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Star Trek TNG Comedy Redub

Silver Age Mashup / Recut; Series (Parody)

We don't normally feature redubs but this series is getting to be quite a substantial body of work and the redubbed voiceovers have created coherent comedy plots. The production shows "Star Trek TNG as a Comedy show, with clean humor showing abridged funny moments of life on board the Enterprise. I edit the footage and try to match the lip movement. So I dub, redub, lip sync. Its all made for fun."

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Making of a GeoMFilms Dub #1: (19 Jul 2019)


Data Must Go
Episode Title

00 — 24min 15sec — 13 December 2017
Data is annoying everyone on the crew of the Enterprise so they are trying to find a way to get rid of Data. They decide to have Data adopted by a wholesome family. Because Data gets adopted before the other 'children' in the adoption agency, the other 'children' get mad and seek revenge. How will this situation be resolved? In the mean time Picard meets a man who he believes is James T Kirk.

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Geordi Tube

01 — 03min 28sec — 08 December 2018
In this episode Captain Picard gets sick, Worf loses a Pet, and Geordi tries to get rich off of youtube.

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Just Broke Up

2 — 03min 38sec — 14 December 2018
Captain Picard tries to ask out Dr Crusher, La Forge is having dating issues, and Wesley Crusher gets in trouble for playing video games on the bridge. Plus the crew talk about listening to Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, and Kanye West

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Adventure Ship

3 — 04min 31sec — 22 January 2019
Captain Picard receives a message from the delta quadrant (Captain Janeway of Voyager), Geordi has girl problems, and the Enterprise confronts an 'Adventure Ship'. What will Picard find on the ship?

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Rikers Family

4 — 04min 34sec — 08 February 2019
the crew plays street fighter IV William Riker takes the crew to go meet his aunt and uncle. In the meantime Captain Picard tries to get to know Troi a little more.

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Wedding Vows

5 — 03min 51sec — 04 March 2019
Worf ask the captain for a pay increase and Geordi wants to practice his wedding vows in front of the crew and see what they think of what he's put together so far.

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Racist Picard

6 — 06min 17sec — 22 March 2019
Captain Picard gets accused of being racist. The Captain tries to figure out if everyone thinks that of him. Geordi also continues to stress about the wedding, and Riker is given a chance to negotiate with a new alien species. How will Riker do?

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Online Dating

07 — 04min 45sec — 21 May 2019
Captain Picard goes on his first date with Doctor Crusher. Meanwhile Data goes on an away mission to gather information for the Federation about a specific planet and its inhabitants. Unfortunately Data is not welcomed there. How will he react?

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Can I date your mom?

08 — 05min 07sec — 05 June 2019
Captain Picard wants to date a woman from an online dating app, but he realizes that in order to date her he must first get the permission of her son. In the mean time Data is trying to take control of a planet and gives a speech to the locals on why they should appoint him as their new leader while the crew has a dance off to some lil wayne music and the 'teach me how to doudie' music.

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Star Wars Real?

09 — 07min 24sec — 10 July 2019
In this episode we find out if Star Wars exists in the Star Trek Universe, Data gets mad that the planet he is visiting isn't making him their new leader and deals with a local woman who has a crush on him. Back on the Enterprise, Worf is stressing out because Captain Picard keeps asking him to help him meet the girl from an online dating site.

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Picard meets online girl

10 — 07min 12sec — 19 July 2019
PIcard finally meets the girl that he saw on an online dating site, he gets the girls permission for a date, he just wants to meet her. As a back up though Wesley is told to be ready to help the captain by speaking highly of Picard but that will be hard for Wesley because he hates him. What will happen? Will Picard find true happiness and love?

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Wesley's Grandpa

11 — 07min 09sec — 18 February 2020
Wesley Crusher's grandpa comes on board the Enterprise and tells Picard not to put down his grandson but Captain Picard doesn't like to be told what to do. How will Picard react? Meanwhile Geordie preparing his wedding Invites.

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11.5 — 02min 34sec — 30 April 2021
Watch Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise talk about how GeoMFilms is a good digger and is no longer making videos with the TNG crew because he is seeking money through Youtube. Date, Worf, Riker, Geordi Troy, Crusher and Picard brain storm ideas on how they could still benefit the Youtube page of GeoMFilms. Maybe a sponsor would help keep them going.

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The Wedding

12 — 08min 30sec — 29 May 2021
It's wedding day on Star Trek TNG for Geordi and Emilie. Watch as everyone tries to make sure everything is ready for the wedding (Riker organizes the food, Data entertainment, and Worf picks music). But Geordi has some big expectations that might ruin everything.

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A Good Day for Data
Episode Title

13 — 09min 20sec — 14 June 2023
Data prevents Riker from eating for one full day, which freaks him out, then Wesley thinks he's coloured, annoying the rest of the crew. An attempt at clean humor, showing short funny moments of life on board the Enterprise.

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Crew Abuse Deepfake
Episode Title

14 — 05min 47sec — 26 October 2024
The Crew of Star Trek The Next Generation are given the ability to change their faces. The crew takes advantage and abuse this deepfake AI voice over program. Example: Riker turns into Robert Downey Dr / Tony Stark Ironman / Doom. Dianna Troi is turned into Gal Gadot / Wonder Woman. Wesley Crusher tries to get accepted by turning into Anakin Skywalker, Chris Evans/Captain America & Spiderman / Tom Holland.

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TNG Crew abuse deepfake
Episode Title

15 — 06min 16sec — 15 November 2024
The crew abuse this deepfake AI voice over program. Example: Captain Picard turns Dr Crusher into Scarlett Johansson and tries to date her. Riker turns into Robert Downey Dr / Tony Stark Ironman / Doom.

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