Star Trash (2019)
Silver Age Film; Series (Parody)
WARNING R RATED! Soft porn series created for a youtube channel, "The Dick Bush Show" whose creator describes it as "The ONLY porn show comedy chat show"
Encounter At Friction Point

01 — 06min 54sec — 13 October 2019
Newly fired from The Alliance StarForce due to incompetence, Captain Justin has found a job onboard a refuse collection vehicle. Arriving at their designated collection point to pick up some Space Debris, the crew find signs of life amongst the garbage... or maybe they don't.
Released on YouTube:
Episode 1

02 — 05min 29sec — 27 January 2020
An Ocraxian Stripper pursues the Star Trash crew, insisting that the Captain owes her money!
Watch on YouTube:
Part 2

03 — 04min 44sec — 24 February 2020
The Crew are under fire from an Ocraxian Stripper who insists The Captain owes her money! Only some quick thinking will get them out of this one... or not.
Watch on YouTube:
Episode 3

04 — 05min 19sec — 28 March 2020
As the Cloaked Pirate Warship looms ever closer, Captain Sider must make the ultimate sacrifice to save his crew.
Watch on YouTube:
Episode 2 (Cut for time from The Dick Bush Show Episode 2)

05 — 05min 56sec — 04 April 2020
The full Star Trash Episode 2.
Watch on YouTube: