in a comment, below:
"Hi Barb! I forgot to give you a quick breakdown of my three films! The first one ("The Infinite Chain") deals with the
USS Hannibal investigating energy gates and exploring an unknown galaxy! The second film (Incident at Beta 9) deals with the Klingon problem and an new energy vortex that forms when planet Odin II vanishes and almost destroys the USS Aristarchus in the process! The third film: ("The Final Darkness") reveals the answers to the energy gates and what caused Odin II' to vanish. It introduces a new villain with an incredibly powerful weapon that threatens the Federation itself! It also wraps up many of the characters from all three of my films. Thanks again! "
Ulisses has prepared Portuguese subtitles for this film. To do so, he has converted the format of the film from flv to avi.
Here are Portuguese Subtitles for Incident at Beta 9: (youtube)06 parts
This second of three, pre-Enterprise Fan Film explains the physical changes in the Klingons.
Rating: 4. This show starts and ends with a complete list of credits, instead of just giving us the main names up front and the production crew and supporting role in the back. Except for Captain Navarro, we also get absolutely no identification of who is who. Helen Kayaian is Commander Navarro. But I’d be guessing about anyone else, and the one guess I already made, I was told by Mr. Kayaian, was wrong. Not the first time I've ever been wrong...

This is essentially an excellent show. It well written, well acted. The sets do the job, as do the special effects. The CGI is not professional quality, but it gets you there. It makes good use of the oak-hickory forests in and around Long Island, as well as the beaches and lakes for the outdoor off-world scenes. It is entertaining and well directed. It is also tightly edited. It not only provides a low level of suspension of disbelief, it attempt to deal with one of the gaping holes in the Trek canon. I confess that, as New Yorker who has never before heard my native accent on a Trek film, I was delighted to hear a little New York in this one.
I did not hear anything that I would call a real-world idea that it explores, social scientific or political. It seemed to have two entirely unrelated stories. However, it did attempt to address a huge hole in the Trek Canon. Although the quality of the sound and picture were never so poor for so long that you had no idea what was going on, it was poor enough to detract significantly from the enjoyment of the film.

This is Part 2 in a three-part series. There is some overlap among the segments, with the new segment repeating the end of the old segment. With better quality sound and picture this could be a Quick Pick Treasure. However, I did not wait for the release of higher quality video and sound, or for the other two films, to be honest, because I heard this was a great show (and it was) and I just needed to watch some really good Trek. I watched it, and it was, indeed, really good Trek. Here are links to the current version. Mr. Kayaian has told me an upgraded version, as well as both of the other two films, are in the works.
Reposting as a single film (2/11/2017)
Star Trek: Incident at Beta 9 Teaser Trailer (1:13)
Star Trek: Incident at Beta 9-Part 1 of 6(9:29)
Star Trek: Incident at Beta 9-Part 2 of 6(8:06)Star Trek: Incident at Beta 9-Part 3 of 6(9:48)Star Trek: Incident at Beta 9-Part 4 of 6(10:02)Star Trek: Incident at Beta 9-Part 5 of 6(9:55)Star Trek: Incident at Beta 9-Part 6 of 6(9:46)visual links:
Incident at Beta 9 is also available on You Tube with Portuguese subtitles:
Part 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: with Portuguese Subtitles on Vimeo: (55:44)
Download with Portuguese subtitles from Rapidshare:
This is a short that is supposed to be humorous, although frankly, I didn't see it that way. It part of the same 'series' as The Multiverse Crisis, using the same crew and ship. Star Trek: Love in the Lab (1:20)
A behind-the scenes clip about The Final Darkness: Kayaian is an artist and a talented filmmaker who makes a variety of other films. I will add here a random selection at the bottom of this page under the plot summaries and spoilers.
Plot Summary and Spoilers follow.
Here are the credits for two of these films (posted by George Kayaian on the Trek BBS, and stolen by me on May 9, 2011) *********
Star Trek: The Infinite Chain (Cast Of Characters)
Captain Elaine Navarro - Captain of U.S.S. Hannibal
Science Officer Sonac - Basaurian species (known for their sarcasm & intelligence)
Hanson - Helmsman
Haydn Crandall- Federation Council member / Weapons and Detectors Division
Watts - Navigator
Rostofski - Bridge crew -Environmental station
Macpherson - Bridge Crew - Chief Engineer
Gibson - Bridge Crew - Communications
Webb - Transporter Room Operator
Hudson - (Engineering Rm) Chief Assistant Engineer
Markoff - Head Security Chief
Tomson -Assistant Chief Security Officer
Creighton - security
Reems - security
Garcia - security
Dr, Sparek - Vulcan chief medical officer
Davis - Ensign, 1st mission out of academy
Thomas Roth- Mission Team leader/Covert Operations
Daniel Sagan- Science/Research division
Laroque - Science Officer (Female member of the N’shacdos species)
Tarasek - Hoshan Commander
Radzyk - Hoshan Soldier
Atragon - Zeator soldier
Endrakon - Commander of the Zeator fleet
Belzrokaz - Commander of the Hoshan fleet
Akeita - Leader of the Arogas group
Star Trek: Incident at Beta 9 (Cast Of Characters)
Thomas Roth- Mission Team leader/Covert Operations
Daniel Sagan- Science/Research division
General Krikor - Klingon General/Neutral Zone patrol
Krenak - Klingon Imperial scientist
Captain Elaine Navarro - Captain of U.S.S. Hannibal
Science Officer Sonac - Basaurian species (known for their sarcasm & intelligence)
Hanson - Helmsman
Captain Jertrol A’lagh MacNare - Captain of the U.S.S. Aristarchus (Rinorian species)
Dr. Wayne - Chief Medical Officer
Roberts - Science Officer
Clemens - Helmsman
Thrax - Communications officer
Hodges - Navigator
Benedek - Chief Engineer
Rodrigez - Bridge officer
Miller - Environmental officer
Star Trek: Incident at Beta 9-Part 1 of 6(9:29)Part 1 of Six. A star cluster. A George Kayaian Film. STAR TREK Incident at Beta 9 . Voyager music.
Michael J. Arbouet
George Kayaian
Jody Hessel
Keith Dallas
Roddy Frey
Jen Kahler
Michelle Nielsen
Connie Di Virgilio
Paul Giachetti
Bryan Dusini
Ben Casiano
Bob Lariosa
David Engasser
Elizabeth Dollard
Reynaldo Linares
Bill Brown
George Kayaian, Sr.
Harold McLaughlin
And Helen Kayaian as Captain Navarro
Music by Jerry Goldsmith, Dennis McCarthy, and Alexander Courage
Associate Producer Michael J. Arbouet
Co-Producer L.J. Strong
Original Costume Designer William Ware Theiss
Edited by Michael J. Arbouet, Robert Kornberg, Mario Cortes, Chris Tsalikis
Production Assistants Jen Kahler, Cheryl Russell Arbouet, Elizabeth Dollard, John McCormack, Jane Noyes, Susan McCormack, George Kayaian, Sr., Sheryl Smith, Ken Smith
Makeup by Linda S. Ellinger, George Kayaian
Models created and built by William Kayaian
Story by George Kayaian
Story Consultants Harold McLaughlin, Keith Dallas, Michael J. Arbouet, L. J. Strong, Brian J. Garthwaite.
Visual Effects by Van Harris, Mario Cortes, George Kayaian
Additional Visual Effects by L.J. Strong
Written, Produced and Directed by George Kayaian
Story starts at 2:47.
Film repeatedly has white vertical markings as if scratched. Also, it is somewhat fuzzy.
We approach Beta 9, a blue-red planet. We see a Starfleet shuttlecraft on a rock surface under and earth-like partially cloudy sky. A log by Lt. Thomas Roth. He was on a routine survey mission with another man when a severe ion storm hit. Sound is blurry. Picture is blurry. They want to complete their mission on the Planet’s surface and meet the U.S.S. Hannibal in two days. The U.S.S. Hannibal is named, presumably, for the Carthaginian famous for attacking Rome by bringing Elephants into Italy over the Alps. On the planet, We see three disks in the sky, one rocky earth moon-like one blue and light blue, one blue and reddish. The two men have yellow and blue shirts on, with TOS-era look. Star Fleet insignia. The Blue shirt says damn, and explains that their initial scan shows the planet is made of what sounded to me to be Calvinite, but Mr. Kayaian has told me is Kelbanite, a mineral described in TNG,) and other refractory metals. They play havoc with his tricorder. All he can scan ahead is 20 meters. The blue shirt’s name is Dan. (Again Mr. Kayaian says Dan Sagan, like the Cosmos guy... billions and billions...). With the blurry sound, I wasn't sure of the name. Lt. Tom Roth tells him that whatever data they gather is fine, it’s just a preliminary survey. Dan points out that their commander demands thoroughness. Then he asks, since the world is just on the Federation side of the Neutral Zone, are they really on a scientific mission, or are they there to find Klingons? Tom gives an ambiguous answer. (Maybe both?)
We see a black spaceship with a small saucer section and a large central tube between the Nacelles. It is a freighter carrying a medicine which cures Addle’s Disease. The captain notes that, without those supplies, the plague will kill the entire colony within a month. (One has to wonder why, with replicator technology, transportation of any chemical would be needed. This is, however, a Trek staple, not of Mr. Kayaian’s making. Mr. Kayaian has also been kind enough to inform me that the name of this ship is The Aristarchus.). The captain of the Aristarchus has a horn, and his blue-shirted MD, a woman, notes that they are close to the neutral zone where a Klingon could fire on them. It will be 3.4 hours before they are out of the sector, another crew member answers. The objecting blue-shirted officer is addressed by the Captain as Ms Wayne. They will meet the Wellington in 10 hours. The communications officer picks up signals on a Klingon transmission band. Doctor Wayne “Knew it.” The communications officer can translate only a few pieces, something about a scientist. The transmissions are from the Deathwind, a Klingon warship. The Captain notes that that is Gen. Krikor’s Ship. He wonders what the general is doing out there. The Doctor. worries, “This can’t be good.” That’s all the communications officer got, but she’ll keep monitoring. The doctor worries, while the Captain is curious about the Klingons.
We see two Klingon ships, one fires on the other. The Klingon in one ship look like a TOS Klingon, the Klingon in the other ship look like a TNG Klingon (Mr. Kayaian refers to this as a "movie" Klingon, but I will continue to refer to him as the TNG Klingon). Neither ship is a warbird. The TOS era Klingon appears to the one one fleeing, and he heads down for the surface of a planet. The TNG era Klingon appears triumphant. The TNG Klingon fires again, hitting the TOS Klingon. The TOS Klingon’s control panel emits smoke. TOS enters the planetary atmosphere, and glows red-hot in an effect which is quite good. All these on sets and models, not green screens and CGI. The TOS ship is glowing red hot and leaving reddish smoke behind him in the atmosphere. He sees the surface coming up ahead of him on his view screen.
End of Part I
Star Trek: Incident at Beta 9-Part 2 of 6(8:06)Beginning of Part II
Again, the meteor-like hot head and smoke trail of the TOS Klingon ship in the atmosphere. Dan and Tom, the Federation/human survey party, see the ship coming down. Their tricorder still doesn’t work, but Dan thinks it’s a ship. The TOS Klingon races down a hill followed by the TNG Klingon, with a big knife or short sword. When the TNG era Klingon catches up, the screen gets too dark for us to follow the action, but we hear the noise, and in less than a minute we see the TOS era Klingon fall, bloodied, to the ground. But he continues to flee, and be pursued, with the TNG Klingon hitting him again and again. He does not seem to strike back at all. But after rolling down a hill, he gets on his feet, and flees along a lake and back up into the woodland hills. The TNG era Klingon reaches the lake by sliding down the hill, but looks confused and weary.
Back in space, we see the medical supply ship. They have unusual readings, and seem to be approaching a blue vortex in space. An female officer, “Mr. Roberts” identifies it as some specific kind of field (I couldn’t make out the name) of ?? intensity. Again, I couldn’t make out the words. However, the acting makes up for the bad sound, we know they are in trouble. The helmsman can’t break free of it. Roberts says the pressure on the hull is increasing, and the Captain directs an distress signal on all channels. The ship is being pulled into a bright red fire-like (or sun-like) wall. The ship is smoking inside. They are being pulled into the vortex, and Roberts cries out readings of plus 5... plus 7... plus 9... her tone tells us this is very bad. The captain calls for power, Roberts reports they are approaching critical. The Captain says they can’t get out the top, can they get out of the bottom. Roberts says they can’t break the laws of physics, and the captain suggests they are in a situation where they aren’t sure what those are. The captain directs that they direct power INTO the vortex instead of fighting it. Roberts says they’ll be crushed, but has no alternative idea. They head in. Captain demands Engineering stabilize all systems as they fail, as the collapse of shields and other systems is reported. Out in 15 seconds. In the end, they have serious structural damage, but are intact. The captain checks with Dr. Wayne, who reports no deaths, 63 injuries, 20 serious. The rest can be back to work in 10 minutes. Engineering and transporter were seriously damaged. Some of Engineering is flooded with radiation. He’s using force fields to reinforce the hull. The captain says that’s a good idea, and tells him to grab his men and fix it. Captain wants Robert’s report. She tells him that the vortex is constantly shifting, and in their current shape, they’ll be crushed immediately. And they don’t have enough power to fly out of there.
Down on Beta 9, Tom and Dan continue to wonder toward the downed Klingon ship, more or less unaware of any danger. When they come to a hill, Tom orders that they split up and meet on the far side to cover more ground. Dan rightly points out the danger. But, they have no working tricorders, and they are searching. They will remain in constant contact via communicator. They will search until dark. Dan says, “Be Careful Lt,” He responds, “To Boldly Go...”
End of Part 2.
Beginning of Part 3. When I watched this it wasn’t loaded quite right. You couldn’t pause it.
Recap of the last minute of Part 2. Sun shines through the trees, show the TNG Klingon, and both starfleet officers in the forest and clearings. We see the sun setting. We see Starfleet’s Tom, then gets a call from Dan, he found the ship, it was a complete wreak. Small, Klingon, couldn’t hold more than two. Tom is attacked by the TNG Klingon. He subdues Tom. Dan doesn’t stay where he is, but follows his Tricorder signal. He finds the TOS Klingon Collapsed, He flips the TOS Klingon over, but he doesn’t move at first. Dan builds a fire. The TOS era Klingon is surprised that Dan is honoring their treaty. He identifies himself... he is Krenak, Imperial Scientist. Dan says he doesn’t know what is happening. He knows Krenak is in Federation space, and so he will be questioned by the Federation, and then handed over to the Klingons. Krenak is being hunted by another Klingon, he crossed the neutral zone to tell the Federation what is going on. The Klingon empire is in a civil war. The Klingon race the Federation knows is being wiped out. What do you know of Klingon history? Klingons are two different species. They divided the planet into Northern and Southern provinces. Northerners had ridges and great physical strength, Southerners had brains. When Kaless arrived something this division was all but done. Couldn't hear exactly what he said.
End of Part 3.
Beginning of Part 4 Also doesn’t stop properly.
Both fought for survival and dominance. Like Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal. (Since Cro-Magnon is an old usage for early modern humans in Europe, this is unlikely language use 250 years from now.) Each part divided the land. I couldn’t make out the actual names, but Mr. Kayaian has told me that the ridged Northern Klingons are Moch Klingons. The flat-faced TOS-era Southerner Klingons are VeS. By the time of Kaless, the VeS were conquered. Even so, it was the VeS that conquered the stars, they fought the Romulans and Federation while the Moch ran the home world. Then the VeS were hit by an illness. The Moch were immune to the disease. All off-world VeS were spared. The Moch decided they were weak and small in number and decided to wipe them out. The scene switches.
Tom wakes up with the TNG Klingon, in the ship of the TNG Klingon. We soon learn he is General Krikor who has not made any scans. He refuses to explain himself. Tom suggests that he refuses to talk to because he’s afraid. General Krikor thought Tom was talking to the TOS Klingon, Krenak, not Dan. Tom tells him that holding him gives him no honor, and General Krikor says humans don’t know anything about honor. Tom breaks out, knocks Krikor over, and runs.
The Aristarchus is in a hole in the vortex which is where a planet was. They are expected to be swept in within three hours. Captain gives Roberts an hour to find a way out.
At the campfire, we hear Krenak say that The Moch decided to eliminate the VeS and the VeS tried to create a eugenics program to become as strong as the Moch. They got the idea from the Earth Eugenics Wars. Dan hears from Tom and they both head for the shuttle. Krenak tries to get Dan to give him his weapon. Dan doesn’t. They all head for the shuttle.
Back on the Aristarchus, the medical supply ship, the only people who might hear their distress call are the Klingons.
End of Part 4.
Beginning of Part 5.
On the ship, Roberts has a theory that could result in a course out of the vortex. But not quite, with the available power they could get to the edge, but they would need another ship with a tractor beam to take them the last little way out. The Captain addresses the crew, says they have all served with distinction and honor, but he’s asking even more of them, blah blah... captain out. They try to get out, everything is at maximum and they could blow up at any time. They shake. Integrity field is compromised, there is severe turbulence ahead. They call engineering. There is smoke throughout the ship. The captain looks like he’s bracing himself for the worst, as the communications officer tries desperately to reach anyone at all. Systems are failing all over the ship. Smoke and shaking. Roberts says almost there, but they are falling back in. They are falling back in. Pressure is increasing, 10,000 PSI, 12,000 PSI. Communications reaches the USS Hannibal. A woman in command (Later identified as “Captain Navarro”) says, ‘sit tight we are coming to get you.’ The Medical ship Captain says, let’s not take any chances, all power to the engines. We see the medical supply ship, and they are out of the vortex. No more space pressure on the hull. The captain orders the crew to relax and orders Romulan ale from the bar. We see the Hannibal with it’s single nacelle and the medical supply ship next to each other in space. The Horned Medical ship captain says, “Thanks for the tow, Captain Navarro.” She says, “My pleasure, Captain.” She will escort him to a space station which has already been told to expect they need repairs. She’ll be heading to Beta 9 to rescue two of her officers stranded by an ion storm. (The horned captain is Captain McNair. Got to wonder about how the folk over at Star Trek: Intrepid would feel about that...). On the planet, we see Tom running with the red sunset in the background. We hear Tom’s personal log, “Our situation has become critical.” Dan and Krenak are also making headway on rocky soil. We see General Krikor stalking them all. Tom runs, while Krikor walks along a beach. We see the Krenak explaining that they have dormant DNA which shows both groups of Klingons were once one species. The Moch found a new strain of the disease to wipe them out, so the VeS activated the ancient DNA to become one race with the Moch, and be free of the disease. Their greatest warriors all underwent the procedure to be altered. But the civilians were another matter. They were forced or ‘vanished.’ He fled when it was his turn to undergo the procedure, so General Krikor himself has pledged to kill him. At this moment, Krikor appears and says, “And I shall kill you.” Dan holds his phaser, but hesitates to shoot it. The Krenak glances down the hill.
End of Part 5
Beginning of Part 6
Krenak demands that Dan shoot General Krikor. When Dan continues to hesitate, Krenak strikes Dan in the face and grabs the Phaser. He laughs as he points it, advancing toward the Krikor. Dan hangs over a cliff. The Krenak says, “With your death comes my freedom.” But the phaser doesn’t work. He tries to readjust it to no avail. They fight, Krenak unarmed, the Krikor with a short sword. Dan struggles to get up on the cliff, and looks down at the beach below him. Tom comes running. We see the Krikor getting the best of Krenak in the fight. Dan has himself half pulled up the cliff. The ground starts to give way, and Tom Roth grabs his hand and hauls him up. The Klingon fight continues, with the Krenak flinging dirt at Krikor. Krikor kills Krenak, then lets out the death howell, and runs off. He grabs his short sword, and heads back. Tom and Dan face the Krikor who is running toward them, bearing the sword. Tom retrieves a phaser, and denies he was working with Krenak. The Krikor says Tom will shoot him in the back. Tom says no, but you’ve violated the treaty, but fulfilled your blood oath. Now, leave Federation Space. That would be the honorable thing to do. The Krikor pounds his chest. He picks up his short sword. Dan say, “General, your people are self-destructing.” he says that genetic engineering will destroy them. The General says that Krenak was a liar and a murderer, so ‘forget what you heard.’ He then leaves. Dan asks what to do with the body. Krikor says, “It’s only an empty shell. Treat it as such.” Dan wonders who are the real Klingons.
Dan wants to know why Tom let him go. Tom shows him that the Kelbanite stops the Phaser from working. They bury Krenak. Dan repeats what the scientist says, “There will come a time when you will never look upon my kind again.” Tom says, “I don’t think he’d appreciate the sentiment.” Dan responds, “It’s the human thing to do.”
We see the USS Hannibal in orbit. Commander Navarro says, “Maintain standard orbit, Mr..” “Aye aye sir.”
Back on the planet, we see Tom and Dan. They communicate with the captain, report they completed their mission and learned more than expected. The captain says, “Well Done.” We’ll meet you back at the Shuttle. Roth out.” The Commander orders they prepare a landing party.
Back on the planet, We see Dan and Tom discuss whether or not they like the planet. Credits roll.
An UP All Night Films Production.
Written and Directed by George Kayanian.
Dedicated to all Star Trek fans
Other appearances by George Kayanian in Star Trek Fan Films:
Star Trek Eagle: as Captain Holt Allen (0:40)
Star Trek Reliant, also as Captain Holt Allen: (17:04)
Vance Major Owen, Minard series, George appears as the Mirror Universe Captain Holt Allen, (Live action, adult fans, costumes, props), "Persona,"
Interview with George Kayaian, released Feb. 4, 2015:!Interview-with-George-Kayaian-Creator-of-Star-Trek-Antyllus/c1twa/1996DA2F-7386-4E37-910A-0E0A72926644Other films by George Kayanian, randomly selected:
The Anya and Daddy Show
Episode 1: (1:52)
Episode 2: (1:53)
Episode 3: (1:49)
Episode 4: (1:57)
Episode 5: (2:19)
Episode 6: (2:13)
Episode 7: 8: (1:56)
Episode 9: (2:15)
Episode 10: (1:59)
Episode 11: (2:17)
Episode 12: (1:42)
Episode 13: (1:54)
Episode 14:
Episode 15:
They posted a major film made in 2007 in December of 2011, "Fragments." It is here: (1:22:05)
Another is a one-day shoot entitled, "Bus!" here: (59:49)
A comedic short play, "Who Knew?" (11:02)
Another comedic short, "The Gift" (7:17)
Part 1 (10:59)
Part 2 (9:13)
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
His You Tube Channel includes some of his other work.
Perhaps the youngest fan film writer to date, Anya Sheila Kayania, age 4, has gotten involved in the family hobby, joining her daddy and grandparents by writing and starring in her own episode for Star Trek: Antyllus.
Episode A "The Mysterious Tale of Lt. Anya."
Part 1: (4:05).
And with English subtitles (for those of us who do not easily understand 4-year-olds) (4:05)
and Portuguese subtitles (for people who speak Portuguese): (4:05)
Part 2: (5:15) (w/English subtitles)
With Portuguese Subtitles:
Part 2: (5:15)