Star Trek The Skipped Generation
Silver Age Animation; Series (Parody)
Heavily mashed up parodies on the 'Farce Clips' Youtube channel.
#1 Star Trek: The Skipped Generation
#2 Picard fires Geordi
02 — 01min 28sec — 26 November 2023
Mashup Parody
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#3 Riker gets frisky with Guinan, Rude advances.
03 — 01min 50sec — 07 December 2023
Mashup Parody
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04 — 01min 44sec — 08 December 2023
Mashup Parody
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#5 Another Confrontation
#6 Picard longs for a Cup of Coffee from Star Bean
06 — 01min 37sec — 13 December 2023
Mashup Parody
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#7 Riker drools on the rotten Lumber!
07 — 01min 04sec — 15 December 2023
Mashup Parody
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#8 Riker Hangs Around
08 — 01min 35sec — 17 December 2023
Mashup Parody
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#9- Worf gets Beat up
#10- Riker gets beat up
10 — 01min 31sec — 25 December 2023
The Picard/Riker relationship has it’s ups and downs.
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#11 -Getting Rid of Riker
11 — 01min 22sec — 26 December 2023
Commander Riker gets a raw deal as he becomes too smart for his own good.
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#12 -Captain Picard fixes the Enterprise
12 — 01min 17sec — 31 December 2023
Captain Jean-Luc Picard fixes the Enterprise. After the engine drive breaks down, his diagnostic is spot on:" She must've backfired through the carburetor!".
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#13-Picard sends Dr. Crusher to Hawaii

13 — 01min 38sec — 02 January 2023
After being frustrated by his "Old Lady-Pal"-Dr.crusher, Picard sends her to Hawaii, before setting Commander Worf and Commander Riker straight on a couple of issues.
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#14-Attitude Re-adjustment
14 — 01min 44sec — 02 January 2023
Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Commander William Riker have another heart to heart until the Enterprise is confronted by two Romulan Spaceships. After his charming diplomacy fails, he takes care of the situation in his way.
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#15-Picard's Tension Release
15 — 01min 20sec — 03 January 2023
Picard wins another Captain title in a "Captain for Captain' -election. Commander Riker orders his Coffee and doesn't like it, while Picard celebrates by shooting up old communication and computer equipment.
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#16-Coffee Allowance
16 — 02min 07sec — 05 January 2023
Captain Picard tries to get a cup of black coffee from his incapable crew. After raising Commander Data's allowance by $20.00 per week, he is letting out his frustration on an oncoming Alien-vessel.
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#17-Dopey Picard Rids Cosmos Of Coffee-Punks

17 — 01min 24sec — 07 January 2023
Captain Picard has a face to face with Riker. When the Enterprise is approached by Coffee-Punks, and Commander Data explains:" These kids have big Coffee- dreams! Now, they know there is a coffee out there and they're getting in line to grab it." So Picard takes care of the situation.
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#18-Rude Picard Clowns Dr.Crusher And Aliens
18 — 01min 37sec — 08 January 2023
Captain Jean-Luc Picard explains the origins of Coffee to Dr.Crusher. When Commander Data announces: "Coffee-Punks in your face, Captain!", Picard takes out the attackers Picard-Style.
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#19-Bastardly Move By Picard On Coffee Shop Alien
19 — 02min 11sec — 11 January 2023
Captain Picard has a man to man coffee-talk with Counselor Troy, before Riker shows him the monthly Star Bean Coffee Billing statement. After Dolores, the Star Bean Employee, pressures Picard to pay the $500.00, the Captain pays the bill in the only way he knows.
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Star Trek:Picard's Revenge

41 — 02min 20sec — 30 December 2023
Captain Picard returns and is more anti-woke than ever. If being overly kind and over the top niceness is called "woke", then this Picard is fully asleep! The Starship Captain of the USS Enterprise continues his galactic pursuit of a good cup of coffee at any cost. And he doesn't mind stepping on a few toes to get one! Disclaimer: No Cats, Humans or Aliens have been harmed in this video!
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Coffee Baristas From Hell

42 — 02min 07sec — 04 February 2024
Captain Picard encounters Baristas from hell in his quest for a cup of coffee. Barista Arnold Schwarzenegger as Conan, Barista Bud Spencer as the Manager and Barista Angelina Jolie are employees at the Brown Water Tavern in this short parody. As before, Picard handles the situation in his own way.
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Picard Destroys U-Boat Captain of U-96

43 — 02min 21sec — 25 February 2024
In this short parody, the Star Trek Next Generation crew commandeers the cruise ship Queen Mary 2 in search for the Captain's much desired morning coffee. Any obstacles presented by Sen. John Kerry, the German Submarine Captain from "Das Boot" (The Boat), or even Dwayne The Rock Johnson, who is serving Coffee at a Tropical beach bar, are dealt with in the Picard-way.
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