Star Trek: Time Warp
Silver Age Animation; Series (Drama)

Star Trek: Time Warp is the name of an animated Star Trek Fan Film series, originaly a Trilogy, now made up of four films: Star Trek: Specter Of The Past, Star Trek: Retribution, Star Trek: Redemption and Star Trek: Resurrection. The vast majority of it created by the producer, Brandon M. Bridges.
News, Reviews, & Links
Review of the series by J.F.Klingle on "366 Weird Movies": (06 Feb 2018)
Star Trek: Specter from the Past

01 — 03hr 09min 44sec — 15 July 2009
This epic movie tells the story of two friends from Starfleet Academy, Gaius Reyf and Braiyon Elias Garr, a leading Starfleet scientist who suddenly goes off the deep end, faking his own death to go into hiding. Five years later, he returns, meaner and more dangerous than ever.
Watch final release on YouTube, 13 Aug 2012:
15 Jly 2009 First of many draft releases on
02 Oct 2010 Director's Edition released in segments.
18 Nov 2010 Ultimate Edition released in segments.
13 Aug 2012 A new version uploaded to YouTube.
Exhaustive article on Star Trek Expanded: (13 Jan 2009)
SciFiMeshes forum thread detailing the production of the film: (15 Jul 2009)
IMDB entry: (01 Jan 2010)
Review on TV Tropes: (23 May 2012)
Star Trek: Retribution

02 — 03hr 17min 28sec — 08 March 2012
The peace of the Alpha Quadrant is shattered when the Romulan sun suddenly goes supernova, destroying the entire solar system and countless innocent lives with it. Things go worse when evidence surfaces that Starfleet may have been responsible.
Watch Full movie on YouTube:
Oct 13 2010 Writing started
Jan 12 2011 Production commenced
Nov 08 2011 Production put on hold
Jun 18 2012 Production recommenced
Jly 12 2012 Final scene posted
Aug 08 2012 Complete film posted on YouTube
Exhaustive article on Star Trek Expanded: (12 Jan 2011)
SciFiMeshes forum thread detailing the production of the film: (15 Jan 2011)
Review on TV Tropes: (24 May 2012)
IMDB entry: (31 Dec 2012)
Star Trek: Redemption

03 — 04hr 07min 06sec — 17 August 2014
A massive temporal disaster strikes in the year 2399. Much of the Federation destroyed and Earth is a volcanic wasteland. Desperate to restore the present, Captain Kendra Ronston reunites with her fractured crew, and travels into the past to undo the damage. But waiting for her is the most sinister nemesis the Federation has ever known, and to stop him, she will have to enlist help from an unexpected source.
Watch remastered version on YouTube:
Jly 27 2012 Production begins.
Sep 22 2012 Final scene of Act I posted, "production stopdown to correct some errors and inconsistencies".
Aug 13 2014 Declared complete.
Aug 17 2014 Video uploaded.
Exhaustive article on Star Trek Expanded: (24 Jul 2012)
Review on TV Tropes: (05 Aug 2012)
SciFiMeshes forum thread detailing the production of the film: (31 Dec 2013)
Star Trek: Resurrection

04 — 03hr 23min 18sec — 22 January 2025
Brandon M. Bridges has released the ‘Pre-Final Draft’ of the fourth film in his Star Trek: Time Warp series which is a prequel and a sequel to the series at the same time. Over three hours of dramatic, story-driven, human-generated animation, NOT AI!
Watch on YouTube:
Exhaustive article on Star Trek Expanded: (28 Mar 2025)
Unformatted Blogspot Notes
(The original STR website included many notes, not all of which have been migrated to our new database yet. Here are additional notes about this series that have not yet been completely processed.)