Raumschiff Highlander
Pre-Stone Age Film; Series (Drama) — Germany
The Return of Captain Norad

H1 — 32min 47sec — 01 January 1992
Captain Norads Reise beginnt : Hier ist der Film, mit dem alles begann in die dagewesener HD-Qualität. Erlebe den ersten Fan-Film-Flug des Raumschiff Highlander in dieser offiziellen Version. Auf Deutsch ohne Untertitel.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ouSEpNnifzU
May 8, 2013 - Uploaded to YouTube by Movie Factory without sound for copyright reasons. Producer, Robert Amper said... "The first part of the spaceship Highlander series, which was shot in 1992 and then aired on Sat1. Except for the third part - H3 - all films are on Youtube. H3 will still need a little [work], but - he will come ... Released on YouTube, but found to be a dead link on Feb 02, 2023
Jan 16 2023 - Captain Norad's Journey Begins : Here's the movie that started it all in unprecedented HD quality. Experience the first fan film flight of the Starship Highlander in this official version. In German with no subtitles. The film has been digitally remastered from the horrible VHS quality by all rules of the art from www.scifinews.de.
00:00 - Preface to the film by Robert Amper
10:22 - Information about the new version
11:20 - Start of film
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0377249/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2 (22 Jan 2019)
Our ReviewGerman speaking fans are invited to submit a summary/review of this item to be included here.
12min 43sec — 30 November -0001
Captain Norad, Ruler of the Universe

H2 — 52min 25sec — 01 January 1993
Captain Norads Reise geht weiter: Als "Herrscher über das Universum" begegnet Captain Norad diesmal den Klingonen und muss sich einer großen Herausforderung stellen. Erlebe den zweiten Fan-Film-Flug des Raumschiff Highlander in dieser offiziellen HD-Version. Jeden 15. des Monats gibt es hier im Kanal einen weiteren Raumschiff Highlander Film, garniert mit einem Vorwort von Highlander Regisseur, Darsteller und Drehbuchautor Robert Amper.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Jik5NbR60qk
Watch on YouTube, Released May 16, 2023 HD Remastered Offizielle Version: https://youtu.be/g5C-R77UqDs
10 May 2013 Uploaded by Movie Factory. The second part of the spaceship Highlander series, which was filmed in 1993 and then aired on Sat1. At the moment four parts of the "Spaceship Highlander" series are online. H1, H2, H4 and H5. Whereby H5 is hard to see because of "missing rights that GEMA has not granted". But a good person has posted a handy link on H5, as you can still see the movie. H3 is still coming, but that will take some time.
16 Feb 2023 Captain Norad's journey continues: as "Ruler of the Universe", this time Captain Norad encounters the Klingons and must face a great challenge. Experience the second fan film flight of the Starship Highlander in this official HD version. German without subtitles, with a foreword by Highlander director, actor & screenwriter Robert Amper, the movie starts at 10:22.
German speaking fans are invited to submit a review of this item to be included here.
Captain Norad: King of the Impossible

H3 — 53min 59sec — 27 September 1997
Captain Norad macht das Unmögliche möglich: Als "König des Unmöglichen" sprengt Norad mittels einer falschen Computereingabe die HIGHLANDER in die Luft. Doch unverdrossen konstruiert die Raumflotte ein neues Schiff, die HIGHLANDER 2404-A, die sie wiederum seinem Kommando unterstellt. Der Film beginnt bei 7:58
Watch on YouTube, Released Mar 16, 2023 HD Remastered H3 Offizielle Version: https://youtu.be/8kCC6T5DQjA
Watch on YouTube, released on Aug 15, 2015: https://youtu.be/M7OCqf93c70
Captain Norad makes the impossible possible: As "King of the Impossible" Norad blows up the HIGHLANDER by means of a wrong computer input. But undaunted, the space fleet constructs a new ship, the HIGHLANDER 2404-A, which they in turn place under his command.
Film starts at 7:58

H4 — 01hr 13min 47sec — 01 January 1998
Mit neuer Digitaltechnik wurde damals, 1998, der vierte Raumschiff Highlander Star Trek Fan-Film gedreht. Damals sollte es der Letzte sein und so zog man alle Register. Erstmalig digital gefilmt, erstrahlt der Film nun, restauriert mit KI-Technik und viel Know How in neuem Glanz. Der Film beginnt bei 6:41
Watch on YouTube, Released Apr 16, 2023 HD Remastered H3 Offizielle Version: https://youtu.be/Pnpcra4Elfk
Watch on YouTube, Released on Sep 09, 2015: https://youtu.be/hgR9sAKzaxE
Back in 1998, the fourth Starship Highlander Star Trek fan film was shot using new digital technology. At that time, it was supposed to be the last one and so they pulled out all the stops. Filmed digitally for the first time, the film now shines in new splendor, restored with AI technology and a lot of know-how.
Film starts at 6:41
Norad. Resurrection

H5 — 01hr 06min 08sec — 16 January 1999
Sag niemals nie: Überraschend erschien 1999 ein fünfter Teil der Raumschiff Highlander Star Trek Fan-Film-Reihe. Erneut sollte es damals der Letzte sein, später kam es dann doch ganz anders. Dank den Hammer-Typen von scifinews.de erstrahlt der damals in SD gedrehte Film, restauriert mit KI-Technik und viel Know How, in neuem, fast HD-würdigem Glanz. 0:00 - Vorwort zum Film von Robert Amper 14:57 - Informationen zur neuen Version 15:54 - Filmstart
Watch on YouTube, Released May 16, 2023 HD Remastered H5 Offizielle Version: https://youtu.be/g5C-R77UqDs
Never say never: Surprisingly, a fifth part of the Starship Highlander Star Trek fan film series was released in 1999. Again, it was supposed to be the last one at that time, but later it turned out quite differently. Thanks to the Hammer guys at scifinews.de, the film, which was shot in SD back then, restored with AI technology and a lot of know-how, shines in new, almost HD-worthy splendor.
0:00 - Preface to the film by Robert Amper
14:57 - Information about the new version
15:54 - Film start

H6 — 59min 26sec — 23 October 2021
Kein Deutscher Star Trek Fanfilm war je erfolgreicher - Nun kehrt Robert Ampers Captain Robert T. Norad mit "Raumschiff Highlander H6: NORAD" für sein letztes Abenteuer zurück. Das große Finale rund um das Raumschiff Highlander erscheint in der exklusiven 4K Version hier im Kanal.0:00 - Vorwort zum Film von Robert Amper 08:45 - Informationen zur neuen Version 09:42 - Filmstart
Watch on YouTube, Released Jun 16, 2023 HD Remastered H5 Offizielle Version: https://youtu.be/VOvHt5yM2cY
No German Star Trek fan film has ever been more successful - Now Robert Amper's Captain Robert T. Norad returns for his last adventure with "Starship Highlander H6: NORAD". The grand finale all about the Starship Highlander appears in the exclusive 4K version here on the channel.
0:00 - Preface to the film by Robert Amper
08:45 - Information about the new version
09:42 - Film start
Unformatted Blogspot Notes
(The original STR website included many notes, not all of which have been migrated to our new database yet. Here are additional notes about this series that have not yet been completely processed.)