Space Trick
Golden Age Animation; Series (Parody) — USA
Scamming. The sleazy frontier. These are the voyages of the USS Scambust It's mission: to seek out internet scammers... to scambait them thus wasting their time... to boldly go and destroy their operation once and for all! By Fingerblade Entertainment.
Airline Scammer vs Captain Sulu

01 — 12min 55sec — 02 October 2020
"Captain's log, This is Captain George Sulu from the USS SCAMBUST reporting. We have successfully completed time warp back to the early 21st Century in an attempt to thwart a serious problem for humanity. Not only in their era, but in future generations as well. I'm talking about internet scammers, whose sole purpose is to steal money from poor, unsuspecting citizens.”
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Includes a real phone call to scammer!!