The Romulan War
Stone Age Audio; Series (Drama) — Nashville, USA

THE ROMULAN WAR ("TRW") is based on the Star Trek universe created by Gene Roddenberry and documents the critical historic event leading to the creation of the Federation - the war between Earth and the Romulan Empire. It vividly embraces the entire sweep of the 22nd century's most devastating war. The social and political events of the era. The vicious space battles and the grief-stricken home fronts. The heroic adventures of captain and cadet alike. From the ambush of Salem One to the Battle of Cheron, THE ROMULAN WAR tells stories of heroism and courage alongside tales of loss and brutality which affected countless millions. Earth's developments in technology, tactics, and diplomacy are examined, as is the political and social unrest which eventually led to the Romulans' humiliating defeat. Captain's logs, eyewitness video, journal entries, and period photographs combine with "found footage" of the war's key conflicts to realistically depict a world where mankind's very survival is at stake.
News, Reviews, & Links
Writer, Mark Naccarato, appears on Trekyards Video channel: (30 Apr 2018)
Mark Naccarato on the "Continuing Mission" podcast!: (01 May 2018)
Mark Naccarato on the "Final Frontier" podcast: (08 May 2018)
Mark Naccarato cohosts Trekyards to talk about the ships of the Romulan War: (02 Jun 2018)
Detailed article introducing The Romulan War: (15 Aug 2018)
Video interview by Matt Miller on Trekzone of producer, Mark Naccarato and Perth, West Australian film maker, Aaron Vanderkley on their proposed collaboration: (08 Sep 2018)
Article about the current status of the series and a review of the third episode: (21 Sep 2018)
Mark Naccarato is interviewed on Starpod Log podcast: (09 Dec 2018)
Preamble to War

0.5 — 05min 35sec — 11 November 2019
Mission Briefing: Historian Brandon Chambers (Ethan Jones) and Romulan spymaster Kovallus (Rob Wilds) recap the events that lead up to the Earth-Romulan War of the 22nd century.
Watch on YouTube:
The 5th major release but framed as a background piece to introduce the Romulan War
Teaser for this episode: (08 Nov 2019)
Sleep Is Hard to Find (pt. 1)

1 — 04min 22sec — 08 August 2018
Colin Varro is a special investigator for Starfleet Command's JAG office, whose "white card" gets him unrestricted access to any Earth ship, colony, or facility. With the Romulan War in full force, Investigator Varro has been pulled out of retirement to put his skills to the test. But during the chaos of wartime, unforeseen mysteries can appear at any moment, even during a transit mission to Starbase Two. When Varro encounters a lifeboat floating in space, he finds a mystery that unveils an even darker side to the war.
Watch on YouTube:
Listen to this on Soundcloud:
Audio only
Sleep Is Hard to Find (pt. 2)

2 — 04min 41sec — 08 August 2018
Rear Admiral Colin Varro is a special investigator for Starfleet Command's JAG office. He's one of the elite few with "white card" access to any Earth ship, colony, or facility. Varro's mission: to uphold the finest traditions of Starfleet by uncovering the truth and upholding justice. That includes the mystery surrounding the deaths of the crew of E.C.S. Clarion. Were they killed during an accident, by the Romulans, or by... something else?
Watch on YouTube:
Listen to this on Soundcloud:
Audio only
They Want Us Dead

3 — 04min 26sec — 21 September 2018
"They Want Us Dead" is the eyewitness account of MACO sergeant Trisha Goddard - the sole survivor of her unit's face-to-face contact with a Romulan brigade of shock troops in the campaign to liberate Berengaria VII. Goddard recounts the terror and helplessness she felt while facing a ruthless enemy who had Starfleet outmanned and outgunned.
Watch on YouTube:
Listen to this on Soundcloud:
Audio drama narration over video dramatisation
Final Flight

4 — 04min 01sec — 20 December 2018
After two years of bloody defeats to the Romulans, Earth's only chance to turn the tide of war, a desperate attempt to perfect a Warp 7 engine. However the NX-Zeta Project has suffered a series of fatal setbacks, leaving only UESPA pilot, Lt. Commander Geoffrey Christopher as Earth's last hope. Does he have the right stuff in order to survive the final flight of NX-Zeta?
Watch on YouTube:
Listen to this on Soundcloud:
Lt. Commander Geoffrey Christopher is played Jonathan Lane.
The Fighting Fourth

5 — 05min 09sec — 11 March 2019
Paul Mayweather, an Earth Cargo Service captain, organizes a small fleet of "Q-ships" to fight back against the Romulans' attacks on the shipping lanes. The story of the "Fighting Fourth" is told by crewman Evander Littlejohn (played by Chewe Nkole), a ship's engineer who helped design the Q-ships.
Watch on YouTube:
Article about this episode on their website: (11 Mar 2019)

5.5 — 00min 43sec — 20 March 2020
Teaser for the upcoming release of part 1, the medical ship Nightingale, carrying refugees from Alpha Centauri, is just another target to the Romulan Star Empire.
Watch on YouTube:
This clip features the voice of L. Honey Hereth, visual effects from Samuel Cockings, and an original music piece by Nashville composer Mark Allen.
Blog entry on website that gives extensive background info about this clip: (20 Mar 2020)
Terra Nova
5.6 — 00min 40sec — 12 August 2020
A teaser for the upcoming episode "Hunting Grounds" released as a faux LCARS screen on the 'lost'colony of Terra Nova
Watch on YouTube:
Hunting Grounds

6 — 04min 39sec — 14 August 2020
The newly-rediscovered human colony on Terra Nova has come under attack by the Romulans and their leader Jamin calls for help. With the Starfleet picket force all but destroyed, it's up to the MACO's to protect the colonists on the ground. But MACO Sergeant Anderson Le soon discovers that the colony may not be the Romulans' true target.
Watch the audio drama over a video presentation on YouTube:
Listen to the audio drama on Soundcloud:
Ships of the Line Teaser
6.5 — 00min 44sec — 02 October 2020
Teaser for the next episode, "Ships of the Line", which examines the ad hoc navy Earth assembled to face the Romulan war machine in the 2150's.
Watch on YouTube:
Ships of the Line

7 — 04min 47sec — 05 October 2020
Brandon Chambers (Ethan Jones) discusses "Project Deploy" - Starfleet's historic and desperate attempt to field a navy that can stand up to the Romulan war machine in the years leading up to 2156
Watch on Youtube:
The Romulan War (Part 1)

08 — 24min 31sec — 19 October 2020
This is the one you've been waiting for after 7 small webisodes and audio dramas. Produced in the style of a documentary, this video examines the first two years of the Earth-Romulan War.
Watch on YouTube:
Election 2158

09 — 01min 00sec — 06 November 2020
A perhaps toungue-in-cheek look at a Romulan political advert worth by Praetor D'Deridex III
Watch on YouTube:

10 — 03min 05sec — 13 February 2021
Sgt. Anderson Le's MACO unit discovers a grisly scene and a mystery after liberating the Altair VI colony from the Romulans.
Watch on YouTube:
Described as a motion comic, it is an audiobook style narration over an animated version of the comic made available as a pdf on 16 Apr 2019.
No-Win Scenario

11 — 04min 18sec — 14 August 2021
Brandon Chambers (Ethan Jones) and Hannah Cochrane (Katherine Morgan) reveal the "true story" that inspired Starfleet Academy's legendary Kobayashi Maru training program.
Watch on YouTube:
Current Production Notes
They are still accepting contributions on Indiegogo for a fan film that is completed and in post-production with a tentative release date of May, 2019. [Source]