Star Spoof Voyager
Silver Age Animation; Series (Parody)
Also called "Star Trek Voyager Cartoon"
Star Spoof Voyager

03min 51sec — 27 February 2009
Is Romance in the air for Captain Janeway? How will she avoid getting home this time? What is she going to do with the Borg? Find out on this loving parody installment of Star Spoof Voyager.
Star Spoof Voyager, Part 2

06min 04sec — 16 March 2009
This is the thrilling conclusion to my parody adventures of the Voyager Crew. Will Voyager be destroyed by the Borg? Can Janeway get a sexy drone? Find out!
03min 44sec — 23 March 2009
I loved Star Trek Voyager, so this spoof is in tribute to the show. Stayed tuned to further installments! This story ain't over yet!