Star Trek: Enterprise - The New Generation
Stone Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Drama) — Germany
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Art Asylum action figures were used to make the two episodes of this Stop Action animation from Germany by JK-Produktion Stop Motion Studio.
News, Reviews, & Links
Extensive article by Jonathan Lane on Fan Film Friday: (12 Mar 2021)
Episodes Der Zeitspiegel : Crossroads Admin Tools: Add Viewing Link Add News Link Add Image Delete Episode
01 — 30min 53sec — 24 December 2009 The NX-01 has been equipped with a new experimental warp drive. But when Captain Archer and the crew test the engine something unexpected happens. The crew are flung into unknown peril which could endanger not only the NX-01 but the entire universe as we know it. Within a void between a myriad of universes lies a derelict Miranda-Class Vessel. Here Commander T`Pol is contacted by a familiar crew who hold the key to saving the NX-01 and the universe from a deadly foe known only as “The Red Empire”
Release with English language soundtrack (25 Jun 2013):
Russian language release, Deadlink as at 23 Oct 2021:
Original release in German (24 Feb 2013):
Der Anfang vom Ende : The Beginning Of The End Admin Tools: Add Viewing Link Add News Link Add Image Delete Episode
02 — 58min 06sec — 19 June 2016 After the events of the previous episode, "Crossroads", the Enterprise` crew under the command of Captain Jonathan Archer returns to a reality which is way different from the one they used to know. In “The Beginning of the End” the races of the future Federation fight against a cybernetic lifeform, which intends to destroy all of the organic beings it encounters. A destructive force - attacking the galaxy. The enemy is strong and is pursuing a hidden agenda. The crew, among them engineer Trip Tucker and T`Pol get unsuspected help from the future. An unknown way of communication helps to breach space, time and suspicion by the NX-01`s crew.
Released in German with English subtitles:
Unformatted Blogspot Notes (The original STR website included many notes, not all of which have been migrated to our new database yet. Here are additional notes about this series that have not yet been completely processed.)
Episode 1: Crossroads: (Approximately 30 minutes) Watch it here:
Although this fan film has been produced by many of the people involved in Phase II, it is not a product of Cawley Entertainment Company or Retro Films.
Here are some articles written about this series:,1399799 A second episode is entitled, "Der Anfang vom Ende" which, according to Ripper at the [now defunct] Phase II forums can be loosely translated "The Beginning of the End". Watch it here: Second Episode released in German with English subtitles 6/19/2016: (58:06) Russian language version: (58:06) Reviews: In English: In German: (1);art742,8904404 (2) (3) (4) (5) History: The second episode was close to completion on May 28, 2015. My understanding from the translation software that this will be in three parts. The second two parts, not yet released, will total 70 minutes. (However, this wasn't clear to me.) Here is the May 28, 2015 announcement, in the original German: Hallo Leute, seit 3 Wochen Arbeiten wir nun Intensiv, an den restlichen Animationen. Um unser gestecktes Ziel, die Fertigstellung der restlichen Animationen bis Ende Juli zu realisieren. Nun kann ich mit großer Freude heute vermelden, das wir in den letzten 3 Wochen, 6 Schlachtszenen fertigstellen konnten und Malte konnte wieder eindrucksvoll beweisen das er der Richtige Mann für diesen Job ist. Aber vor uns liegt noch viel Arbeit und wir hoffen das es weiterhin so gut Läuft. Es gibt auch erste Überlegungen zur vorstehenden Premiere des Filmes. Der Film wird nur bei der Premiere in voller Länge gezeigt, das heißt dass der Film im Internet in zwei Teile aufgeteilt wird so wie es vorher eigentlich geplant war. Der erste Teil wird „Das Böse Ehrwachen“ sein und der zweite „Der Anfang vom Ende“. Warum machen wir das? Ganzeinfach, wir erhoffen uns dadurch dass Ihr zur Premiere kommt um in den Genuss von ca. 70 min Filmlänge zu kommen. Und wir machen dies weil es wahrscheinlicher ist das ein ca. 35 min langer Film auf YouTube bis zum Ende geschaut wird als ein 70 min Lager Film. Die Veröffentlichung von „Das Böse Ehrwachen“ wird kurz nach der Premiere stattfinden. Das Finale von „Der Anfang vom Ende“ kommt ca. einen Monat später heraus. Somit haben wie am Ende eine Trilogie. Erster Teil „Der Zeitspiegel“ Zweiter Teil „Das Böse Ehrwachen“ Dritter Teil „Der Anfang vom Ende“ Schreibt uns doch in den Kommentaren was Ihr von der Idee haltet oder was für Wünsche und Anregungen Ihr für die Premiere und Veröffentlichung im Internet habt. eMBee, a native speaker of German, was kind enough offer this translation for we who do not speak German: Hello people, since 3 weeks we are now working intensively on the remaining animations. In order to reach the goal we set, to complete the remaining animations by the end of july. Now i can report with great joy that we were able to complete 6 battle scenes in the last 3 weeks, and Malte could prove impressively, that he is the right man for this job. But there is still a lot of work ahead of us and we hope that things will continue to run well. There are also first thoughts about the preceding premiere of the movie. Only at the premiere, the movie will be shown in full length, that means in the internet it will be split in two parts as it was planned originally. The first part will be „Das Böse Ehrwachen“ [see below for a note on the translation of the tile] and the second part will be „Der Anfang vom Ende“ [the beginning of the end] Why are we doing that? Simply, we hope that this way you will come to the premiere in order to enjoy about 70 minutes of film. And we do it because on youtube it is more likely that a 35 minute film is watched to the end, than a 70 minute film. „Das Böse Ehrwachen“ will be published shortly after the premiere, and the conclusion of „Der Anfang vom Ende“ will be released about a month later. So we get a trilogy. First part „Der Zeitspiegel“ [the time-mirror] Second part „Das Böse Ehrwachen“ Third part „Der Anfang vom Ende“ Write in the comments what you think about this idea or what wishes or suggestions you have for premiere and publication in the internet. [On the translation of: „Das Böse Ehrwachen“: "das böse erwachen" translates to: "the rude awakening", however as spelled "ehrwachen", this is either a typo or an intentional play on words. "ehrwachen" is most likely a portmanteau of "ehre" and "erwachen", that means of "honor" and "awakening". "böse" also more directly translates to "evil" so you get something like: "the evil honor-awakening". "ehrwachen" could also be translated as as "honorguards", but then the grammatic gender is wrong. it should be "die", because it's plural, but even in singular, the grammatic gender of "wache" (guard) is female ("die"), not neutral ("das"), furthermore, if "wachen" is plural, "böse" would also need to be plural. "the evil honorguards" translates back correctly to "die bösen ehrwachen" which is quite different from the actual title "das böse ehrwachen". a third interpretation would be to take "ehrwachen" as the activity of honor-guarding. With that grammatic gender and number would be correct and the translation would be: "the evil honor-guarding"] ******************** Releases along the way were as follows: They released a trailer in German on May 24, 2011. German only: (2:16) German with English subtitles: (2:16) A new trailer released October 16, 2013: (2:02). Mostly credits and CGI. Preview released June 7, 2014: (0:08) Official Trailer Released July 23, 2014: (1:26) Also: Teaser-Trailer: (1:20) Opening sequence: (3:14) Extended exerpt: (12:52) 3D effects video: (1:45) Another release: (2:01) As of early 2014, work continues on the second film. Final Trailer for completion (which is now two films) released 4/18/2016: (2:46) Commentary (in German) for theatrical release in Germany: Short about the film: (1:09) 12/16/2018 Short film about the studio, (3:14). 12/18/2018, same film in English, (3:11)