Star Trek: The Lost Missions
Golden Age Toys / Puppets / Stop-Motion; Series (Parody) — USA
Mego Star Trek is the Youtube channel of G247 Studios and Producer, Thomas R. Griffin where he plans to have a number of Action Figure Series starting with "Star Trek: The Lost Missions" and followed by "The Klingons Are Coming" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation: Missing Reports" and several others.
S1 - Opening Theme
01 — 01min 09sec — 03 August 2024
The Star Trek crew, at the close of their 5-Year Mission, when a severe Ion Storm opens The Mutara Wormhole, where, The Enterprise gets pulled into the wormhole, and ends up in an alternate universe, only known as The X-Verse. Now, Kirk and his crew must traverse The X-Verse, and find their way back home.
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Welcome To The X-Verse
02 — 00min 32sec — 17 August 2024
At the close of the 5-Year Mission, the U.S.S. Enterprise encounters a severe ion storm, which opens The Mutara Wormhole, and drags the Enterprise into the Wormhole. Now, faced against uncertain enemies and new dangers in an unknown, alternate universe, the Enterprise crew must find a way to return, back through The Mutara Wormhole, to their universe, and home.
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The Second Return Of The Archons And Landru's Artificial Intelligence (AI)
03 — 00min 52sec — 17 September 2024
The Enterprise returns to Planet Beta III in The X-Verse, and has found that Landru (Aka LANdru Aka Local-Area-Network DRU = Directed Robotic Unit) has a back-up core computer in the planet's depth. Kirk and Spock come to find that Landru's AI and Quantum Computing have been upgraded, with new weapons, and new powers.
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Ruk And Andrea Rebuild The Old Ones' Army
04 — 00min 40sec — 22 September 2024
Another Ruk android was reactivated 1 year after Captain Kirk and Nurse Chapel left planet EXO-III. Ruk used the 'Android Maker' to make another Andrea, and both of them now have five android Captain James T. Kirks, with which to capture the Enterprise, and spread their army across the X-Verse. This is a continuation of "What Are Little Girls Made Of"
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Operation: Rock Climb

05 — 04min 53sec — 30 October 2024
As part of a 'Team Building Exercise' for his ship's executive staff, Captain Kirk has decided to implement Operation: Rock Climb. Because of Captain Kirk's long love of rock climbing, Spock and Kirk, and Dr. McCoy, beam down to Ceti Beta II, where they will face trials and danger, as part of this 'exercise.'
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Captain Kirk Pushes The Enterprise Engines To Warp 14!

06 — 01min 32sec — 15 October 2024
"Captain Kirk Pushes The Enterprise Engines To Warp 14" Captain Kirk is determined to get both the crew and the Enterprise in excellent, wartime shape, in order to survive, and traverse through the dangerous X-Verse, and return home. Kirk keeps pushing the Enterprise, along with Sulu, Uhura, and Chekov, to reach Warp 14! Now, they know what the ship can do. As B1Laxson excellently stated: "Once Kirk knows what a lady can do, he goes onto the next one."
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Dr. McCoy Orders Spa (Party) Treatment For Captain Kirk

07 — 02min 44sec — 18 October 2024
Due to the enormous pressure and stress of life, running the starship Enterprise in the X-Verse, Dr. McCoy has ordered a 'Spa Treatment' for Captain Kirk, and himself, on Oceania, where the hospitality is renowned all throughout the galaxy.
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