USS Atlas
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Niederdieten, Germany

Die Abenteuer eines Langstrecken-Forschungsschiffs der Luna-Klasse, der USS Atlas, sind eine Live-Action-Rollenspielgruppe, die sich aufmacht, ihre eigenen Filme zu drehen.
Captain on the (Holo)Deck

01 — 02min 55sec — 16 August 2019
Captain David Parsons, Commanding Officer of the USS Atlas NCC-80307, is spending some time on the holodeck.
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This is our very first attempt at making something more than a short video message or logbook entry. It is just a test for the greenscreen, the camera, photography, lighting, acting, editing, sound mixing, rendering and all other processes involved in film making. We know it is very short but for the beginning we have achieved our goal of getting it done. We are planning to get better with time.
Der Musterverstärker (The Pattern Enhancer)

04min 54sec — 17 May 2021
Ein Trainingsvideo des Ingenieurscorps der Sternenflotte zum Musterverstärker
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A Starfleet Corps of Engineers training video regarding the pattern enhancer, English subtitles available.