Tales from The Neutral Zone
Golden Age Film; Series (Drama) — Kingsland, GA
Follow the adventure of Jane Tobin, the first female Captain of a Constitution class starship, and her crew.
The Looking Glass Part 1
01.1 — 11min 27sec — 12 June 2019
Captain Jane Tobin (Lezlie Sawyer) is faced with a dilemma every Starfleet Captain must face. Violate Starfleet General Order One, the Prime Directive, or maintain non-interference?
July 25, 2023, Released on Youtube channel of Mr904Director: https://youtu.be/gpOew49dYX8?si=t34Rm0Mpvd9xkVLW
Original release on YouTube: https://youtu.be/tP61eXZmz7o
IMDB page for episode: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10118544
The Looking Glass Part 2
01.2 — 11min 21sec — 12 June 2019
“A starship captain’s most solemn oath is that he will give his life, even his entire crew, rather than violate the Prime Directive...” - Captain James T. Kirk
July 25, 2023, Released on Youtube channel of Mr904Director: https://youtu.be/LSn_3Bbr588?si=0OqB7XOh3f_9Dt2h
Original release on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Uc7o-AdAtKE
02 — 12min 50sec — 05 February 2021
The women of the USS Kongo must decide what to do when all of the male crewmen mysteriously disappear.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/lyp-7TIab-Y
IMDB page for episode: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10432214/. Visual effects by Samuel Cockings and an original musical score by Adam Mullen.

03 — 13min 31sec — 06 April 2022
Are you still a captain if you have no crew... Tales from The Neutral Zone in association with Avalon Universe presents "DOOMSDAY," the third Star Trek Fan Film from Neutral Zone Studios in Kingsland, GA. Based on the original story by Norman Sprinrad, music by Sol Kaplan, and visual effects by Samuel Cockings.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/oB5X9Ew760c
When Duty Calls

03.5 — 12min 53sec — 02 March 2023
What happens when a disabled TOS starship is assisted by crew from the Discovery? Watch it all unfold in "When Duty Calls".
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/CpHdcoyb6qc
Question: What happens when 2 fans show up at a Neutral Zone Studios fan weekend dressed as characters from Star Trek: Discovery?
Answer: You cast them in a fan film!
The Test of Time

04 — 23min 38sec — 22 May 2023
While trying to stop the theft of a Federation Time Ship, Temporal Agent Quinn discovers the shocking and tragic history of two different worlds.
"Film Fest Version" Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/38I8f4h0Wzs
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/CUvmdb5Ujqw
From Executive Producers Ed Obarowski and Ray Tesi with the support of Avalon Universe where it was released on their YouTube Channel.
The Lost Starship

05 — 23min 02sec — 08 September 2023
The Romulans want peace; the Federation wants peace; what could go wrong?
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/A4KLlk3oWHs?si=gspNSge7yZVSExGT