Star Trek Deception*/
Silver Age Film; Series (Drama) — Northwich, Cheshire, UK

Set during the relatively peaceful times of the The Next Generation era, this focuses on two Starfleet officers of the USS Longshanks, a Federation Excelsior class starship.
Live action, Adult fans, sets, costumes, green screens, CGI has English and Spanish subtitles.
Star Trek Deception

01 — 08min 29sec — 17 May 2013
Two Starfleet officers aboard a Danube Class Runabout who are transporting a Klingon prisoner to a detention centre are ambushed by a Klingon Bird of Prey that has been lying in wait.
Watch on YouTube:
Star Trek Deception 2

02 — 15min 00sec — 13 October 2018
After attaching a tracking device to their Klingon prisoner and setting up an elaborate deception to allow to him to escape, the crew of the USS Longshanks, a Federation Excelsior class starship, are led straight to the main staging point for Klingon raiding attacks that have been plaguing the system recently. With the mission to find the Klingons responsible and, if necessary, eliminate them...
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Star Trek Deception 3

03 — 15min 16sec — 07 June 2024
Star Trek Deception 3 continues the adventures of Lieutenant Miller and Commander Stoven aboard the USS Longshanks. Lieutenant Miller has been put in charge of an investigation to find out who murdered a Vulcan ambassador during the Klingon-Federation peace talks, only to find out nobody is what they appear to be.
Watch on YouTube:
"This film was started back in 2020 and has taken a little over four years to create, we hope you enjoy it!"
Making Of Documentary: (23 Jun 2024)
Unformatted Blogspot Notes
(The original STR website included many notes, not all of which have been migrated to our new database yet. Here are additional notes about this series that have not yet been completely processed.)