Sleeping Lion Archives
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama)

"Very cool little skits my friends and I shot years ago... shot for fun by friends and was never intended to be seen by a large audience. Thanks to Youtube and Facebook, however, I'm able to share my cheesy little productions with my online friends and I think that will be a lot of fun. Please keep in mind, we're not classically trained actors, writers, directors, or editors, but sure had a heck of a lot of fun back then with our clunky VHS camera and production budget of 2.5 dollars. ...this was made by a non-profit organization for fun. Enjoy!"
Furry Little Creature
01 — 06min 11sec — 01 January 1990
"A very, very low-budget Star Trek parody we shot in the 90s. I don't think there was even a script for this one. Ad lib city. Enjoy!"
New edition released on YouTube, "enhanced with AI software for optimal visual clarity" 18 Jun, 2021:
Watch special edition (6:30) on Youtube 22 Dec 2020:
Watch original release on YouTube [Deadlink 02 Jul, 2021]:
Watch the blooper reel on YouTube 21 Jul 2011:
Dark Side

02 — 11min 04sec — 01 January 1992
Some of the first videos Vince, David and myself ever made were STTNG fan films. This was our first. The guys had already begun this one and I joined them halfway in. We went on to make a total of five episodes over the course of 3 years. In those days we were editing as we shot and even playing music in the background as we acted out the scenes. We did it for fun, and it was. The low-budget nature paired with our inexperience acting make these unintentionally hilarious and a joy to watch again all these years later.
Starts at 00:00 on “The SLA ST TNG Collection (2021 Restoration)” released 3 Apr 2021 on YouTube:
Starts at 01:37 on “The SLA STTNG 1996 VHS Special Edition Collection” released 15 Mar 2021 on YouTube:
Watch on YouTube (Deadlink as at 05 Apr 2021):
The original release (now taken down) was followed by a 12 min documentary section - from 1996? - of the making of these early VHS pre-teen fan films. The “1996 VHS Special Edition Collection” released 15 Mar 2021 reduced the running time of this from 11:00 to 07:19.
Our ReviewSetting aside the cardboard & duct tape scenery and the limitations of the video & audio recording, this is a primary source record of what Star Trek fandom was for teens in the early 1990's. It was geeky fun with your friends playing with the family's VCR, letting your imaginations run wild and, if you couldn't journey through space at warp speed, at least you could make your own TV episodes about it! - Kirok
Looking Glass

03 — 15min 26sec — 02 January 1992
"This was our second ST TNG fan film and the first to be scripted." First release (now taken down) had different screen size, new credits and a blooper reel. The “1996 VHS Special Edition Collection” released 15 Mar 2021 reduced the running time of this from 14:25 to 9:39.
Starts at 22:36 on “The SLA ST TNG Collection (2021 Restoration)” released 3 Apr 2021 on YouTube:
Starts at 08:56 on “The SLA STTNG 1996 VHS Special Edition Collection” released 15 Mar 2021 on YouTube:
Watch on YouTube (Deadlink as at 05 Apr 2021):
The Battle For Peace

04 — 15min 40sec — 03 January 1992
Starts at 56:17 on “The SLA ST TNG Collection (2021 Restoration)” released 3 Apr 2021 on YouTube:
Starts at 18:35 on “The SLA STTNG 1996 VHS Special Edition Collection” released 15 Mar 2021 on YouTube:
Time Trial

05 — 09min 18sec — 01 January 1993
Starts at 01:27:25 on “The SLA ST TNG Collection (2021 Restoration)” released 3 Apr 2021 on YouTube:
Starts at 29:58 on “The SLA STTNG 1996 VHS Special Edition Collection” released 15 Mar 2021 on YouTube:
"One of the highlights [on The SLA STTNG 1996 VHS Special Edition Collection] is a complete re-edit of Time Trial. At the time, we were all editing these at home by linking two VCRs. Time Trial had a lot of visual hiccups between cuts and it's nice to see it this way." The Source Footage is added as a Blooper Reel at 1:36:43 on The SLA ST TNG Collection (2021 Restoration).
Journey's End

06 — 14min 49sec — 02 January 1993
Starts at 02:04:59 on “The SLA ST TNG Collection (2021 Restoration)” released 3 Apr 2021 on YouTube:
Starts at 36:34 on “The SLA STTNG 1996 VHS Special Edition Collection” released 15 Mar 2021 on YouTube:
Originally titled 'Prime Directive'. "In the end it's a collection I hope my friends and I can enjoy for many years to come. They represent a period in our moviemaking of accelerated growth and change. Simply comparing 1992's Dark Side with 1993's Journey's End is a night and day experience and I will be forever grateful this is how the three of us chose to grow up."
The Return
07 — 02hr 16min 52sec — 01 January 1996
The three of us were huge Star Trek fans but realized pretty quickly that without lots of money we would have to show our affection for Trek by poking fun at it. Please enjoy this little parody from 1996. It's one of my favorites and was just a pure hoot to make.
Released on YouTube, re-edited from the original VHS footage and enhanced with AI for visual clarity 17 Jun, 2021:
Watch on YouTube, "The final Trek parody my friends and I shot in the mid 1990s. It later got a special edition treatment with enhanced visual effects and titles, but before that, it looked like this. (VHS Version with Bloopers)" 05 Oct 2020:
Watch the blooper reel on YouTube 21 Jul 2011.:
Watch on YouTube (Deadlink as at 02 Jul 2021):
Shawala Wala Bing Bang
08 — 08min 57sec — 02 January 1996
Our 2nd Star Trek parody. This one had a script, I believe.
New edition released on YouTube, "enhanced with AI software for optimal visual clarity" 17 Jun, 2021:
Watch special edition (9:03) on Youtube released 22 Dec, 2020:
Watch original release on YouTube [Deadlink 02 Jly, 2021]:
Watch the blooper reel on YouTube 21 Jul, 2011:
The SLA Star Trek Collection
09 — 01hr 13min 39sec — 30 November -0001
An AI enhance combination of most of the earlier episodes
Watch on YouTube:
Unformatted Blogspot Notes
(The original STR website included many notes, not all of which have been migrated to our new database yet. Here are additional notes about this series that have not yet been completely processed.)